I'm sad that black sails is over but I'm happy that The best man won
I'm sad that black sails is over but I'm happy that The best man won
Dies pathetically in the future if we take his historical fate into account though.
Why would you? They didn't really care about what happened to anyone else.
mildly they did
>Vane hanged
>BB suprised by soldiers from the cellar, then beheaded
>Hornigold switched sites
>The best man won
LBGTs won, cucks were spared, white cis males were punished
dissappointing outcome
>show ends with a black woman/white guy, white man/white man, possible lesbians
>but not a single black man/white woman endgame
fuck this show, diverse my ass.
>white man/white man
what do you mean by this? Flint is dead
>Flint is dead
then how did Darby, Merry and the others see him dieing in Savannah?
they didn't
liar and/or ignorant
>poor little user can't reconcile the fact the series would kill a fag
Sorry little gayboy but flints dead. It's not even subtle about how obvious it was that Silver was lying.
no faggot, i hate also they made him a faggot and , but he isn't died there, moron, not in the book, neither in te show, even if it would be comfortable for you
I must have missed something, but how the fuck was his faggot lover still alive?
long john silver is a cuck he ruined the last episodes
Monkey Island adaptation with them, no lesbian thread, when?
Silver didn't come back with the treasure since it is still buried for Treasure Island.
Would Silver have let Flint go off to live a happy life on a homo plantation instead of killing him if he refused to give up the treasure?
those (((faggot writers))) planned this since 4 years, as he was only killed offscreen.
Then in this season first half when they hinted there is a bodysmuggler connection it was already knowable this will be the end
anyone knows the theme when they're showing previous footage?
Silver wasn't as badass as he showed, he was full of shit, wouldn't kill his bro, his mentor, moreso he already got his bitch back, and before that he already gave no fuck about the treasure, he wanted to trade it for the bitch
Would Hands and the rest of the guys he brought with him have been okay with that though? I mean I guess Silver could have used his magical speechcraft abilities to convince them that it was alright but you are putting a lot of trust into your men to not blab about something like that.
It think this ending was meant to be depressing. I mean in the book flint dies drunk af, probably because his fag lover rejected him after what he did.
I love Rackham and his waifu so the ending was a real mixed bag for me. I was really hoping that Woodes rogers would see all the slaves and pirates hanged, personally see Max sold back into slavery(for comedic value), and absolutely crush the spirits of eternally smug Flint and Silver forever, before getting slammed with debt and Rackham'd. but instead Max gets a happy ending, Woodes goes out ashamed, and all the slaves and pirates just go home and live their lives peacefully despite being essentially sea terrorists for decades. I didn't deserve this. and to top it off Best boy billy got abandoned on the island. fuck this shit.
It's supposed to be Ben Gunn on the island, so fucks me why they did that with Billy. Also, yes, agree that the ending was too "happy" and Silver was less of the conman he was in the books and more of a lovestruck pussy.
>>show ends with a black woman/white guy, white man/white man, possible lesbians
All of which is actual canon to the source material
I'm glad they all got happy endings I expected much worse.
To be honest once Elanor died the series could do no wrong in my book.
Also, is Treasure Island worth reading? Does the show set up the book? How many years after is this is the book set? The only thing the series makes me wonder is what would truly have motivated Silver to go after the treasure again. Actually I don't even know if that's what the book is about.
I had no idea Rackham, Teach, Vane, ETC were real people.
Where the fuck did this Flint/Silver bromance meme come from anyways? for the first 3 seasons they were barely cordial with each other always aware that the other was going to be a problem one day and would have to be taken out. and then we jump into season 4 and its the love fest.
I just wanted the pirates and slaves to be absolutely crushed by Woodes and then the ending would have been Silver having mentally deteriorated years later and Billy goes to get them both drinks and we see Jim Hawkins.
Kind of bummed this is over. All the CG was prob expensive though.
I'm going to miss that intro the most
>>Where the fuck did this Flint/Silver bromance meme come from anyway
Well namely that episode where they were both on the boat and killed the shark, and learned of each other.
Why did all of you want the pirates to lose?
Was Samurai Joe the most interesting background character of all time?
Did he ever speak a single line of dialogue?
because they're scum
Honestly when it was just them raiding ships and getting booty and chilling(fruit, fruit,tits, tits!) it was all good.
But then they went up their own ass with this idea that murdering and stealing would actually change the world for the better, and that freeing some slaves for their own personal gain somehow made them morally superior to the empire.
