>"hop in user, the waters warm."
>wat do?
"hop in user, the waters warm."
Diareah Shit in the water ,
>now its warm
What a face, more please
It’s a wonderful day to save the white race.
>makes babies
Obviously join her
First creep her out at a party then kidnap and rape her cumming inside then leaving her unconscious in a park. With a mask of course.
Snugglepunk retired also shes got herpes
Hop in, because the water is warm you idiot
what sites was she active on besides twitter?
>begins literally hopping
>accidentally stomps her chest in
Come on user BREATHE!!!!
>sobs uncontrollably....
She said to hop... i didn’t know she was social...
>years of psychiatry help later
Okay it’s time to move on. Everything is going to be okay.
>Snugglepunk retired also shes got herpes
So do I! We got something in common! I think this convo is getting better alerady.
roger that
Soo...he was behind of all that...
looks like a 12 year old boy face trying to learn how to skateboard
Yes she "retired", and now watch her magically show up again in 3 months and say hehe hey guys I'm back. Now who wants to pay me 500 tokens for my retirement videos? And plenty of retards will do it.
disgusting neanderthal
And she was always terrible. She sang NIN's "hurt" in stream first time I saw here. I've never fully recovered.
If we are gonna have a reverse trap thread, there are much better.
I'm gonna play some Twisted Insurrection instead.
hes actually butt ass naked. hah