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that dude can do whatever the fuck he wants. legend

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trout mouth

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Fags love to flatter themselves

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...but those Black men? NEVER.
No self respecting BLACK PERSON would ever commit such a crime as to RAPE someone!
That is preposterous!

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discord gg UTqWcx

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>No self respecting BLACK PERSON would ever commit such a crime as to RAPE someone!
This is a true statement though. Chris Rock had a bit where he said: There are black people and then there are niggers.

I would believe he lost a bet but then I saw a guy who prepared responses to a girl he wanted to play a Nintendo game with.

This is a troll.
>Capcha was bridges
Definitely a troll.

100% certain that the chick sent these to herself, blanked off the names and email, and then posted it on Reddit or Facebook for attention. I'm pretty sure the person is u/peregr1ne who was a BPD whore who spammed r/creepypms a few years ago with different stories of how guys creeped on her, up 15 in a day. She got noticed by some people on cripplechan /cow/ and proceeded to DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING when it was pointed out and people started to fuck with her for laughs.

This is cringe, not because it is an actual guy who wrote this, but because it is an insane whore who wrote it for herself for attention on reddit.

Who is a troll?

if only you knew how bad things really are.

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all black people are monkeys, not humans, and most , if not all of them are niggers also, some of the monkeys are just trained to act like a human

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Oh I get it... A woman wrote that

Is the God a nigger too?

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that's jewish media trying to normalize niggers pretending to be human. Niggers share more DNA with chimpanzees than do with white people. Just think about that foe a second , niggers are closer to being monkeys than they are to white european humans, and jewish people want you to worship them in their propaganda movies so you can lose your morality and act like a nigger .

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Right the jews did again. I am from the EU and have that aryan structure, I am also very tall and muscular and I would love to date a black girl. The jews have won I guess.

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>My son found a sex tape of my wife and I
>I am not on the tape

Well which is it? A sex tape of him and his wife or a sex tape of his wife and other people?

Keep your story straight

animal lust is only natural in humans but you would be an absolute fool to ever consider bringing a half breed creature to the world, and you would probably end up getting stabbed and robbed by the black girls' cousin/brother/father/ex-boyfriend

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It isn't cringe to be vegan

yea it is

Of course it is, if you live amongst normal people, fucking amerilard.

I am not going to lie I don't want kids and I am afraid a mixed kid would have it hard and I am also afraid of racial attacks towards interracial couples that are typically coming from niggers. I would still love to date a properly educated black girl though. Maybe it's a fetish?

based moby dabbing on op
hes allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants play is easily one of my favorite albums

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What?! Enjoy your cancer and foggy brain

enjoy dick up your ass.

you would just be wasting your time since they are all crawling with viruses and STD's and there are not very many attractive black girls to begin with, and also they have extremely shitty attitudes , they are loud as fuck, rude and entitled acting, cheap, and they are all 10x as racist as any white person, oh and the fact that they are very low intelligence and interest in stupid things like flashy jewelry and eating corn starch

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Wew, that's bad. That is really fuckin bad.

better than fucking their dogs
and flashy jewelry is great.

nice trips

Just looked this up to make sure it's real, and it turns out it gets even worse.

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About 99% of horners (especially Ethiopians, and 100% of Ethiopian Jews) are extremely attractive that comoete with classical greek features

>It isn't cringe to be vegan
You're right.

To be vegan is cringe

Did he died?

Fact: The only dick eaters and fuckers are carnivores

I actually miss this type of cringe. Less crazy.

Even if it isn't it's still cringe to virtue signal this fucking hard...

you're retarded if you let anything or one but you dictate what you're attracted to
remember as a kid how you never had the thought "Ohh shes black or asian, how exotic"
you thought oh shit nigga its time to play with the girl i like say something funny

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I like the term 'virtue signal'

we should eat vegans

If I paint my dick as a carrot can I shove it up your cornhole?

But his tattoo will make people stop eating meat. Smh don't be so ignorant


gay af

It's their culture, we wouldn't understand.
Don't be racist...


I can't believe how pic related aged so well

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That's how I am looking at it but I am not going to pretend statistics don't exist. I am also questioning if I just have a fetish. It does matter since I am thinking long-term, hence the word dating.

Based and redpilled

Correct. Anything said otherwise is racist.

He's probably the one filming.

yeah but you're also over analyzing attraction
there are no rules or guidelines
you can find a chick pretty who 100% of the rest of the world find disgusting
yeah statistics, but in reality you're not gonna get bashed for dating someone unless its from their ex

I can smell the snowflakes

>Niggers share more DNA with chimpanzees than do with white people.
Do you actually believe this or are you just a troll?

