I think my house is haunted, so yeah... any tips

I think my house is haunted, so yeah... any tips

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Did you try throwing your hermatic grenades at any apparitions?

Get yourself a few bibles. Put one in every room.

I live in Alaska

Stop being a bitch, ghosts don't exist.

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Start walking around in the nude. If your ugly body has kept away the living, it will surely work on the dead.

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like old friend haunted

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you know what ghost it is?

it's not.

Don't piss it off.
Might be able to live with it depending on what it is.
Keep in mind exorcisms and blessings don't always work, so they should be the last resort.
Why do you think it's haunted?

Or he could just let them take em so he can kill the big one. Then they'll be gone for a while

No, but it looks like a Shadow People

This, but take it further.

Stick things up your ass and jack off all over the place. Watch shemale porn at full volume while crying. Cover yourself with mayonnaise and then eat it for dinner.

Make the spirit fucking regret that it's haunting that house.

Kill yourself before they get your soul!

id go get some help from a respected native in your area

Ghosts arent real.

And if they were, you seriously think after death, when you're living in a whole other plane of existence/reality, you're going to be fucking around with someone in their house?

Yes they do

well think about it this way man, if the ghosts are real, they are gonna want to stay in their own house, and when some fucker comes to your house, starts hangin out 24/7, watching those damn chinese cartoons, chip crumbs on the carpet HNNNNNG

Whats that gonna do?
Ghosts arent religious moron.
Demons maybe but not ghosts.
Always thinking the fucking bible book shit is gonna do something. Its a book. Like putting a copy of LOTR in each room will do the same... Nothing

I would totally haunt my house if a weeaboo moved in

Yeah, i agree, how the hell can the furniture in my house moving by them self, and the light is flashing, the doors is opening by them self, my house is Actually haunted, even you like it or not

Record it. Record it all and in depth. Be the first actual person with good quality footage of ghost activity. No shakey shitty film like everyone else. Prove this to the world then we can talk. There is no ghosts. Where are the animal and dino ghosts?

So do I, where are you?

Do other people live in the house? Do you ever have people over? Do you drink a lot or take drugs?

In the Alaska triangle

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You just deal with it like everyone else. Ignore it, talk shit to it like a man or move out.

Masturbates with shit while listening to skating music, with a dragon didldo up your ass. Either the ghost will join you or run.

No, i live in a big cabin, i'm a easy guy, i don't drinking, and never had people over, but after 3 days after moving in then... the all started

Are you asking who you gunna call?

The flashing lights could faulty wiring, doors opening could be drafts. You do live in fucking Alaska. Do you actually see the furniture move, or do you just come back and it's in different places?

So... Anchorage? You're not being haunted, you're just high.

No, my house is actually haunted by a God damn Shadow people

SO when you die, and are exposed to a whole new wide world of existence and reality, you wanna go hang out at your old house?

I dno it doesn't make sense to me at all.

Thats why i think ghosts are bullshit. And if i saw one i'd probably be like 'the fuck are you doing bro? get your shit together'.

I just think its silly to presume you would retain your identity and want to 'haunt' some place if you died. That would honestly be a (not) living hell if that was your reality after death...id rather just be nothingness.

Shadow people are voyeuristic little pussies. They don't haunt anything other than your own mind

>So here I am
>Doing everything I can
>Holding on to what I am
>Pretending I'm a superman
>I'm trying to keep
>The ground on my feet
>It seems the world is falling down around me
>The nights are all long
>I'm singing this song
>To try and make the answers more than maybe
>And I'm so confused about what to do
>Sometimes I wanna throw it all away


A Poltergeist then, when i said shadow people i meant a white looking fog figure, damn ! I everytime i take Poltergeist for a Shadow people

Just try to jerk him off next time he shows up. Ghosts hate reacharounds.


Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with you? This is why you give atheists a bad name.

>buy ouija board
>piss on board
>yell at ghosts
>threaten ghosts
>rape ghosts by attaching broken ouija board on dick
>fag ghosts leave