Faces of Sup Forums

Faces of Sup Forums
I’ll start

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Mission failed boys, we’ll get em next time.

lol I haven't seen this dude in years

They made a lot of memes with dapper lad. Do you have any?

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No unfortunately just the original pic

Why no more cringe threads I lurk every day now, haven’t seen one in forever

Why don’t you go ahead and make one instead of just being a cuck and lurking? Anons like you are the reason this place is boring.

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How are you gonna make this up to me?

Eh ill post my face of people actually start doing it

Do it bitch. Or is wittle baby too scared?

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Was this the reason you asked me for this pic?

I’ve tried a few times but they never take off I’ll even contribute like 10 pictures to start.

Well that’s your fault for not making a Blacked or WWYD thread, isn’t it?

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Nah I post all the time.

It's better to post when theres more people because then if it's just me theres a big chance for this thread to get derailed. At least with more people I'll just blend in a bit better

This. It’s like nothing interesting is allowed to be posted here. I fucking hate these goddamn coomers ruining my board

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Sound like an excuse

Op here I’ll start if it means you’ll stop being such a little bitch

Not really. I just have a history of thread derailment. I enjoy face threads so I'd rather not derail them

Sure go for it then.

> if i's just me theres a big chance for this thread to get derailed
You’re giving yourself too much credit

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I bet you enjoy looking at dudes faces, faggot

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Are you a Jackie Chan or a Carlos Mencia? I can’t tell.

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And this is me as a lil Nazi

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I’m a French dago
Italian and Cajun

Ew. If anybody asks you should just say you’re a Mexican. That’s the side you wanna be on during the race war anyways.

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Which part is ew? Both are European. Even if one is dindu’d

I dunno how proud you should be about being Italian and French. Both are pretty chucked nowadays if you ask me. It’s too bad you can’t transition into being black. Trust me, it fucking rules.

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My grandfather was purely Sicilian and was in the mob, came straight from Chicago. so that part of me is pretty strong and I’m proud of it. I dunno how muddied the French part is though, because my grandfather on my dads side fucked a plains nigger

No not really. It happens often

Eh I just like to see any face behind/b/ its amusing to see how utterly normal you all are.

Seems like a decent guy.

Ok fine then

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Also if you are truly a shitskin you’re the true “ew”

You're half right. Anons need to make threads, but they need to make their own threads. cringe threads are cancer -- literally threads of people posting the same god damn pictures, but constantly up on the board. just make a god damn image repo, that's not what imageboards are for.

sure, having the initiative to start a cringe thread is a lot better than lurking. but the gap between those two is nothing compared to the gap between starting a cringe thread and posting OC

>purely Sicilian
>came straight from Chicago
Then he wasn’t Sicilian you dumb wop. He was an American. Just say you’re a beaner.

Lies everyone knows there’s no wamen on the internet

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Fucking kek. Tits or gtfo, piggy.

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Fine I’m a taco nigger, happy?

That's why I dont post till its popping and people usually dont make a big deal about it.

But as you can see. That's not true...

I mean he came to Louisiana from Chicago his family mother and father were from Sicily

tits or gtfo

Nah I'm good.

Also piggy? Eh maybe to Europeans I guess

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Nah I'm good

Jesus it’s just a joke man

Now which one of you fags is posting next

I don’t care how nice of a girdle you slap on, I can still tell you’re a chubby slag. Now show us your tits since they’re the only attractive thing about you.

Yea but after my 14 years of being stuck here people take the made up "rules" more seriously than you could imagine.

So good on you for calling it a joke

*oink* *oink*

Nah I'm good.

Also I dont wear girdles lol they are too uncomfortable and I'm not about ditching comfort over fashion for the most part

Lol fat stuff really doesnt do anything to me...I dont see your point?

Kek. Don’t make me laugh. You should have covered up your fat arms. Maybe you’ll get em next time.

British detected.
Have you paid your internet access permit to the queen yet?