Any more jpeg you could spare? Or would it make it obvious it's not the same object?

nah there monkeys

its true lol you live under a rock or what
niggers are species of apes, children from nigger human relationship are actually abominations/monsters.

I think someone who gets a giant neck tattoo isn't virtue signalling, moreso they are essentially doubling down on whatever life choice they made

it's true

yeahnah fair enough
good job lifting 200kgs or whatever dude I dont want half my workout to be moving an ungodly amount of weights on and off the machine

You’re too old, let go, it’s over. Nobody listens to techno

I'm fairly certain this was a prank a youtuber pulled.

Explain then how Africans can breed with whites but monkeys can't

Fuckin Mc eminem

Truly you can't really believe the things you're typing? That's insanely false and hyperbolic

Post source or stfu

cuz they're a specie of ape that can, other species can't. that's pretty obvious from what i wrote, can't you read?

What a fucking tool.

Animal lust is NOT natural. How can you be so full of your own shit that you can even say the dumb things you say?What are you? Some pig fucking psycho who has a masters in genetics?

it's because of the number of mutations in the chain of DNA. The mutations for a nigger are more common when compared to a white person's DNA , meaning there are more deviations from the patterns in the chain. A monkey ( chimpanzee ) has patterns that are more similar to niggers' DNA but the structure of the chromosone does not allow them to combine and reproduce. The abberations in the chain closely resemble chimpanzee DNA such as the mutations that trigger characteristics in the formation of tissues and cellular function.

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Maybe you're a weak ass pussy boi who only interacts with the dregs of black society.

i agree its not natural. due to the jew's machinations in pop culture, and niggerapes hundreds of years of training, it is understandable for some males to develop a level of animal lust towards them, the urge is to be fought against.

>cuz they're a specie of ape that can, other species can't
But surely the lack of sexual compatibility implies a significant difference in the two genomes?

But those mutations would also prevent a successful zygote, which is not what happens. Your analysis of the defects must be faulty. Can you provide the peer-reviewed paper for me to read?

real cringe is giving that much of a shit about what others do. how fucking lonely are you that the only attention you get is from being an asshole to people?

What about the potential kid? That's what I mean by statistics. Mixed black and white kids seem to have it worse but maybe the stats are skewed by white trash moms and nigger fathers.

uhh.. dawg ... it's settled science, thaey are not humans in the scientific sense although there are " some " coomon ancestral lines that whites have branched off from monkeys and evolved into humans , and niggers just remained as monkeys that they are today

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it's a perversion , and a natural instinct

>But those mutations would also prevent a successful zygote, which is not what happens. Your analysis of the defects must be faulty. Can you provide the peer-reviewed paper for me to read?

I don't have the peer reviewed article because it is widely understood that nigger DNA is very different ( mutations ) , but because of the way the genes are formed and shaped they can reproduce with a european, but that does not mean they are fully human

i mean, you really think those statistics are going to be relevant after you have raised the child to the point it starts school? in like 5+ years
it might get worse sure, but it also might get better, or just stay as is
you literally cant tell because technology advances so fast,

like every generation couldn't predict the following generation
boomers never would have expected zoomers, zoomers wont expect whatever the fuck comes next
everybody is going to be blindsided

also tolerance is generally taught in schools, shitty parents make those statistics more relevant, not just because the kids are mixed or black or asian

intolerance is taught or created by other intolerance
sound pretty faggy but when it comes to people making a life i really step back from all the memes and reckon, if its the right move its the right move
you do what you want and dont let bullshit stop you

nah it dont cuz it might seem like it does but it actually it is not yes.

>I don't have the peer reviewed article because it is widely understood that nigger DNA is very different ( mutations )
Not without that paper it isn't. You wouldn't just be quoting something someone told you without confirming the sources, would you? Because only really stupid people do that and you're clearly not stupid

Some of you need to accept Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior.

Or dismiss him altogether

That's all nice and I am also a hippie that loves to ride on the rainbow unicorn in psychedelic hyperspace made out of love, however you have to acknowledge the power of tribalism that kept our ancestors alive. I am trying to be open about things or I believe I do, but the universe outside of my head is determined by neatly packed boxes in precisely marked warehouses. I know how evil kids can be since I was one. The frontal cortex is not developed yet and you basically have a bunch of psychopaths running around and testing ideas.
I do feel your first point is more relevant than ever though, feels like we are starting to climb the exponential curve towards singularity. The world will be unrecognizable in 20 years and we may not even keep up with the pace, we certainly cannot keep up as it is now.