Brother and Sister

Brother and Sister

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They camming somewhere?

I would fuck both holes

Little context here? Do you know them? Are you one of them? Is there more? Are they actually fucking, or are the two photo-sets separate, and you just happened to get both?

No, I am the brother and we sext each other because we are going to start a sex life soon

We sext each other and those pics are from tonight because we are planning on having a sex life

you fuck her yet?

yeah homie hook us up with more

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you have a kik?
you can tell me th details of your sex life.

are you going to raw dawg it?
are you going to have a baby with her?

We just love sex and will try posting more porn here

Yeah, she wants to have a baby just for fun so that's our plan

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how good will it feel when you bump your sister full of seed?

Good luck with the retarded ass baby

damn thats a nice belly

At least it will enjoy video games

wow you are small.

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how old are you both?

32 and 34

Post some screenshot of your conversions maybe? To get some context

Since when you started having sex with her?