It's been quite some time since I read the book, but none of what happens lines up with it, as far as I remember.
I'm not mad about this, but very confused. Why do this...
Honestly the fact that they didn't even have the balls to show Flint dying was the clincher. it's obvious that Silver shot him since we saw birds scattering, nobody has the treasure and they repeated his story a couple times perfectly rehearsed. and who the fuck has a secret gay plantation in the middle of nowhere.
There is a time gap between Treasure Island and this. Shit happens during that time. Like Billy gets home and turns into an old alcoholic. Silver does some captaining, becomes a pretty mean dude, and retires from it again.
Ben Gunn gets abandoned on the island. Flint either finally dies or a story of him actually dying gets spread around(Depending if the plantation story is true or false.)
its fucked up big time.
Black Sails takes place around 1715.
Treasure Island takes place at 1765, yet Silver is 50 there, and Gunn is marooned since 3 years. Flint also built a wood fortress.
>That speech that Eleanor gave about how everything she did was ruined by men
>Literally everything she ever accomplished was on the backs of men doing the real work and she was just a profiteer.
>Treasure Island worth reading?
just finished reading it. It's nice.
>Does the show set up the book?
Not really. Loosly.
>How many years after is this is the book set?
it's in 1765, Silver is 50 year old
>Black Sails takes place around 1715.
Where do you get this from? If it's BB and Vane's death, then they already don't match up with history, so you can ignore that.
>Was Samurai Joe the most interesting background character of all time?
Bestslut wasn't a background character though, she had lines of dialogue and moments where she affected the plot.
S01E01, first screen
so they already fucked it up there
right. So it's still weird. I mean the whole treasure thing AND the Island had no reason to be in the show kinda
It ties it in with the book. I think that's enough reason. and they both played a part in the shows story, it wasn't just put there without any thought.
I'm happy it's over because the last season was a boring.
During the course of the show I had no anticipation of any direct tie-ins, it was pretty obvious they were telling their own story set like 40 years before, so whatever.
But THEN, in the last couple of episodes, they actually made the cash THE treasure, skeleton island was introduced, etc, so I thought
> oh hey, that's neat
and then, nothing lines up.
Like Silver's story. In the show, he already became a mean dude, did some captaining AND retired with a black wife. And then we have to assume it repeated again during the timegap.
I don't say it's implausible or impossible, just kinda redundant and weird.
>but instead Max gets a happy ending
But she doesn't though.
the ships of the early 1700s still looked like Galleons whereas by the mid 1700s they started looking like ships of the line. Galleons look more piratey and that was the golden age of pirates, so I think they made the right call to not stick with the book timeline
does it happen oft that a lot of background characters get lines? It sure happens a lot here.
Relevant quote:
>It explained to be that Flint died alone and in a really rough way in Savannah, and it did feel specific and something that we wanted to try to make some sense of and give some emotional context to.
>I also think the idea that we would hear from Thomas again has been around for as long as Thomas has been around. I think we largely subscribe to the idea that if you don’t see a body in a show, it doesn’t matter how many people tell you they’re dead, they’re not dead, and it was just a question of how and when he would return.
Unfortunately for you the creators subscribe to no body, no death. You can repeat how Flint's dead all you want but it doesn't make it true.
Same, I'm glad they didn't change it or the music.
Anyone got the webm of the guy being jerked off by Max?
>Gaunt man
Damn, now there was a memorable and important character.
I thought from the thumbnail that Benedict Cumberbatch had landed a role in the new PotC.
The way she show was told over 4 seasons was never through an unreliable narrator.
Everything we see on screen happened and there's no reason to believe otherwise.
If it was just Silver telling the story okay, but we actually see it thanks to flashbacks.
actually he looks like one of the pirates in 1990 version Treasure Island
Kek, thanks.
Blackbeard's death got to me. Woodes deserved no respect after begging the Spanish for help. Woodes only had one real victory in the entire show.
I want to fuck max
Crack open a history book jr
Bitch was fucking sexy af
anyone got the flint/silver version?
vikings > black sails
lol no BS never was cringe
Maybe in its early days Vikings was on a par with Black Sails, but Vikings has been on a total nose dive for years now.
Show-runners already comfirmed that flint didn't die.
BS had several problems to me.
1. You know from life USA did not get started by Pirates (too bad, though, would've been a banging alt-history show), so all their talk about war about starting a war, etc, HAD to lead to nothing.
Which is fine, but there was never any progression, just meddling.
2. Not enough piracy. C'mon just take some "prizes" here and now... Season 3 & 4 had none of that.
3. All that talk about Flint being a horrible, scary person, journey into darkness, etc.
Last horrible dead was like end of season 1 when he killed Gates, and it was ALL TALK since then.
Would've been better if they discussed this less and showed us more.
Otherwise, pretty good series, on par with earlier Vikings.
Yeah the more the show went on the more it became talk rather than actual things happening
>tfw no season of them just running around doing real pirate shit with the man of war
When they went to Phily etc, they could've connect "the war" to the Boston tea-party act tho
idc, they had the reason to not to hunt ships twice/episode, still had fair enough
Man doesn't go for pirate to work 24/7, but for easy job and than rest.
did you even watch the show?
he manipulated the 4eyed to a unvinnable plunder, thus sacrificing lots of his men just to get back captaincy, later
he wrecked Charlestown in season 2
In s3 he navigated his crew to the thunder and starvation, then killing some of them before the crew. Later wrecking redcoats
>When they went to Phily etc, they could've connect "the war" to the Boston tea-party act tho
that's actually a pretty cool idea.
>he wrecked Charlestown in season 2
they were fags, it was a "Hell Yeah" moment, not a "OMG, Flint is evil" moment. same for
>wrecking redcoats
I agree on the rest, but notice how all that was 2 years ago, and it was just all talk since then.
>still had fair enough
Not to me.
Best part of the whole show was when they boarded that ship with slaves at the end of season 1, and regulars were barricaded at the hold. Almost Master & Commander-tier shit.
Would've wanted more of that, instead of endless love triangles.
>>tfw no season of them just running around doing real pirate shit with the man of war
Like I said, it wasn't a bad show, I mostly enjoyed it, but feels a bit like a wasted opportunity, considering they had all those sets and ships and what not.
>Like I said, it wasn't a bad show, I mostly enjoyed it, but feels a bit like a wasted opportunity, considering they had all those sets and ships and what not.
i can agree with that
>Last horrible dead was like end of season 1 when he killed Gates, and it was ALL TALK since then.
Didn't Flint raze an entire town in S3 just because he was pissed about who died there?
I was let down by every season, and 3 & 4 were the worst. This show was 90% just people sitting around talking about boring shit.
>This show was 90% just people sitting around talking
Clearly you came to this Michael Bay produced show for the wrong reasons.
loved the first 3 seasons, S4 didn't sit too well with me though.
it's painfully obvious that S4 was planned as the Nassau / war against Britain season with a fifth season for the treasure island setup, but nobody watches fucking Starz so that was cut and all crammed together in a very rushed, bloated and ultimately unsatisfying season 4. it's a shame, the first 3 seasons were awesome
Pretty much this
I actually though they were doing
>War against Britain
>War against Spain
And they kinda somewhat delivered on that, but yeah, weak
I hated the ending. Your gay love is still alive here you go we all get our happy ending. Flint and Silver should have fought.
>>>War against Britain
It was made painfully clear that Britain did not give two shits about what was happening in Nassau at that point.
They did fight and both were alive ca TA so what's your problem.
Flint should have died. It was too happy an ending. Which doesn't fit with the show at all.
But Flint couldn't have died. I agree that the long lost lover shit was schmaltzy but Flint dies, a drunkard, in Savannah.
I'm so glad I dropped it after the third episode
>It was made painfully clear that Britain did not give two shits about what was happening in Nassau at that point.
well, obviously not the whole Britain, just some stand-in like governor Rogers
and for Spain, just do Havana with that governor Roja.
>if you don't deliver the chest, we'll fuck you up
>chest not delivered
>oh well, nevermind
it's worse, EVERYBODY won
cool asian background pirate died, though
I wanted to drop it after episode 1, but I fell for the 3 episodes meme
Yep, it's so crazy that Calico Jack, Anne Bonney and Mary Read survived this show.
whats next for her ?
In Season 2, they bargain for that Ash girl, and Vane says
>HAHAHA, they moved the man of war to an unadvantageous position
>now we swim to it and take it over
>they do take it over
>In Charleston
they swam all the way there? Because they definitely had no ship, not in terms of story, nor visually.
I feel like you're trying to say something, but subtly
Please elaborate