Give me characters, items or ideas to add to this shitty game Sup Forums

give me characters, items or ideas to add to this shitty game Sup Forums

Attached: 31213132132.webm (1920x1080, 824K)

add pepe as an enemy or some shit

ok working on it now


thanks bro


make greta a boss too

Solaire of Astora assists you in battle

Yes to all of this

make Hitler a shop vendor and give him only jew/gas related puns

your mum as a prostitute?

add Trump as an ally and his ability should be some thing where he isolates enemies or just says fake news and the enemy takes dmg
and epstein didn't kill himself

bootleg the story of death stranding, but make it about niggers, technology and the downfall of the white race

niggers = BT
technology = beach
white race = rest of humanity

ok lol

He will need a weapon, give him a cum sock for smashin heads. Also, bepis bottles filled with piss for throwing/ranged attack

added Pepe with some place holder dialogue. Lmk what you guys want him to say/do

I'm going to work on Hitler shop vendor now

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glad to see the Sup Forums-RPG taking shape fren

add a jew and make him follow you until you give him currency

he should come at random und always demands more money

good idea, please do it op

lmao that is hilarious, do it

That u?

do it OP

Palette swap version (yellow skin, obviously) as Tim Pool, saying "Well actually it's complicated" with a character class of "milquetoast fence sitter"

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Janitor enemy mobs.

Add white women and make it to where all there boyfriends are black

Hitler shop is added. Give me ideas for more items and item descriptions if you guys can

I'm now working on the jew that randomly appears and demands money from you

p.s. still need some dialogue for pepe. if anyone has any good ideas lmk

Attached: 111578578.webm (1920x1080, 1.05M)

-dust of jews
-shekels (free), but hitler kills you if select them


pepe says:

ahh i see you are a man of culture as well
here have this but be careful it has power even i don't fully comprehend
*pepe hands you a copy of *


dads ol' box of secrets -> contains a nude photo of mom (still sticky), some screws, a fake mustache and a dollar

buttplug -> can be used as demon-possesion-prevention by shoving it up your butt

a screwdriver named hammer
and a hammer named screwdriver

monster-energy-drink -> drinking it will change your appearence for a minute --> you now look like a monster (idk ... like the creepy garfield if you know what i mean)

coffee-> doubles walking speed for 1 minute
boss -> if he approaches you he will yell at you and then fire you -> he sets you on fire after dialog "you damn insufferable lunatic you will not refer to me as a man; i identify as female you fuckward cis scum" -> before he yells at you he wears a suit after that he wears a dress

sjw warrior -> constant speech bubble over head with incomprehensible gibberish
always trying to block your path

your sisters panties
-> can trade with hitler for something

parking ticket
when given to someone they will give you x amount of money

a testicle
given to hitler he will twice as big and will kill jews if they reach a 400 unit radius around him

you know what it does

neckbeard (character)
is twice the width of everyone else
follows sjw says thing "like you are pretty" "haha we should marry hahaha no just a joke hahah or was it?" etc.
gets dmg over time till he is dead (slow dot)

tribal tattoo
its a tatoo on some skin patch
you don't know who its from


I've added the Jew! See the attached webm

Pepe now says this and you get the Hentai video, maybe the Hentai video can be used on someone or something later on

I'm going to start adding some of these items

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nice work on the jew

pepe ftw!

keep up the good work op!!

Don't stop OP lmao let's make this a game and then sell it

I've got to go now. I will return with this thread again later tonight/tomorrow

Thanks for the help Sup Forumsros

Ait man later