Something all sane people can agree on

Something all sane people can agree on...

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All sexuality is mental illness, OP.

meh... it depends.

Body positives trans women are more sane collected individuals than anyone Ive ever met

its a neurological illnes not a mental illnes... kek

it's literally a mental illness. gender dysphoria is a mental illness.

yess... and its being cured by transitioning

*insert trans suicide rate*

Cured? Yeah. Cutting your dick off and say you are a woman really fixes it.

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Psych fag here, this is just not true, gender dysphoria is classified in the DSM but it isn't a mental illness, a mental illness needs to explicitly affect your life negatively, most trans people just are trans while others suffer from a ton of mental issues (depression, suicide, anxiety) because of being in an environment where they can't be who they really want to be.

Its not a fucking conspiracy only boomers would think something like this

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yes, thats because transitioning doesnt work 100%
trannies who have less problems transitioning are more mentally stable than the ones who have problems, simples as that, transexuality is a neurolical disease, that cant be fully cured.
The only thing you can do, is doing your best at trasitioning and making the best out of your life

no i cannot agree to this
hate is a mental illness and you hate
shame on you

Ok, tranny.

im pro trans rights, but thats pretty weak

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I honestly hate how hedonistic and vapid the lgbt movement is, its all dick sucking and old pedophiles in disgusting sex outfits, which is sad because I'm sure some of them just want to feel normal.

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Yep cut those body parts off. Slap on some fake tits and a wig. Congratulations you are a woman. Now go kill yourself in 3 months because we didn't really try and fix your broken fag brain

ok niggerfaggot

Better a nigger then a tranny. Go kill yourself

Hi, Ian.

1.not every tranny does the chop
2.hrt tits look like normal tits, often a bit smaller
3.why wig? only drag queens do that, there is no need for a wig if you can just grow your hair

to narcistic sry

Seriously. So many of them have been indoctrinated at this point they're only hurting their own cause.

I never said surgery was a part of helping them, in fact its a pretty fucking awful excuse, its a mental problem not a medical one, but people are quick to exploit anyone desperate enough, studies show the best way to "treat" a trans person is to give them time to figure out what the fuck they want to do, rather than fuck up their bodies forever so that they then kill themselves

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Until you start balding.

its litterally proven that trannies have the brainstructure of the opposite sex

thats what the hrt is for

> proven
Not at all, we only have solid data on the brains of gay men because of the HIV epidemic and we know that their brain size in certain areas is more similar to women, transgender people might show something similar or perhaps even drastically more similar to the sex they identify as but proving that is impossible unless you take their brains apart literally

Hrt won't stop balding 100% of the time. Women bald too, especially trans women.

well thats why more people should be donated to science after their dead, how convenient trans people have a high suicide rate lmao

Source? Because as a psych grad I can confirm it is not only a mental disorder, but the only disorder treated by entertaining the delusion.

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This is not untrue

You know your emotions don't count as a source, right

So is autism.

nigga what

Source or you’re a lying, scummy, propaganda spreading piece of shit tranny.

now what do i have to do with this

Both should be treated the exact same way.

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you think being born in the wrong body isn't a mental illness?

This is the perfect example of the low intellectual capacity required to accept trans as a physiological condition.

Just a reminder that by posting on Sup Forums you are admitting to being autistic

You're talking semantics, you can say a person is sick for not behaving the way they oughta because of societal expectations, of course its a mental disorder but does that mean there's something inherently wrong with being transgender?

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Keep dilating. It shows how triggered you are. This is valuable data.

But then what is the name of the disorder that gets you to waste your one and only chance at life cumming over internet pron everyday?

sry i dont keep all link to everything i see, i have better thing to do in my free time

Labeling a request for supporting source "semantics" is precisely the reason this mental disorder is so difficult to treat. The belief that you believe it so therefore it is fact is a systemic infection in the trans community.

PS - you're out of your league right now. FYI

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Crippling case of sanity

Translation: "I don't have a source I am a faggot who lives in an imaginary world"

did you him saying "its a mental disorder "
by saying
>of course its a mental disorder

did you notice noone on this thread ever posted a source to anything? if you are invalidating my argument for not having a source this shole thread is just a shitpile of autism (which i dont exclude)

*whole shitpile (what i mean is my argument is as valid as all the other ones)

>does that mean there's something inherently wrong with being transgender?

It's like saying there's nothing inherently wrong with being gay.
Pick up a dictionary.

>says something fucking stupid
>told to prove it because its fucking stupid
>says we should just believe dumb shit

There are mental illnesses where people will come to the hospital and wish to have their arm of leg or whatever cut off. They just feel like they shouldn't have it.

That's literally the same mental illness but for genitals. Fuckin prove me wrong.

Honestly, without being told that they are trans...I would just think they are a dog faced woman.

My friend has schizophrenia among other things
She just became a he

argument you replied to
>it is a mental disorder
you reply
>of course its a mental disorder

wtf are you even doing

i didnt retard

and when those people come in they are told no

>the tranny hate still exists
Shut up, you hypocritical faggots.

A lot of people find themselves in supportive environments throughout their lives, yet no other demographic besides transgenders has a suicide rate that even comes close to their numbers. If their environment is the only cause of their issues, why aren't we seeing the same levels of suicide and mental disorders in other oppressed groups anywhere?

that sounds like a personal problem

thats a accurate retelling of the events

Correct. Because it's insane.

they also tend to keep those limbs once on lithium

>its a mental problem not a medical one
All mental problems are medical problems. They're literally just physical issues of which we don't fully understand the root cause yet.

i said that you should belive me as much as every thing else, because its the same valid, means: believe the one you like more; or believe none, like i said earlier: more people should be cut open

That or when they're denied they just off their own arm in a horrible way, and are taken to the hospital because.... well, you know. Stupid ass fucking nonsense made them cut off a part of their own body.

From DSM V (451): Gender dysphoria refers to an individual's affective/cognitive discontent with with the assigned gender.

Also: refers to the distress that may accompany the incongruence between onse's experience or expressed gender and one's assigned gender, Although not all individuals will epeerience distress as a result of such incongruencem many are distressed if the desired physical interventions by means of hormones and or surgery are not available.

I guess I don't even have a point, Im a stupid faggot fight me

didnt we have the second case of a furry removing his own hands to get paw prosthetic

I haven't heard of that but... in regards to furries, I wouldnt fucking doubt it. They're clearly mentally unstable as well.

Keep away you mighty being!
I don't know you, you could be a hiding grand wizard!

Cutting? Oh pleasseee.
You dick gets turned inside out.

No, just being hilarious.