Could we have a small town kino thread?
Could we have a small town kino thread?
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Woa never heard of this. Woody AND Sam Rockwell?
On the other hand In Bruges was reddit shit
In Bruges
was gonna post this
This was pretty good. Watched it on vacation and made me thankful for what I have.
>In Bruges was Reddit shit
KYS that movie was a fucking masterpiece
Nightcrawler sucks I haven't seen it
Good movie
Haven't seen the movie but Friday Night Lights is absolute kino, especially the first two seasons. Really nails the nostalgic bliss of living your prime teenage years in a small town. The part at the end where Riggins buys the land is comfy as fuck.
>le inanimate object face
>swearing midget
mcdonagh is a poor man's guy richie
guy richie is a poor man's tarantino
Southern Belles
>guy ritchie is a poor man's tarantino
They're not even remotely the same, and Tarantino is creepy.
>Friday Night Lights
Does it accurately capture the feels of living in a small rural town? I'm from an EU metropolitan area and have no idea
I grew up in small-town Northern Indiana, very similar feels except everyone was crazy about basketball instead of football
Certain Women was really good
Great film.
Thanks user, dl this now.
I felt pretty connected to the setting in this one.
Nobody's Fool is the ultimate small town movie. One of Newman's best efforts.
do Yurosemens really think 120,000 people is a small town?
I grew up in the biggest town for 60 miles around and it was 6,000 people. Surrounding places had 300-1,500 people
And this is Minnesota, not Wyoming
Also a movie you only ever need to watch once unless you like feeling profoundly uncomfortable
Tonal Inconsistencies: The Movie, but is so almost-kino that it might be worth a watch for some.
Russian kino; if you like an unsettling tone that occasionally goes nuts this is up your alley
Madds kino, the town itself isn't that small but it is about a tight-knit community
I'm done, captcha is a fucking
i was going to post this too, user. very comfy
>small town kino
all the real girls is the quintessential small town kino, imo
the cinematography is great too: