Rules >posting pic of waifu will result in a read on your personality >you take what you get >dubs gets told to fuck off >fortunes can range from decent to shit >fortunes might take some time to be made >discussion is accepted >one fortune per faggot >I have the right to refuse service >any bad fortune will happen to you >side effects include hopelessness, possibility of being eaten, evisceration, incarceration, addiction to drugs, extreme diarrhea, suicidal thoughts or death
Hey you must be wasted as well man >your fortune says the most important thing to assess during any situation is to look at yourself. >you are what people would describe as slow, scared, and superstitious. Pain is ignored preventing you from having dealt with all the wrongs you committed. Uh sand tiger shark pups when born inside the mom will often cannibalize the ones still growing. >your fortune says a shift in mood can change a lot especially when it comes to pursuing happiness Go ahead by all means >your personality main grace is deception despite it having the possibly to be used for greater pursuits instead focusing on the trivial. You would never ask for advice and only take it when it's presented. You are a lazy bum
Like anything is perfect >your fortune says what old will linger within the new and a cycle of the same behavior will show itself to those that realize You sound retarded but sure >your personality is a byproduct of ignorance and acceptance. You are seen as superficial and question why you get odd looks
I'm having a bad day man. Girl I been seeing for about 2 months and really like said we got too close and we need to slow down, so I told her I don't know how to do that and we should probably just stop seeing eachother. Back to being a lonely fuck
>you enjoy to take a hit and chill ignoring life problems and take it easy. You wish things could be better just like anyone else but find ways to avoid thinking about it. Ok then good for you Hell yeah!
Nigga it only been two months like you need to chill and take her advice. She didn't say it was over just need to learn how to adapt being with the person you love. You are putting yourself down for a mistake you don't know how to manage yet Have this because you need it >your fortune says learn how to asses what can and cannot be done >your personality is that of the one trick pony that loses it's touch once time passes. You are charismatic yet play a odd game >your personality has the power to inspire and motivate. You love fantasy and desire beautiful women. You have tight knit connections I rate you as a imbecile >your fortune says learn how to be more resistant
>your personality bold and intimidating despite in the inside being soft. Enjoying yourself is one of the most important things in life for you. I believe in a endless cycle but destiny hate the thought of not being in control.
inspire and motivate, eh?...i've kinda wanted to write a story; should I? the other stuff is spot on: i do have tight knit connections (or so I'd like to think), and I do love fantasy and beautiful women; I just hope that I do get one one day...
Yeah we all die one day >your personality is not one to cling and has a history dealing with weirdos. You wish people listen more instead of making asses of themselves.
Its more nuanced than I probably conveyed. By saying that we need to slow down I think she actually meant that she wants to revert to a platonic friendship (which we never had, we hooked up the night we met) after she's been hot and heavy for months. Talking every day, sharing a bed most nights, she sleeps with a shirt of mine when I'm not around, etc and as of tuesday morning suddenly started to be weird and distant, and now basically told me "lets just be friends."
You are right though, it has only been a couple months and personally I'm open to taking things as slow as is required. I just told her that, but like I said I think she might've just lost interest in me. In which case I am entitled to my sadness for a week or two. Thanks OP