Why are incels so terrified of attractive women?

Why are incels so terrified of attractive women?

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you're not attractive fat land whale

i'm not incel, i'm gay and i'm terrified of these bitches. Their attitudes and presence make me wanna kill them all. i can't stand them

Why does the gravity seem to be a bigger force in op picture

I wonder which one of them is taken by a serial killer


Because girls becoming women women start getting pretty and then start treating them like shit. So every experience they have with a hot chick is of being treated like shit.
So they come to hate them, not realising that a few years after you leave high school, they get a bit of experience with the real world and aren't bitchy by default any more.

They don't get to experience this because they spend so long detesting and fearing them, that they never let anyone close enough to learn.

women are whores


Jesus, man, where'd you go to highschool? Some women were bitches there, but not all

Because attractive girls have options and incels dont. It gets them jealous

really just modern liberal extremism
saying you want a stay at home wife will get u disowned by western society

Have options? Get real faggot, Sup Forums is lit with trap threads every day. Most women are literal trash, I don't hate them but in my experience they don't deserve a fraction of a % of my respect. You know they are getting desperate too, cum dumpsters get raped then expect me to be their daddy, fuck off.


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Honestly if my wife would have went a different way could have easily become an incel. Play ended up with a couple girls kind of by chance. Now I ended up marrying a woman I'm having kids and not giving a shit about other people's opinions anymore. Also once you have someone care about it's easier to grow a spine. Honestly I don't really have a problem talking to beautiful women anymore because I just see them as another fucking retarded human...

Because girls are cunts.

That movie is badass, I'll take that as a compliment. Just remember, no one (with a brain) likes ratchet pussy

Well at least you're all in on "dumb incel"

Because they have ears?

If every guy who hates women is called an incel then you're implying that women are only good for sex. Because if he didn't hate women he wouldn't have been a virgin.

>trap threads

Oh yea incels have mental illness too...I forgot.

Because they act like complete assholes.