I bought an ounce of MDMA.
been on it taking about 2 grams a day.
I bought an ounce of MDMA.
been on it taking about 2 grams a day.
What's d high like
What does "ama" mean?
Much Doubt. Also it would overload your system and you wouldn't get any pleasure from it.
Ask me anything.lurk more, fag
Jesus Christ.
2g a day? For how many days? Enjoy your serotonin syndrome and your pleasure-free life for the foreseeable future.
"Ask me anything"
how much did it cost
just really relaxed but no gurning
Haha you're so full of shit hahaha
nah its sweet, i have a high tolerance so its good.
My stuff doesn't have a comedown
Either its shitty molly or he's fucking ODing. 2mg is a shit ton for a single day.
nah did a purity and cut test.
results came back really strong and cut with nothing
It's a reddit thing
don't do mdma
don't do any drugs in fact.
Lol quit your bullshit. I raved in Ibiza for a month, and 200mg was plenty.
ahahah soz i love MDMA and cocaine
dude, its fucking brown. the browning is from impurities.
ahahahahha 2 points? fucking amateur
stock photo bro
I cant even smoke a G of weed a day without feeling like life sucks when I am not high
how can anyone do 2g of mdma a day and not jump off a highrise
saging and calling bs
i like cocaine too. mdma is for girls and faggots.
but all drugs suck and shouldnt be used. in fact drug dealers should be put to death.
ive been abusing mdma since the age of 16, much older now and have a tolerance. And because its so pure i dont get a comedown
i know a kid with autism who gets/makes mdma and trips balls all day long
are you him
his brothers name is justin
*quarter ounce
nah got 24 g's left
Cool, thanks.
german last name starts with S
like the things they drink beer out of
nah dont know bro
How’s that working out for ya op?
fucking amazing
soyface. are you gay?
yeah baby, come here ;)
tought so, i stay away from dirty degenerate mentally sick sodomites. hope you die of aids soon.
>tought so, i stay away from dirty degenerate mentally sick sodomites. hope you die of aids soon.
ever heard of a joke? are you butthurt that fags can now legally marry
they can't where Í'm from. and what one can and cant do legally doesnt really matter anyway, legally niggers and jews are humans rather than apes and snakes.
muh hole is ready!
Hmm. 2grams a day is actually madness. Taking Mdma 4 days in a row eventually leaves you with no reaction to the drug anymore. You just feel a weird uneasy sensation thats not pleasurable at all. Take a month off and have 400mg for a night and that will make it worth it again. You need your serotonin to build up or else theres not point in doing it dude. Also you must feel like a hollow shell of a person. MDma gets to a point where you look at it and feel disgusted, leaving you not wanting anymore.
Why does it looks like crack?
cos I fucked your moms crack
Yeah this is what i actually thought. i get that you think im an empty shell when im off it although ive had 0 comedowns and been on it for about 3 days and still managing to go to work. i do feel a little off sometimes although its easy to get through. i always look foward to taking my next dose because i know what follows. couldnt give a fuck bout anyones opinion. i love the shit
Woolies select bags, interdasting.. Sydney by any chance? Discord? I need a hook up
wickr Xerophyte
sure thing mr police officer
No u didn't
Mdma is like extasy? It's psychological?
I did so! I had to wait in line with a bunch of niggers for muh turn though
How much you pay for it
Any idea the logistics chain of such a think in oz?
normall ecstasy pill has around 100-200mg and you're talking about 2mg, lol
So much stupid in this thread.
"Browning" is called oxidation.
If an impurity can be seen with the naked eye it's a fucking health-hazard due to the materials used in the extraction-process.
Street MDMA is however famous for containing barely any MDMA at all but instead mostly caffeine and amphetamines.
If you buy street MDMA and think you know "ecstasy" think again, at best you have around 70% MDMA if you live in the Netherlands. Any other country immediatly drops to around 20-40% MDMA at the very BEST.
gee thanks mr heisenberg kys faggot.
Dude I’ve been taking molly for a decade and that’s just too much. Either you came here to brag or you really subconsciously think you’re on a runaway train with a huge crash in your near future.
anti-psychotic medication does the same thing, you can't even get a runners' high if you take meds for schizophrenia
kys faggot
Le mao you're so funny, spread the hate weakling.
bruh, just realised why i might have such a high tolerance. Im on olanzapine injections atm
hey egghead tell me more about oxidation never heard of that before, or some other online stats about pct of drug purity you read, please share some more of your knowledge.
lol oxidation, not polymerization of the ketone caused by over heating in the reaction during reduction. due to lack of temperature control at such large scale. or side reactions caused by over alkylation during reduction.
and mostly caffeine and amphetamine, in oz amphetamine is more rarer then mdma. so rather unlikely
as fucking if. you speak like someone who just read the MDMA wiki and wanted to sound smart. you seem to be mixing street statistics for E and MD up, and stating the fucking wrong ones at that.
I like dried pineapple too.
Why do you only shave your left goose egg?
Morphine is my kind of drug.
No you dont
You'd have your whole serotonin burned after less than a gramm, the next doses wouldn't do shit and you would be permanently depressed anyways
Also since melanin is created from serotonin you would be completely unable to sleep while taking 2 grams a day
I didn't sleep for 4 days once because i took 100mg and had tons of fun the next days
After 3 days without sleep i started hearing voices
Fuck off poser
This is not how mdma works kid
think he meant 200mg i buy my md in rocks and have been pressing pills for about 9 years now i dont think i could even cut off 2mg its just too small
Nigga shut the fuck up
I though that was from amonia wash to get impuritys out..
Colour is not a good indicator of purity.
Rubies are 99.5% aluminum oxide and the colour is due to a 0.5% impurity of chromium. A slightly brown discolouration in organic salts is common, and it may even be unnoticeable after crushing into a powder.
2 g a day is reckless drug abuse. Why do that to yourself?
sounds like bullshit as your serotonin reserves would be all used up. heck even taking a bumper when you are on your way down is a waste off product as the serotonin that is starting to get out off your system you wont get back from re-dousing.
honestly taking 2 grams a day over multiple days sounds like a nice way to ruin yourself or making yourself slightly more retarded for the rest of your life.
Ironic he doesn't know. Maybe fb is coming now?
mdma is main ingrediant in ecstasy. you can get ecstasy that also contains speed but most off the time it should just be mdma
This sounds correct. Aldol reaction with ketones is a bitch to suppress, especially at large scale and ESPECIALLY in a clandestine lab. It usually forms a brown polymer. Careful recrystallization would improve the colour, but it’s likely too little to make a difference.
Have you tried getting an orgasm by stimulating Ur g spot? Cuz wanking off is really difficult on such amounts