Sup Forums I wish you were smarter so you could understand and comprehend the benefits of socialism
Sup Forums I wish you were smarter so you could understand and comprehend the benefits of socialism
like the democrats do?
You all can't even get together and come up with a system you all agree on. The only thing socialists want to talk about is 'muh capitalism evil" and "socialism will solve everything somehow and the details don't matter" Fucking retards.
Nazis were socialists. It started with Socialism.
We do have universal healthcare. We have free emergency rooms, medicare, medicaid, and don't be a retard.
Whatever it takes to make you feel superior to who you disagree with.
lol @ libs knowing history and economics. Pushing socialism yet again after it continues to fail would tend to disagree.
A libtard is someone who thinks white lies are good and anyone who tells the truth about them is an evil Nazi and needs to be shouted down and silenced.
like the democrats do.
Professors have no credibility. They all bullshit more than anyone else with their self righteous conviction that they can trick the world into being better by lying to manipulate people into doing "the right thing".
Learn what Multi-Party Democracy, Market Liberalism, Rhine-Capitalism, Nordic Capitalism and Social Democracy are retard.
yes it does. This is some fucking Orwellian ass double speak right here.
Yeah, because shortages, bread lines, suffering and starvation are good things, right?
>benefits of socialism
>mfw the left doesn't know Bernie's campaign is funded by the Trump campaign
Calling employment "slavery" is no different then calling someone a name and concluding they must be bad because they are whatever derogatory name you called them. It is fucking pathetic that this is the level of discourse being had at the college level. I guess when you let everyone in, this is what you get.
>Sup Forums I wish you were smarter so you could understand and comprehend the benefits of socialism
So I get up at 6am, go to work until 6pm, commute 1 hour back home, then the government takes my money and gives it to some crack smoking unemployed nigger because he needs money too.
Fun fact about Bernie Sanders home state of Vermont.
Unlike the rest of the USA, Vermont is 93.4% white.
It is on the list of global diversity the 2,500 least diverse state ethnically.
But do as he says, not as he does.
Hahaha republicans are really retarded. By that logic any law, any policy, any contribution to society like taxes is slavery.
>Yeah, because shortages, bread lines, suffering and starvation are good things, right?
In Soviet Russia you wait in line for bread
In Capitalist America, bread wait in line for YOU!
NOBODY wants to go to a fucking VA hospital, but vets have no choice for the most part. Its substandard health care but hey its government and its FREE!!!
Kys schizo
You don't understand the concepts of "needs of the people" or "collectivism". There are leeches of welfare now, that's a fact. There are those who will leech pension of those already dead, that's a fact. There will be leeches in every society, and no matter what shit your brain dregs up to try and argue against the idea of "everyone supports everyone", the fact is it will enable for a far higher standard of living for everyone at the bottom and middle, and far more happiness for everyone. Stop regurgitating this fucking ridiculous BUBBRRR HDRRR BUT I PAY FOE DEY DWUG ADDICTION!!
I do know that Karl Marx who wrote all that shit, never held a real job and sponged off his best friend who just happened to be a capitalist.
A name calling libtard with no argument. Im shocked...
What are you talking about you fucking retard jesus fuck you're the literal braindead offspring of those fucks who caused the red scare
nobody cares about communism
its a complete fucking meme
some tenants of socialism are acceptable and have been shown statistically to cause higher indexes of happiness, and to enable a higher standard of living for lower class strata
I genuienly can't tell if you're trolling right now. Like what the fuck is your argument? "PrOfeSsOrS aRe lyIng"
Nice argument you faggot.
You wannabe woke Sup Forumstards have all your stupid theories but can't deal with the fact that the smartest people on this planet disagree with you so all you come up with is "PrOfeSsOrs puSh LibTaRd AgEnDa"
It's no coincidence that the majority of socialists are receiving financial support from somewhere. Either their parents or the government. That is why the only way they can perceive their lives getting better is having that aid increased. Where as someone who has to work for their own money would naturally try and figure out a way they can increase their own income by becoming more productive or inventing something. We need fewer of the former and more of the latter.
Oh show me the data on that one please.
Worker productivity has steadily increased throughout the decades, inflation-adjusted wages haven't, automation will also make a large portion of the work force obsolete. How do you propose these issues be handled, then?
That they push the libtard agenda is so blatant you have to be a libtard not to see it. They are behind Antifa and all the other "student organized" mobs who regularly shut down speeches knowing that they can't debate. It is the administrators and professors who tell the cops to back off and not arrest the rioters. They use their classrooms as recruitment centers and their positions of power to brainwash ignorant kids into their radical ideology.
Look in the mirror. It's true about you. Then look at your group of radical friends. It's true about them. Then realize that the people you imagine it isn't true for you don't know, they are essentially figments of your imagination.
>you were smarter
OP, seriously, why do you think people will vote for Bernie instead of Trump?
get a job neet
Short answer:unions, and self employment/coops
Everything you want to do with socialism can be done withing capitalism. Start your own factory and work there. Use technology to be more productive. Demonstrate that this is a viable alternative before you foist it on society at large in it's infant stage where it is doomed to fail like every other socialist society ever. Fuck your cherry picked, pseudo socialist examples.
sounds like music to my ears
Except it isn't true, and is used by Democrats to scare minorities into voting for them.
you're genuinely retarded, man. and it's disgusting to imagine your fat fucking fingers ramble this 80 iq shitty response. there's no point in discussing anything with you because you there's no fucking substance to anything you say, you call out something for being cherrypicked yet provide no counterpoint? what the fuck are you talking about with this stupid bullshit "use technology to be more productive", what the fuck does this even mean you irritating dipshit
are you fucking dumb? what part did you not understand with "Worker productivity has gone up consistently and steadily, but wages have not", do you even understand what psuedo means? christ i already fucking hate you you stupid faggot
>can't understand logic
>there's no fucking substance to anything you say
>Worker productivity has gone up
>use technology to be more productive", what the fuck does this even mean
>Worker productivity has gone up
> what the fuck does this even mean
>use technology to be more productive
> what the fuck does this even mean
>Worker productivity has gone up
> what the fuck does this even mean
>Worker productivity has gone up
> what the fuck does this even mean
>Worker productivity has gone up
> what the fuck does this even mean
>you're genuinely retarded, man.
>use technology to be more productive
> what the fuck does this even mean