Can anyone explain how people like this delusional mutt shitting on people like incels is doing any good...

Can anyone explain how people like this delusional mutt shitting on people like incels is doing any good? How is a person that's constantly feeling like shit and has no support whatsoever suppose to all of a sudden pull themselves up by the bootstraps when retards like this talk shit point and laugh.

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Shut the fuck up incel

Where’s sue’s noodz et?

I'm asking a legitimate question you incredibly stupid fuck.

If you're not even resilient enough to let other people's words roll off of you, what worth are you to the world?

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Speak for yourself.

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stfu incel


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Either git gud or learn to code brah

Why so mad you little faggot? is cuz you stupid bait thread with a retard question isn't going anywhere? fucking lol

tits or gtfo

drink bleach you soy drinking redditor

Vipassana meditation 10 minutes x 1 per day
Sleep 8 hours x 1 per day
Eating window limited to 8 hours per day
No processed foods or sugar
Cardio 20 minutes x 5 / week
Cold shower for 5 minutes x 1 per day
2000 IU vitamin D3 x 1 per day
36 hour fast x 1 per month

Serotonergic psychedelics in microdoses, Fadiman protocol, cycle dosing for a month and then not dosing for 2 months
Serotonergic psychedelics in high dose x 1-6 per year

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You're unfunny. Now go kill yourself.

I am sincere, you are not.

wut kinda food you eat?

Meat and green vegetables, lots of fats, avocados, cheese, bulgur wheat.

do you like quinoa?


Damn son. You ain’t have to do em like dat

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The guy provides a service that people are willing to support him for in form of his videos. It may not be your style of humor, but it's plenty of other people's. Sounds like you have no marketable skills and you're buttmad, OP. Learn a craft.

Whoo! thinks was him...!?

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i like his content otherwise but yeah looks-wise he's in no position to shit on people who aren't getting laid, by incel logic it's a miracle that he has even managed to find someone willing to sleep with his 2/10 looking ass

I don't lean any way, does it even have a taste on its own? Mixed with veggies though, a bit of olive oil and parmesan (original parmigiano reggiano and not the shit people in the US believe is parmesan) and you have one tasty meal.

This bait smells funny

Yes,yes this is all well and good but where are the obligatory sue nudes?

and incels are doing any good by spewing their faggotry?

>by incel logic
You're so close to making a realization here. Really just at the cusp of figuring something out.


lol i don't agree with incels i'm just saying many are probably better looking than him so why does he feel he's in a position to talk down to them like he couldn't easily be one if he didn't have the self esteem that he has

*could easily be one if

the virgin bruh: invented by blacks(ew), overused, on the same level as shit like yeet, picked up as an ironic joke by redditers(ew again) vs the chad brah: slang invented by surfers chads who do extreme sports, came out around the 50s a simpler time, doesnt care to folllow trends, sounds dope as fuck, respectful yet informal way to address your fellow man, timeless never loses its charm you are on the wrong side of history brah

and why should he value what the world values?