Girlfriend just made me watch this with her

Girlfriend just made me watch this with her.

God damn this is such a terrible movie, why do women have shit taste in film?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a very good movie. Sorry if you're too pleb to get it.

She wanted to watch the bbc dp don't lie

It's kino. Stay in your lane and hope your bitch doesn't leave you for having such shit taste

Just showed the part with the two black guys. Tell here to drop the charade

She wants to cuck u

>why do women have shit taste in film?

I don't think that's really made for women, considering it's pretty much porn but better directed.

hedonistic slut and directionless numale have sex and question the meaning of life. how well did I some up the film based on the cover?

It's not great. It's probably a little overly long and even though there are some great parts and a strong conclusion, I'm not sure it fully justifies the runtime.

But chances are you're just a turbopleb so why am I posting in your thread?

Hedonistic slut part is right. Not the rest.

And this is the greatest scene of cinema ever created. Prove me wrong.

The rear shot of them fucking looks like something from the Star Wars prequels.

They question the meaning of sex i guess. The guy on the cover isn't the numale in question though
And you have severely downplayed just how slutty this slut is.

Because you hate yourself, just like me, which is why I popped in here.

Shia labeouf literally can't do an English accent how did he get cast

Obviously she hoped this would turn your pathetic numale acuckual ass to actually love her right for once but she is definitely breaking up with you now OP sorry.

did she know there are 2 parts?

He can't do anything, he's literally useless.

>question the meaning of sex

What's there to question?

He's still a breddy gud actor desu

>anyone wanna be in a porno directed by Lars von Trier?
>okay Shia I guess you're in

I can't really remember the movie.
It was the sluttiest of all sluts and some old virgin telling stories to each other.
It's the two extremes talking about how their extreme is more fucked up or something.
Von Trier can't into subtlety.

He literally isn't.
That's why he quit and became a meme man instead.

She just wanna fuck bro.

He didn't quit, he's still making movies.

oh yeah

what other movies are like this one

My girlfriend makes me watch shows like Homeland, CSI, Law and Order all the time. I WISH she'd watch some Von Trier kino with me.

Luckily I have two monitors so while she watches that crap I can still play vidya.


>Vod release
>Distributor forced to play in a single theater without advertizing for contract reasons before actual release

The fact that you don't know the most basic of movie facts means you're a fucking Sup Forums shit so fuck off back there, cucklord.

1.) you don't have a real girlfriend

2.) Why does Sup Forums hate women so much. Is it because of #1?

Yes to both of what you said. You'll also notice that OP can't admit he watched nymphomaniac on his own because the topic of sex (that is shown graphically in the movie) makes him feel uncomfortable, hence the need to shield it with a lie (>I have a girlfriend) so he has an excuse for watching it, so he feels less uncomfortable.

He was in American Honey last year, which I liked but hated him in it.

Sounds like you're talking about yourself :^)

>movie facts
>that capitalist spew
I know about film and art, which is enough.

good guy shia, lets honor some of his great work

she's trying to break up with you by forcing you to watch shit movies until you've had enough and call it quits. enjoy these final days.

They couldn't afford Rocco

>I know about film and art, which is enough.

Write an essay about French New Wave editing techniques

I also watched this movie with a girlfriend

One of few times I didn't complained when she was on her phone while watching the film. Shit movie. I don't blame her.

uma thurman was really good in it


>It's a very good movie


what did she mean by this

Charlotte Gainsbourg is beautiful user!


The BvS thread is around the corner.

I loved it, especially part 1. Fucking hilarious.