What was wrong with this film?
I haven't seen it, but it seems like everyone here hates it
What was wrong with this film?
I haven't seen it, but it seems like everyone here hates it
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Everything about it is terrible.
Spare yourself and do not watch
>JewWario is iPhone'd
Unfunny, cringey, terribly directed and acted by someone who spent his last years criticizing movies and some of them actually had similar budget but better results.
>youtube """""actors"""""
JO still is woman in this.
How the times have changed...
>signing with your internet name
JO was never a woman you transphobic shitlord
...she kept refering to herself as one many times. How was she never a woman? Not to mention she was born as one
>Not to mention she was born as one
Oh, you've seen it and you know it.
We're not doing the supervillian shuffle
This is so fucking cringe. And look at that smile on Spoony's face.
>And look at that smile on Spoony's face
I think he knew
imagine the smell
Cum and BO
>Autism intensifies
She needs a cock to the face.
I'd like to see you do better.
That's what people know them as.
>tfw thinking back to staying up all night watching a livestream of all the TGWTG movies and ripping into it with people from Sup Forums
good times
>implying the gorilla hasn't BLACKED her already behind scenes
She was dating Todd in the Shadows for years
This makes him look incredibly pathetic. These people have zero self-awareness.
spoony stuck between the 2 trannies.
...no wonder he lost all motivation for life these last few years.
moar Nostalgia chick tit pics please.
>a literal cuck
I am totally right about her probably taking the BBC, most likely infront of him
Did Lucas become a tranny?
You don't BECOME transgender, you just ARE
>He hasn't seen the clip
ha ha ha! are you in for a ride of emotions. Hang on I'll find it for you.
Just be prepared as you'll never get to watch "Who's line is it anyway" again without feeling sad for Colin
Here you go. You'd never know it was a dude if I didn't point it out beforehand.
well it would be a lot cooler if you did
>clown lipstick
>disappointment to the whole family
>literally looks like a guy in a drag
I'd rather shoot myself.
....I didn't say stop user.
Because it's essentially a bunch of autists gathering up to play pretend as their favorite video game, movie, TV show, comic, or anime characters while filming it and then trying to sell it off as a movie to their dedicated group of even more autistic fans.
>supposed to be a professional entertainment channel
>films scenes in a bedroom like a bunch of amateurs
RLM aren't much better but at least they've got a studio of some description.
>spoony stuck between the 2 trannies.
That's pretty insane when you consider how statistically low the chances of that even happening are.
Hey Doug has/had a studio too, cost him like 200k or something and sent him spiraling into debt
>200k of kickstarter money to set up production company
>Doug uses it to pay off his mortgage
The idiots who gave him anything must be feeling like grade-A buffoons.
How about when you factor in that behind Spoony is Linkara, a guy who loves trannies.
In fairness as I recall, in the storyline he had just teleported into Nostalgia Chick's bedroom.
>implying any of the fans would recognize their bland real ones
It's pretty good if you want to watch grown-ass men hit each other with dollar store foam swords on a childrens playground
He is a (beta) Black though.
Don't beg, it's demeaning
He's so angry.
The studio looked just like his old room on top of that.
how do you go from this...
>he STILL hasn't seen the nostalgia chick nip-slip
don't be like that user
Deliciously so
>still falling for it
Come on anons
>this ''''''''''film''''''''''
i replied anyways
>make fun of terrible movies
>make a terrible movie
>"b-b-but that's the joke!"
>real reason they made a terrible movie is because they can't make a good one
I would seriously snuggle the life out of this woman. No joke.
it's kino
A lot of crappy critics think that they are able to do a better job than the filmmakers. When they're given the chance it surprises them how hard it is to make something good and being on the receiving end of criticism for a change is a massive blow to their ego.
Hearing Chick lowkey ripping Doug a new one with her gay Canadian best friend was funny desu
It's not exacly an accomplishment to get people believe that a woman has had a nip slip at some point in her life.
And yet, no matter how many people mention it, it never appears.
Women have nip slip pics, Lindsay doesn't
Damn, that picture. Now I want to hear her calling me viscous names while she sits on the toilet making massive, loud poops.
How did she age so fast?
It's not the age. She looks fat and she clearly doesn't take care of herself.
she is like 35 or something and still not married.
In your mind she is still a young woman
The last time Spoony actually tried to make an effort for anything
She fluctuates. There's a qt-hotty in there, but it takes work to show it
Is that Angry Joe with the 2 MP5's? kek wtf
Year of the what?
Damn, she looks beautiful.
I like that this movie is actually a historical event for that micronation on their website.
The movie may be shit but I like the dude who runs Molossia.
Is this a recent photo? It can't be.
