And guess what. A white chick has been cast as the asian protagonist (original name Yoko)
>nervous investors.jpg
Is this actually going to hurt the film or was the whitewashing "controversy" a marketing stunt that backfired?
And guess what. A white chick has been cast as the asian protagonist (original name Yoko)
>nervous investors.jpg
Is this actually going to hurt the film or was the whitewashing "controversy" a marketing stunt that backfired?
literally who?
whitewashing had nothing to do with gits failure
>bland and dated "stronk woman" character
>modern remake
for what purpose
I'm fairly sure yoko/alita is or was james camerons waifu. H tried to satisfy his hunger with young jessica alba in that dark angel tv series but I guess it wasn't enough
Alita: battle angel 2018
a man of taste desu
I live Cameron's personal taste but damn he is pissing me off by raping my favorite manga.
>white chick has been cast as the asian protagonist
never new asia was in mars
That's not an off-the-shelf shirt either he may have had it custom made.
The original creator has already raped your favorite manga. If cameron and co somehow don't fuck this up maybe yukito will stop fucking around and go back to the core story.
>brown eyes, straight black hair, named yoko.
Come on now.
>Alita: battle angel 2018
Never heard of it. Is it similar to GitS?
Not really, beyond widespread use of cybernetic bodies. It's one of those post-apocalyptic settings where everyone on earth eats shit while the inhabitants of a city in the sky live comfortably.
>and go back to the core story.
whats there left to explore? she discovered who she was and the secret of typhares. thats it.
>go back to the core story
Are you discussing the newer series? I only care about the complete original
Octopus lips is my make or break.
Rosa Salazar is sexy
rosa salazar is a beaner chick. also she's just mo-capping for a fully CGI character. that's like complaining those planet of the apes flicks are whitewashing because a brit (andy serkis) is mo-capping the monkeys and not boyega or whoever
>A white chick has been cast as the asian protagonist (original name Yoko)
Genuinely curious, when was the last time this happened and the movie DIDN'T crash and burn? Because The Last Airbender got mountains of shit when it did this, and GITS isn't even going to make its budget back.
Technically it's Gally, Yoko was the pre-amnesia persona
i'm talking about mars chronicle, which gopes into tons of detail about yuko's childhood days on mars before she became a cyborg. yes, she was a jap colonist on mars.
There are loose ends all over the place and she still doesn't really know who she is.
Yeah the manga is still running, or was until recently I stopped caring since the main character has been ignored for months or years now.
Yeah but will that stop them complaining?
>I only care about the complete original
>Write garbage ending because you think you are dying
>complete story
Top jej
>before she became a cyborg.
She's already a cyborg in that when she's apparently a toddler.
I liked the ending you ass.
0/10 WILL ah who I am kidding I will watch this
>Yeah but will that stop them complaining?
if they complain they will be called racists and drumpfkins xDDDD
Dude, nobody likes the ending. not even the creator
Rosa a CUTE! A CUTE!
Rosa is sexy for real
I genuinely wonder if they will keep the tragic ending to the love story or ratrher if they will even get to that part. apparently cameron's script is mostly focused on the motorball tournaments, which were always the least interesting parts for me
even though I don't like whitewashing, I do think Rosa Salazar fits quite nicely in the role.
>has been ignored for months or years now.
Can't blame Yukito for doing Erika's backstory, although Muster is just a bootleg Nova
God I miss Nova
yeah, why do you think rodriguez casted her? dude is a major sleaze who always bangs his lead actresses. his wife divorced him for it. you can count on him being balls deep in one of her holes RIGHT NOW.
>I genuinely wonder if they will keep the tragic ending to the love story
That's not the ending we are talking about
Motorball is love, Motorball is life.
Relax chum the on-screen character won't be a live action actress. You may still get those octopus lips you crave
Oh jesus christ. Oh god no. thank fuck for mocap technology. That won't fix her voice though sadly
>tfw nova isn't played by willem dafoe
It is actually another cyberpunk that deals self exploration of self,except more faster pace in action.
>Directed by Robert Rodriguez
Who says Im not Robert?
>fits quite nicely
On muh dik
Motorball was meh. The biggest issue is that I don't want to watch a cute girl in protective sporting equipment and a helmet it's a waste
Will this movie even have Nova, won't it just be about Hugo?
>Oh jesus christ. Oh god no
It could have been Selena Gomez
Iirc the plot is about retrieving the damascus blade from zapan, hugo is her motorball coach. No mention of nova yet
>nervous investors.jpg
Why do people still do this?
your english is too good
Ok, to me the ending was perfect, Alita was able to experience love again and have a relationship, a physical one. Tiphares and the Scrapyard were one and the people were at peace. I was so emotionally invested, seeing Alita happy made it worth it.
Coming from an Aussy, eat a shit.
Other than being the owner of some weird teeth, I think rodriguez is quite handsome
If I was a woman offered a role with only the need to have sex with him I would probably do it to be honest
>not casting best youngfu Ally Ioannides
shit taste desu
For God's sake, I wanted Evangelion.
>blue eyed Spanish cunt
>that surname
LMAO @ your education
Oh no you don't. Who can honestly say they want a hollywood reimagining of evangelion? A show about preteen nudity mixed with extreme gore and giant robuts. There is no way they could not ruin that.
It wasn't bad for a rushed ending. A pretty clean wrap up and well done imo.
Greek you fucking retard.
derp not preteen nudity, underage nudity.
>hugo is her motorball coach
>Who can honestly say they want a hollywood reimagining of evangelion?
I would be interested if they give it to aronofsky. dude is into weirdo jew mythology (pi, noah) and has been itching to do sci-fi (robocop remake, madd addam). maybe the time has actually come now. studios are waking up from the pg-13 bullshit and are starting to embrace comic book shit with gory violence (deadpool, logan)
>Who can honestly say they want a hollywood reimagining of evangelion?
Me. Maybe this time it will not be shit.
I trust Rodriguez to make a good film, but this was supposed to be another James Cameron masterpiece, not just another fun and crazy production from troublemaker studios
they've been trying to make a good vidya movie for decades now. no reason to stop trying to make animeflicks work after just a handful flops.
rodriguez is shooting cameron's script and working off cameron's designs. it'll be 90% cameron, 10% rodriguez, if that.
Greeks need to be killed more the Italians, Mexicans, and all blacks. If you are any of these, kys.
Never read this shit
But watching it for my negro
It's more obscure, so that could work in its favor.