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I have the opportunity to hook up w a pretty hot trans girl tomorrow
Tranny has a dick
Looks like a girl, has tits, feminine features
If I hookup, am I gay

Attached: C29A5164-A8F3-41EE-BE1D-ED6D99E62ECA.jpg (750x563, 452K)

It has a cock.
It is a man.
Yes it's gay.

It's time to come out of the closet.

just considering hooking up makes you gay

straight men are becoming bisexual in droves. something weird has been happening in the last 10 years

wonder who is behind it
haha jk we all know
I've known I'm bi since I first browsed Sup Forums over 10 years ago but this shit is getting out of hand

do not do it. doing that kind of stuff is sick and degenerate and you will die.

Yeah it’s called not feeling pressured by overtly conservative and religious society


>becoming bisexual in droves. something weird has been happening

Thanks Sup Forums, the gay stays hidden away


fuck her until you stop feeling gay

that's what i did wit yer mum. it worked.

you're bi, and as another user already said: a lot of straight men are becoming bisexual.
Might as well assimilate.

you'll get punished for this you filth spreading degenerate.

Says who?

I mean if you want to fuck a man I guess go for it, but it's a man you know.

Do you hate women? I hate women. This is not a healthy mindset, but it's made trannies more appealing. Reality is, women are fucking dumb, but they know how to survive, and will always act in service of their comfort. I live in a grotesquely expensive area and I was downsized some time ago and I haven't yet bounced back sufficiently in terms of income and status to draw the sort of women I want. Trannies are manic, dependent personalities who are easy to dominate and can be used for endless consequence-free sex. Women concerned about insufficient provisions will settle for a dildo and a box of wine. Wanting to fuck a tranny is a symptom of a deeper affliction. I would advise against it.

me, and I know everything.
if he wants to fuck a man he should supress his unnatural urges.

generally good, but too much crying and self pity

Agreed, which is why I'm spending too much time thinking about fucking trannies. I need to move past it all.

you'll make it man, keep going and good luck.
keep clear of trannies.