Wew lad.
Wew lad
pple dont like pedophiles rly make u think
Jagten man did nothing wrong.
I liked it.
>People judge someone and ruin his life without any evidence
Kids don't lie.
yes that is the point of the movie
True story, when I was in third grade, this bunch of girls came and took over the hill on the oval that we always play on and we got into a fight. One of the girls said I used the F word towards her, and the teacher believed her and gave me detention despite my protests of innocence. He kept saying "are you telling me she would lie"? I hate that scumbag piece of shit so much till this day, he basically shamed an 8 year old me based on lies and punished me for nothing.
Is this a good movie?
Sounds like one of those movies you watch if you want to feel bad
Its great
>Sounds like one of those movies you watch if you want to feel bad
It's exactly that.
It's Sup Forums kino
>tfw realize that this can happen to any man and you're fucked no matter what
This movie is terrifying, but "women are so oppressed".
I don't have any friends to lose but also nor anyone to protect me.
>Socks. No socks?
felt bad for the dog during that scene, woulda let him in, seemed cold outside senpai
that really strange because something similar happened to me when I was in third grade, this bunch of girls came and took over the hill on the oval that we always play on and we got into a fight. One of the girls said I used the F word towards her, and the teacher believed her and gave me detention despite my protests of innocence. He kept saying "are you telling me she would lie"? I hate that scumbag piece of shit so much till this day, he basically shamed an 9 year old me based on lies and punished me for nothing.
that was one powerful film
>and it could happen to me
Yes to both
I don't remember this part.
The whole time was fearing that richbro would either turn on him or be using him as a scapegoat since he sure as fuck would have a basement.
Thankfuly he was merely a good friend.
Man, this is crazy because when I was in third grade, this bunch of girls came and took over the hill on the oval that we always play on and we got into a fight. One of the girls said I used the F word towards her, and the teacher believed her and gave me detention despite my protests of innocence. He kept saying "are you telling me she would lie"? I hate that scumbag piece of shit so much till this day, he basically shamed an 10 year old me based on lies and punished me for nothing.
Everything was the kindergarten directors fault desu.
That made me madder and sadder than anything else. Fucking lunatics.
is a dubbed version out yet?
You disgust me
>Theo overhears Klara apologizing to Lucas as she drifts off to sleep. He realizes that Lucas is innocent, and he visits him on Christmas Day with food and alcohol as a peace offering.
are you fucking kidding me
Should've offered the daughter desu
Food and alcohol don't bring that dead dog back
Is this movie redpill? Is it safe to conclude it's a general statement about the nature of women?
It's a general statement about humans, and how we tend to jump to conclusion. You see it all the time on the internet and media. Sup Forums is one of the worst offenders, really.
It's the nature of every human being, we are all rumor spreading little coward cunts.
Just a simple newspaper headline like "user on trial for sexual assault" is enough for everyone to think that you actually did it, the outcome of the trial doesn't even matter at that point.
False allegations are a scary thing.
>guy looks like a Bond villain
>needing any more evidence
The movie wasn't about the people who belived the kid. It was about the kid lying in the first place.The movie is about women.
>slightly modified pasta sequence
Posting on Sup Forums as if it was reddit should be a bannable offense. Why are you here? Honest question. If you want to post on reddit, why not just post on reddit?
I sincerely hope this is bait.
The kid did nothing wrong except the first lie, the real culprits is that fat inspector guy who shoved answers in her mouth, her brother's friend for exposing her with hardcore pornography at the young age, her parents for actually convincing her that he actually abused her (her cunt mother especially) even though she repeatedly says he didn’t do anything, all the locals panicking and making up stories so everyone is somehow been abused etc
>b-but if she didn't lie none of this wouldn't happen
She wasn't even aware that it was a severe accusation, it could've easily been anyone.
While the lie set things in motion, what kept it going (and made it possible), was people jumping to conclusion. Even when the kid tried to tell the truth, the adults didn't believe her. If the town had reacted in a more sane way, there would be no movie. They would first investigate the situation without lynching, and when no evidence shows up, everything would go back to normal.
so who was the dude who gave him the warning shot at the end? was it his best buddy? the shape kinda looked like him.
It doesn't matter
The Hunt is a melodrama "sensitive"on topics about the sufferings of a kindergarten teacher falsely suspected of pedophilia. Throw them a few words of a little girl it is sufficient to stigmatize the eyes of the community - a Danish burg where access to the status of "man" is based on hunting permit. The teacher himself is a senior member of this community; not an exotic presence there, as was Nicole Kidman in Dogville (both titles are part of the same production company portfolio). His own fellow drinkers and hunting (headed by her father complaining that he considers his best friend's) are those who now take it to the target (with two or three abstentions); May not out forks and axes him. One can hardly say that Vinterberg is too delicately - that would never nice resort in demonstrating fierce irrationality that is capable of this provincial bourgeoisie, on behalf of its values householder. On the contrary, it's hard to imagine any emotional manipulation tactic spectator, cheap and primitive enough that Vinterberg to shy awaw from it: go to witch-hunt to kill the dog protagonist; and how else to announce this decision to cease to turn the other cheek, if not rejected his glasses? For this number of martyrs macho (interrupted just as he once more to each head-butting), Mikkelsen (an excellent actor, in fact) received the award for Best Actor at Cannes 2012.
he hunt is on to find and force all male filmmakers to stop making movies
It was the little girls brother, but it doesn't matter.
