Why is reddit so liberal and filled with fagits?
Why is reddit so liberal and filled with fagits?
why are you a illiterate FAGGOT
because most conservs have better shit to do
like TD and tweeting all day about Hilary? Right..
learn to read libtard
>liberal fagits
Because Reddit is based on getting points, so it fits internet progressivism perfectly because that's based on trying to out-moral the next person. Their whole purpose in interacting with other human beings is to one-up them.
somebody's a lil triggered snowflake, mad trumpy gonna lose?
lol cucked incel found
Thank you for white knight for english language you flaming homosexuals.
The word cuck totally lost its meaning at this point.
not mad at all. trump is prez and will be for another 4 years.
>trumpy gonna lose
good one ugly
you're welcome. its obvious you need it kek
No fucking way that fagits fucking head is real!!!?!?!?!
trips dont lie user
are all these people parents brother and sister?
nah just a classic case of TDS.
they let 13 year olds post there and 30 year old men love childrens toys so they feed off of each other. facebook is super conservative because only 60 year old aunts post there and they don't know how to use the internet to get any other type of news besides what they already want to hear.
Always capitals when you start a sentence user, you show know this cause you are smart human cause you spells good.
only an actual FAGGOT would use the term white knight. You never been inside a pussy
wow calm down sir
you are a dumb fuck, if your going to call someone a faggot at least get it right.
fuck ya im a virgin fagit, im saving it for the special person, and i'll be damned if you and ur aggressive language towards something as personal as my virginity will stop me from finding true love and saving it for her.
both yuo fagits need to shut the fuck up
fuck ya user.
Ive seen way more right wing trumptard racist bullshit on here than left wing nonsense.
maybe stop using loser language like white knight and you wont have to keep up with that lie.
Define liberal. It doesn't mean 'anything I don't like' hth.
you're a pussy
this triggered
No, but each's parents were.
another good example, triggered is such a lame word, let me guess you watch youtube videos with that in the title
I personally belive something as insignificant as "loser language" would ever get in the way of me and true love, now be gone you internet bully.
ya well ill fucking suck ur dick fagit!
>pwease post wowds i wike
alright cool
ya thats what it thought you pussy.
was that suppose to be insulting
>>it sucked
Soo...he was behind of all that...
>policies that destroy cities
>people who become irate and violent by words they deem as of offensive or by differing differing opinions of their own.