I have heartburn rn... help

I have heartburn rn... help

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Die you fat nigger.

You are now intently focused only on your heartbeat

I'm lanky af

yeah right and I'm batman now die already you fat shit

Holy shit, u batman?
I'm telling you I'm thin you faggot

Spotted the stupid zoomer. Heartburn becomes more common with age, not weight


Then post proof with a timestamp you fat fucking nigger. Hopefully you'll get a stroke before you reply.

Soo...he was behind of all that...

Attached: 9871573135145173.jpg (1630x1184, 107K)

uno momento asshole

Attached: IMG_0256.jpg (3264x2448, 1.05M)

Cya OP that never delivered.

Just did faggot

That doesn't prove shit you reeeddit nigger show yourself pussy or else you're really fat and insecure.

If I were fat you would see it in the photo dipshit

Put a tablespoon of baking soda in enough water to dissolve it, and slam that shit down.

Instant relief.


Actually helped, thank you.

Have sex

If it happens a lot, you probably have GERD, and need to see a doc. More than a couple times a week, see a doc.

If it ever hits you when you're trying to sleep, lie down on your left side (usually; for some like my dad it's the right) and sip some water. Something to do with the angle and elevation of your esophagus, anyway it works for me.

Eat a tums, milk and cookies, and drink water while watching a video

u dont tho

Not common (like less than once a month depending what I eat) I think I’m good on the GERD front