Sword or sheathe?

Sword or sheathe?

Will reveal after 50 posts

Attached: file.png (557x873, 809K)

Sheathe. Way too obvious to be a trap

That's a dude for sure.

I will reveal with nudes***

99% of experts confirm op is a fag





Samefag confirmed



So much samefagging, wow.

No shit

>Sword or sheathe?
or cringe?

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Wow fuck, are you really gonna spam your way to 50 posts? I'll give y'all a hint, shit.

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Will contribute

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No need to you basically just gave us the answer

That doesn't make you any less pathetic

Which is?

Close enough


Sword you unbelievable fag
It couldn’t be any more obvious

God I hope she has a dick

Second hint at post number 25

Attached: FuckMe.webm (720x1280, 738K)

Who remembers stumpgrinder?

Definitely a guy



For the love of god please tell me you have a video of her jerking off

Guy for sure


Hopefully chick


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Based and Twitterfollower pilled, here's the reveal early.

Attached: Capture.png (697x930, 1.09M)


discord gg ywnDMTS


Attached: Capture+_2019-03-15-02-44-54.png (765x537, 237K)

Well that’s a disappointment. That little clit won’t reach my throat.

Attached: Cock.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

I fucking knew it. Now kill yourself you fucking degenerate.

would suckle

>jerking off

and then SHE will stroke HER feminine PENIS until SHE climaxes amd amd EJACULATES HER LOAD on YOUR face

I sense cock and balls

Attached: mynigga.jpg (284x285, 20K)

I hope to god your use of the words “feminine penis” is ironic. Hitler warned us of people like you

Oof, the edge.

hitler was a transvestite and Eva was his enabler.

Recently I have become into the conclusion that it doesn't matter if it's a girl or a man, as long as it has a penis.
