A new celeb thread

a new celeb thread

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>new episode of watchmen
please tell me black liberation theology garbage writing eases up, series start been painful to watch

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Nicole Kidman is a looker.

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M-M-My m-m-mistress i-i-i-i-is a very b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-beautiful w-woman...

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one time there was this cutie

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e--a-a-a-t M-a-d-d-d-d-i-e-s
h-erp s-ore p-a-a-n-t-ies

Attached: Madison-Reed-Feet-4572824.jpg (1024x1820, 302K)

Merch! lil Ari went to shop for buffalo shields at Skio and the men at the store were checking out her short skirt!

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Attached: debby.jpg (225x225, 9K)

Sounds hot. I want to burst a herp sore between my teeth like a gusher

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Attached: Debby-Ryan-Sexy-6.jpg (1080x1080, 196K)

Send me back to when I couldn't see the nose ring

ever play with your butt in the shower?

got any more of debby? As you can see my collection is lacking

Not really my cup o' tea.

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lil Ari bent over, checking out horns on a
bottom shelf, and she heard behind her
throughout the store a series of low moans!
what was that lil Ari thought!

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Leave qt carlyposter alone you sicko!

>Sounds hot. I want to burst a herp sore between my teeth like a gusher

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upgraded upgrade
Not really tbh

Attached: Debby-Ryan-Sexy-6b.jpg (1080x1080, 271K)

grouse season has passed! she thought,
so why the death like tones!

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Not a fan of gushers?

Ha i was kidding but you are a funny lad, props.

aight thanks for the better pic tho

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what did i do?

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np I hate that nose ring fad too
I have one more

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I don't mind it. I think folks should wear whatever they like including piercings.

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ever wish some rando would suck you?


Attached: carly_rae_jepsen_gettyimages-1145306451.jpg (1642x924, 119K)

Of course, but still, I don't like it

Yea all good, like whatcha like.

that was that for that store!
and lil Ari! she hardly noticed as she paid
out for the white buffalo shield a cool twenty-
two hundred dollars men were turning heads
to stare one last time with a sigh at her bum!

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we won't tell on of to lil Ari how the men were secretly wishing for lil Ari's bum! to eat! and
taste! and sample! from when lil Ari bends
over her toilet bowls the gulch flow of yuck!

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i might be drunk but she is sexy

She's a good lookin' lady

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Dat nose

almost lewd level

I believe her nose looks very cute in this image

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i want your mouth

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Attached: carly-rae-jepsen-tca-winter-2016-billboard-1548.jpg (1548x1024, 763K)

I don't like Snow Mexicans, I bet Beijing rounds them up into urban ghettos and slowly kills them off

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As y-y-y-y-y-y-you can see I shouldn't h-h-h-have her because she i-i-i-i-is a very b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-beautiful w-woman...

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I kn-know m-m-many men c-c-can only d-dream e-e-every day to h-h-h-have a b-b-b-beautiful w-woman...

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Poor Looking Glass :[

L-Let's j-j-j-j-j-just say I-I'm f-forced t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-to feel s-sorry for th-them e-every day...

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>e--a-a-a-t M-a-d-d-d-d-i-e-s
>h-erp s-ore p-a-a-n-t-ies

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>you will never pull the top off a herpes sore and eat it it like a gooey reese's cup
why even live

I-I-Imagine h-h-h-h-h-having a-a girl l-like th-this...

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T-Those p-p-p-poor other m-m-m-m-men...

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I miss Kateanon

Sure would love to see some nudes of her...anybody have anything good of Ephraim?

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Levy´s tight little fappening bum was a nice surprise

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Best I got

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Yes it was. So tempted to lose NNN to her

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Wow did get that from google img? I know i did. Fuckin fag

lmfao you're a cranky one

Attached: Carly+Rae+Jepsen+Heels+Pumps+SYyEr3DJGCDx.jpg (720x1024, 174K)


nude server

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Should we move to thw other thread?

Not cranky at all, feeling good af right now actually. Would feel better if you pulled through with legit material instead of a pic pulled from google img, with clothes on too. I requested nude so why even post your best if its nn. FAG

I didn't go anywhere user

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Gave you the best I had sport. Sorry you're feeling so cranky.