Alcoholic about to get forced to go into rehab.. Ask me fucking anything

Alcoholic about to get forced to go into rehab.. Ask me fucking anything.

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kill yourself

you should kill yourself.

Why are you gay?

Pussy or whiskey?

Why did you turn into alchoholism faggot

Why did you choose not to be?

Bet you won't answer any questions.
Bet you fall asleep on your computer chair with a bottle in your hand.

i can tell that by your image

I got it for free as much as I wanted and couldn’t afford weed anymore

Idk I realized I was bi when I was drunk though.
Pussy, whiskey tastes like ass.

Dude it’s 7:30, stores open at 7 where do you think I was?

Good get into rehab. Activity listen in meetings and therapy. Work the steps and take it one day at a time. That is all you have is 24 hours

Thing is I won’t stop drinking, I know I won’t. As soon as I get out I will start smoking weed and other drugs again, and once I don’t have that anymore 1,50 wine is always there to hold me. Sometimes I think I do this because I truly hate me and want to destroy me but can’t otherwise.

lol that sucks but probably should happen to me

And then I obviously do not care anymore because I’m on some kind of drug

Hey op, how much do you drink on a daily and do you drink the whole day?

BooHoo, someone with a problem getting the help they need.

Most people don’t.
Take advantage of it or get fucked, lucky cunt.

Yeah 24/7 and 3L wine a day

Damn dude, do you find your tolerance is starting to go down as your immune system gets weaker?

No it just keeps going up, I’ve only been drinking every day for 2,5 years though so not that deep into it I guess

you should try to get cured of that disease, alchohol is the least of your worries

2.5 years is pretty deep. I am glad your tolerance is not going down though, your body is able to keep up for now

fuck so what would you call 7 years?

as OP I’d say 7 years is pretty deep but 10+ is where it gets hardcore so you’re good

you're a fucking sick ass pedo faggot kys


>drinks wine
>says he's alcoholic

Are you 10?

This isn't xonsidered alcoholic in my book!

I'm aware of my problem but really dont care most of the time, trying to get my shit under control but I just have a substance abuse issue in general
I'm 26 fwiw

I mean I started on Vodka but shit’s too expensive lol can’t really control my drinking when I have some vodka, it’s always gonna be empty by the evening.

yeah same I’m just 21 lol

You won stop drinking? So you need to hit a bottom then

You realize its for the best right?

are you aware of your pederasty problem?

I hit the bottom before I started, got kicked out at 18 and been homeless until recently
It is but it won’t help if my mind isn’t there fully.

Do you know any older alcoholics?

Exercise bro. It will seriously help you more than you think. I was there with my gun to my head when I was at my lowest. Pussied out and thought wtf am I doing. Now I do MMA six days a week and am swole. Never felt better.

nip it in the bud if you can. for real it was fun at 21 but it's kind of a chore now
no please enlighten me
my dad and stepdad. both my grandfathers were alcoholics too

not him but OP
I see many alcoholics every day when I go to the store the 3rd time because I’ve lied to myself I won’t need another L lol. VERY fucking sad, one guy got 3L wine and 5 chocolate bars couldn’t even talk or get his money into his wallet. The cashier eventually just let him do hos thing and did the other customers. Stopped drinking for like 2 days after that lol

get cure of your homosexuality asap. alchochol is the least of your worries


You are AIDS

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alles ist die sekte bruder