>making personal appearances at Iowa supermarkets
>making personal appearances at Iowa supermarkets
Other urls found in this thread:
superior product coming through
>My favorite thing about Hy-Vee grocery?
oh I don't know there are so many
>The best thing about Whey is it gives you huuuuuge fackin' craps, THIS GUY KNOWS!
Who bought a big case of PI to watch Patriots' Day?
>me on the right
he's been shilling supplements for years now
>me on the right
I don't think you understand. There is a "Full Sized" cutout of Marky Mark at Hy-Vee
here he is next to a full sized man
this is like 5 years old
>Why no, mr. mark you can't flop my neck waddle
>tfw cashier at hyvee in MN and no one buys this stuff
I forgot. What sport does Mark Wahlberg play?
Vietnamese boxing
>I forgot. What sport does Mark Wahlberg play?
Probably baseball because when he breaks his bat he FEELS THE VIBRATION
Will this help me to beat up Vietnam fucking shits?
It will help improve your downtime so that you can beat up more Vietnam fucking shits. You still have to put in the work, bro.
Why are roiders always shilling their 'all-natural' products? Do people actually fall for this shit?
>Do people actually fall for this shit?
Are you doubting how stupid the average sheep is?
Not stupid, just uneducated. The average joe still thinks steroids transform you into Hulk overnight, in both size and anger. If anyone's having any kind of mental issues and media finds out he's ever used steroids, they'll blame all of his problems on "steroid abuse."
>Not stupid, just uneducated.
its the same thing. If youre an adult and you cant read youre stupid not uneducated. Dont split hairs to save them. People think the rock and brock lesner are natty.
>People think the rock and brock lesner are natty.
Yeah. All thanks to the widely spread decades long campaign of misinformation about steroids from the media.
My dad likes Mark Wahlberg. What should I do?
Emulate him
Go finish what the USA couldn't in 1970s.
>full sized
When will you learn?
Remember the time the usa got beat by a bunch of manlets in pajamas lmao at amerilards
Yes and the fact that instagram became a thing. All the gear users on there saying theyre natty has fucked everyone up.
>mark, is it true these products are just a scam?
money for old rope
There's a difference between stupidity and ignorance. There's so much misinformation around regarding health and nutrition that you have to really go out of your way to determine what is factual and what is bullshit (at least when you first start getting /fit/).
Roided celebrities and fitness models know they can make a quick buck by putting their name on average supplements at above average prices.
thanks mom