One day Hollywood will remake this film.
>Paul Giamatti as Douge Walker
>Nicholas Cage as Cinema Snob
>Russell Crow as President of Mollosia
He seemed pretty cool and fun in that. Plus his Dictator uniform is pretty cool.
It is quite popular to use Molossia's website as a teaching tool, to demonstrate false websites. On the face of things, this might seem reasonable, as the website represents an unrecognized and possibly imaginary nation. However, there are nuances here that I ask you to consider before using this site for that purpose, nuances that students may not grasp.
Regardless whether or not you consider Molossia a nation, it is in fact a physical location, our home in western Nevada. We have actual land, real weather, real flowers and trees, real animals and real humans that live here. You can indeed visit us, much as you can visit anyone's home, if invited. In fact we have had several "tourists" (not family or friends) visit Molossia in 2007 alone. I mention these points because students may not always see fine distinctions when they see a website that they have been told is false. For example, one child reported that our snow is fake, when in fact it is quite real. Another child was challenged by his teacher to see if a travel agent could book a flight to Molossia. This was used to prove that Molossia is not a real place. Obviously, this is not a disqualifier at all, since Molossia does have a physical location, and of course you could book a trip here, by flying to nearby Reno and driving to Molossia. Simply because we don't have airport does not disqualify us as a real location - you can't land a plane at your Grandmother's house either, yet you can indeed travel there, can't you? There are several other examples of this sort of distinction, all of which fail to grasp that this is a real place, even if it is not a "real" country.
My point is, be cautious on letting your students use this site as a false website, because they will think everything about it is false - which of course is not true. Just because I call our rubber rafts a "navy" doesn't mean that they don't exist. They do indeed, and we go rafting on them quite a bit! Students, however, may not make this connection.
I would suggest that, instead of using Molossia as an example of a "bogus" website, use it instead as an example of what defines a real nation. Molossia's website can be utilized to discuss subjects such as the Declarative Theory of Statehood, Constitutive Statehood, diplomacy and diplomatic recognition, the sovereignty of Dependent Nations (such as Indian Reservations), enclaves and exclaves, and sovereignty in general.
Either way you go, please be cautious about using Molossia's website as a teaching tool. This is our home and it is a real place, and much on the website reflects very real things in Molossia. Just because it is shown on a website that seems false, that doesn't make our snow any less cold.
And if you do encourage your students to use the Molossia website as an example of a false website, please ask them to be nice about it. Some comments that I have read on student blogs are quite rude, and that is NOT called for. And rest assured, if I read a student's report on the web, and they are rude, or just incorrect, I WILL write them directly to set them straight.
Thank you.
His Excellency President Kevin Baugh
Republic of Molossia
Isn't it like 4 hours long?
She looks 45 or 50. That's a hard fucking 35.
She still looks bad, just with make-up on and complimentary lighting.
I'm Rhas Al-Ghul and I'm here to say
No inflection in your voice is a-okay
Yes but all their movies are released in serial format.
most women around 35 i know have kids, user.
Is that why they all force settling down asap on everyone?
She looks worse than any 35 year old mom I've ever seen. Maybe that's it, though. Maybe the key to looking good at 35 is having a kid. Maybe she'd still look good if she hadn't murdered her baby.
maybe it's all the drinking and smoking lindsay does
Not to mention the fast food and endless one night stands and the abortions (2)
The Nostalgia chick nip slip is real btw. It's in one of the movie making of videos (maybe to boldly flee i don't remember) where they're sitting around a table at a restaurant or something
At exactly 3:40 when she loses the arm wrestle
What's with the censorship? Where's the HD version?
I actually found it pretty funny and entertaining, but I think it doesn't work if you're not a bit familiar with these guys' schtick.
The writing is actually decent. People here will criticize it, but it's not easy to write a feature, even it's just some dumb e-celeb flick. Narrative structure is good, plot is correct within its intentions.
That said, it's TERRIBLY shot, it's almost depressing to watch. Was it really so hard to get a DSLR and some decent lighting? ffs, you don't need professional lights, just some work lamps on tripods (no more than 50 bucks each) and a few reflectors to bounce light. Then get a mediocre boom mic (no more than 2-300 bucks) and you're all set.
All in all I think there's a lot of wasted potential in this. You could tweak the screenplay so as to better introduce the characters, maybe give it all a more surreal feel to justify these weird characters that make little sense if you don't know about them. Write the thing like you're NOT just thinking of your regular viewers, but for any kind of audience.
It's amazing that a guy who manages to do some good criticism at times (look at the Eyes Wide Shut review, it's impressive) manages to fuck up so badly with a project that's got so much going for it. Shame.