I'm an actual boomer lel

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? I guess you dont know much about weight distribution lol
I'm not even that smart of a person and even I understand that....yikes

Now this is a bit closer to what I expect to see on here lol

Ok. So when did they move to Mexico?

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Wow this really did derail the thread, I stg you people have the attention spans of fish

I’m whatever comes after millenials

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*oink* *oink*

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My family lived in Louisiana until I was born, so never and my fathers side can be traced back to the first Acadian settlers of Louisiana, cope harder with being a shitskin

You see....I told you this was gonna happen user.

I warned ya.
If there had been more people I probably would have been looked past lol

I really dont get it

Femanon Piggy from earlier here.
You are handsome, have my babies

Also I unironic dont like niggers
Underage b&? GenZ?

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Gen z I think, which is the most based generation of recent history

>thinking anyone actually gives a shit

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Do that math again, old man

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I see you've grown a crush on me. Its adorable.

Same user.

Clearly they do lol

>thinking anyone actually gives a shit about you not thinking anyone actually gives a shit

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I’ll take that as a compliment. I have to warn you though, I’m NEET.

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*oink* *oink*


Idk if you think this is samefagging or not but this is op

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Depends on where you live... also, do you like old, saggy balls?

Cannot into maths

Also just noticed my beard changes color in the light lol

Either that or I should stop smoking weed so late at night

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Hes gone so blindly in love with the femanon he cant think straight

Do I have potential to be chad?

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Aye! My buddy Carlos!

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Dude it’s a fucking stranger I’m not that pathetic. I think you’re projecting

Gain some weight, buzz your head and get gang tattoos.

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I try to gain weight but I can’t I think my body’s retarded

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Well you clearly are obsessed with attempting to pick on an attractive female even though she clearly doesnt give a shit.

It's similar to when little boys pull the hair of girls they like. They dont know how to communicate their interest so they pick on them.

You have a clear desperate urge to get her attention

Nah ese. You gotta eat chorizo and machaca beef for breakfast everyday. It’s the most important meal, fool. Smoke fat doinks before bed and eat a big breakfast.

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>an attractive female

I’m not the one picking on her I’ve barely addressed her

Why are you talking about yourself in the third person?

I mean, why bother with some random chick on the interwebs? Dont you have anything better to do?

If you maybe styled your hair and got rid of the sparse facial hair...maybe? I dunno I suck at judging people.

Dont bother with all that user. It's just a boy being a boy is all. I dont really care lol

Idk what a chorizo is and I do smoke a lot and I never skip breakfast, three meals a day. Heavy on meats and grains.

Oh so you're retarded and blind? How sad.

No, I actually don’t have anything better to do. Why do you think I’m browsing Sup Forums at like 2 in the morning?

I'm not?
I'm confused...do you know what 3rd person is?

I eat 6 eggs, 6oz ham, 2 pieces of toast with jam, and a bowl of strawberries every morning, and that keeps me going every mot ing amd I stay pretty fit for an old fuck.

So why resort to being a dick?
Because its "the Sup Forums way?"
Grow up and just be fucking chill

Like I said man I think my body’s just backards if you saw how much I eat in a day you’d be wondering how I’m not a walking talking amerifat

That’s the problem, fool. You gotta tune into your roots. Awaken your fiery Latin blood. Go get your abuelita to cook you up some chorizo.

Both my abuelitas are dead :(


Its 130am here... I'm gonna guess Mexican or somewhere around middle of n.america? Either that or s.american somewhere.

Weird because wasnt he using terms like "slag" and making himself seem European? Or is that a different user...

Ms. Piggy isn’t going to fuck you. You know what? What do I know? Maybe you two should exchange personal information. That way you can set up a date to go visit her on the farm.

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Maybe a different user, or cheaply using english terms. 130am in California... so idk

Ah, shit homie. That sucks. Well if you give me your address I’ll come over tomorrow and hook it up.

Ah I see I hit the "incel rage" button.
That wasnt very hard..

>they hated Jesus because he spoke the truth

Uh, is anyone else gonna man up and post their ugly mug?