Why is Sup Forums obsessed with this woman?

why is Sup Forums obsessed with this woman?

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You're the faggot who keeps making threads about her.

Americans like hard-working people who pull themselves up by their bootstraps and fight against criminal corrupt republican politicians.

Get off me, crack-boy!

>found the criminal republican trash

she triggers the right
REALLY trigger them.

I don't know that much about her beyond that. only thing I've read or heard her say was that whole community garden thing everyone was memeing about.

l think she's cute though. would cuddle

fair point, right-wing nutjobs really can't cope with a working class women being allowed in politics. They think only people with rich inheritances are allowed to.

She's unbelievably stupid.

Great point, retard. You are bigly smart, retard

Less about being working class more about being brain dead like not knowing what a garbage disposal is and broadcasting that to the world

“Working Class” haha, she lives in a penthouse man

who the fuck is she?

>why is Sup Forums obsessed with this woman?

because she's a cunt, and Sup Forums likes cunts, end of story.

I'm not, I think she's a fucking joke. She can't run a McDonald's fry station through a lunch rush, yet she thinks she has the intelligence to run the world. She is a buzzword come to life.

u mad

but seriously I live with a Trumper and he's commented on her before but not really on any other besides pelosi.
it's all a circus anyway
thanks for that btw. appreciate your contribution to conflict. that's exactly how to deal with that cult of redhats.

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I'm thankful for Donalt J. Trump's genrous tax cuts for the middle class. I got $76.23 of my hard earned taxpayer dollerts back from the govenment's greedy hands this year thanks to his genrous tax cuts for the middle classes. WOW! THats a lot of money! Thank's Trump! Unlike obummer's socialist dictatorship, I'm no longer forced to give 100% of my hard earned tax dollerts to the wasteful government so they can spend it all on obummercare. The only thing I'm not thankful for is that now I've got too decied what I'm going to do with all these hard earned tax payer dollerts that are flowing out of my pockets in Trump's booming economy. I know! I thkin I'll treat myself to a fancy stake dinnert, mmm.... tasty staek! I knew voting for the Republicans would be good choice for the midlle class, just like how ketchup was a good choice to have on my well done stetakes. Don'tt forget to thanks Dondald Tump for the delicius meal by voting for him in 2020, AND I still have money left over! What are you going to do with all the extra taxpayer money that's back in your pockets?

New phone, who dis?

>he says after making this thread for the 100th time this day
don't forget to enter herbs in the choices textbox when making a reply.

>What are you going to do with all the extra taxpayer money that's back in your pockets?
Thnaks for asking! I'm going to use all my taxpayer dollerts and donate them to the Trump campaign in 2020, he needsr all the suppourt he can get before the Democarts steals the next election form us.

can't tell if troll or beyond pathetic for caring about 70 bucks of tax saving over everything else

I can't find anything about this. But Trips are truth.

Says the person who started an AOC thread... gr8b8m8

It's alexandria ocasio-cortez

Thanks user and the rest of Sup Forums faggots for not helping. Fucking hipsters.

Attached: aoc.png (678x326, 253K)

copy pasta


Attached: 1280px-Alexandria_Ocasio-Cortez_Official_Portrait.jpg (1280x1600, 251K)


The mindless morass of a mediocre mind.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-11-18 The Brains Behind AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube.png (688x506, 406K)

Based ironic pasta poster.

I got a thousand dollars. Sucks to be you.

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Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-15 Trump donates his presidential paycheck to VA caregivers.png (1183x841, 879K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-15 Trump donates second quarter salary to Small Business Administration, White Ho (659x871, 297K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-26 Donald Trump Didn’t Just Win; He Won With Unprecedented Efficiency.png (693x1039, 637K)

>she triggers the right
I'm am independent. I live in NY. She cost us 50,000 150,000 dollars a year jobs. She is a fucking asshole who grand stands every chance she gets yet accomplishes nothing other that being PR for herself.

so she's a normal politician then.

>I'm am independent.
neat but irrelevant which is a red flag that the following will be propaganda.
> live in NY.
awesome. pertinent information which I now must doubt due to your previous statement
>She cost us 50,000 150,000 dollars a year jobs. She is a fucking asshole who grand stands every chance she gets yet accomplishes nothing other that being PR for herself.
if you say so (doubt of bias)
I don't live in new york. so she isn't currently my problem

>She cost us 50,000 150,000 dollars a year jobs.
is English even your first language?

Because she is an intelligent, attractive, successful woman and Sup Forums is populated primarily by pathetic, basement dwelling misogynists

By AOC's feet, the alt right bleats
Shredding psyches by her steamy cleats
Cappuccino soles beneath latte toes
Tea steeped in her socks cures all woes

Kneeling before Ms. Alexandria
Offering Rosé and pink sangria
Bespoke heels lined by shimmery bows
Gold statues, AOC in 'The Pose'
Essential oils and murky tinctures
Pasted pieces of Dead Sea scriptures

>neat but irrelevant which is a red flag that the following will be propaganda.
You are a totally ignorant asshole if you think democrats and republicans swing elections in this country neophyte.



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You should be curbstomped. You have attained a level of pretentious ignorance that should be a capital offense.


Attached: Screenshot_2019-11-18 Alexadria Ocasio billboard at DuckDuckGo.png (1260x378, 231K)

Buh-bye lil mad nigga, Be gone no action committee having nigga, don't fret too hard, femstronaut nigga

Because is is a duplicitous fraud. She is a fucking bartender. Sitting around stoned in your dorm room talking about Climate change man and like how we can totally fix it if those fucking boomers would just die and give us all their money maaaaannn, hey! watch the bong man you knocked it over...and I know I know...we'll call it the "green" new deal hahahaha get it GREEN OMG ROFL.

Don't quit your day job...a poet laureate you are not...

Dude eat shit I got weed legalized you effete obsequious ineffectual loser. When I started they were putting people in jail for life (go ahead you fucking know it all tell me I'm wrong). Now? Now 42 states have recreational or medical marijuana laws. I was arrested 4 different times and beat up by the cops twice. You on the other hand...

Ok boomer don't clutch your chest you scaring us haha

Idk but fuck Puerto Ricans fucking niggers

Sure thing, toastmaster. Hey you might want to shove a straw in beside your next BBC so you don't deprive your brain of anymore oxygen. It seems a great deal of damage has already been done to you :(

PR girls have the best feet. You are a tasteless tiddy drone and probably have several distinct smears of HPV lining your simian lips

Brag about your shit from the bench, I pen thee Towel warmer, cuz you ain't a player just a flimsy fabric that smells like one

it's almost like you seen a keyword in my statement, perhaps "propaganda", and replied with a script.
that couldn't be?

Whoo! thinks was him...!?

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hey. maybe amazon will come to my state now. thanks for the potential jobs coming here, Señora Cortez!

unless you live in new york your a giant faggot. I don't live in new york. not my fucking problem.

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kek, he trolled you good dude bro weed man.
I'm the original user again giggling at the troll.

I smell samefag. Prove me wrong.


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This one woke boomer y'all, watch out! Zappadoo!!

muh lulz

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