The director purposefully made it look ambiguous because it could've been anyone, meaning that no mater what he does or evidence he gives, there will be always someone who thinks he did it.
just bury the dog at the pet sematary
Fucking loved this movie
>dog dies
>reddit cries
What did they mean by this?
And what do we learn from this?
As an adult male never get close to children that are not yours or otherwise you might end up like Mads in that movie.
Luckiest trips
Who it was literally isn't the point.
The point is that even though the issue has apparently been resolved, things like this leave marks, and his life will never be the same
he could just move though
I know but I was still kinda curious
lmao tru
Kill yourself my laddy
I remember lying when i was her age.
>ruin your parents' marriage because you got grounded when you were 7
It will be a miracle if that kid doesn't end up killing herself when she's old enough to understand what she did
Even your own children. A man checking into a hotel had to prove he was the father of his daughter to the hotel clerk. Because a man with a little girl is instantly a pedophile. Reddit praised the clerk for due diligence
I'd be more worried about how fucking stupid that woman has been, believing what a 7 year old child says over her own husband.
>1 crying laughter face
Now watch M (1931) and feel the flashbacks and terror.
This is why this movie is dangerous and retarded. Brings out all the angry fedora incels with paranoid delusions.
I'm a pre-school teacher and I can confirm that they do
I let a couple of tears go to be desu.
No, it's just cheap rage bait.
they are on the spectrum.
This board lets you use spoilers, you dumb nigger. Use them.
Forgive him he's fresh off /reddit/.
didn't prove he wasn't a pedophile tho
Watched this last night. Great film.
I thought it was his Son, Marcus, who he'd told to stay on the hill. All the other hunters had gone off ahead.
The fact is.. nobody knows. The Director refused to comment on it and it's upto your interpretation.
mads mikkelsen BLACKED when
Ohh sad angry Sup Forumstard did I spoil it for you? I hope so.
1st grade teacher here
Shit like this always makes me scared
Sucks because 9/10 times its a female teacher raping kids, but then again it might be because there are way more female teachers
Are you kidding me? Kids are the biggest liars, man.
Did you have a seizure mid-post? How many layers of google translate has this been through?
Why the fuck do I see so many posts about this here all the time now? It's an old film. I've talked a lot about it here the past days. Did Netflix US just get it or why the fuck is everyone talking about it NOW?
Nah just a lot of new people.
No bully please, I do my best.
>one person makes a thread
>convinces 10 people to watch it
>some of those people make a new thread after they watch it
>the cycle continues
remember, your voice has power. vote green
>9/10 times its a female teacher raping kids
Damn it, where were all the hot teacher out for underage dick when I was little
>a gif so large I feel violated
well done
Kojima made Mads popular again.
Fucking cried at the church scene
Have you seen the Pusher Trilogy? Tell No One? Fermat's Room? Run, Lola, Run?
You're implying that everyone should immedietly watch a film on release and never talk about it again.
You're a bit dumb desu senpai
No no I have seen all these and I think it is a great film. As a matter of fact I BOUGHT it at a flea market last sunday and watched it this week so it is funny all of a sudden all of Sup Forums is watching it because I did not see any threads about it weeks ago or months ago. Sure talk about old movies. I do it all the time but all of a sudden they keep popping up so I thought maybe it came out in the US or just got released on Netflix or what not.
Like one user says I guess ONE guy started it and then the rest would watch it and this is why its "trending" on here right now. Now hush hush don't be a dick.
Also watch Adam's Apples or whatever you Anglos might call it. He plays a priest in it who wants to convince a Nazi. Really great.
most of these posts are made by Sup Forumskids
they think kojima is somehow a "good" director
Delete this.
First the Americans take him and now the Japanese. Why can't anyone let us keep our guys?
Why couldn't I have been born that handsome?
Of course they fucking do, anyone who's raised or worked with children should know that. Children are just little adults that don't really understand consequences yet.
everyone who didn't watch this 10 years ago is fucking redditor!
jesus people on this board are so deep up their own ass, it's kinda funny
Eh. I couldn't blame her. If he WAS cheating, he'd deny it. And that is just an exceptionally devious, fucked-up 7-year-old that would not only lie out of spite, but STICK WITH THE LIE even as her parents are going into divorce proceedings. I probably wouldn't see that coming either
and then watch "it happened on broad daylight"
this, between Star Wars and Kojima Mads is now official meme actor and Sup Forumsedditors are obsessed with him
I will give it a watch it seems like it will be fun.
kino! the US remake The Pledge is decent awell
so kindergardener is literally the ONLY job a man shouldn't have out of thousands
Oppression my ass
And that's exactly why more dogs need to be killed in movies, you degenerate.
she didnt believe her kid when she told her about the pink butterfly princess living under her bed did she? Maybe she should have been a little more sceptical.
>i prefer dogs over people
yeah autism checks out reddit btfo