My boss at my job offered me money for photos of my naked girlfriend. What should I do?
My boss at my job offered me money for photos of my naked girlfriend. What should I do?
Bad idea
Switch it back on him and go “give me the money and I won’t report you for blackmailing me, check mate faggot”
If it was me, I would first tell my gf.
Just for the lols
Then draft a quick agreement stating basically not to share them with the result of him being sued if he were to.
Agree a price
Get him to sign his name
Shake hands.
Spend the money of female enhancements and tell him about but he won't be able to see them.
Then thank me later
If you have the request in text or something then he's fucked. Time to call HR and collect that check vro
This and post nudes here
Good awnser
My gf already know that of my boss
Not, it was talking
Ok retard
Show us photos of her naked, so we can determine if they are worth money.
Report to human resources. Move up a spot when boss gers fired.
Do t do it mate .
Send them to us
There is few around b
Well we need to know exactly what we are dealing with, or else we can't assess it.
How much?
Don’t sue. You’ll just get some money but lose your job. Negotiate for something better. A better pay so in the long run you’ll make more
Report your boss to some one superior to him and the police have real proff fist don't waste your time or your job if you don't if you do than make it your full time job to put the scum bag in his place and to be payed to do so
just picswap your gf with her wife/gf pics
trade is the purest way to make bonds
That's blackmail as well y not. Just do the right thing we need people of power to be held accountable for thare shit ... thay never do this is a thing that keeps makeing life in a work place and life in general so shity for ever day pepole
He said 250 bucks, but not a specific number of pics
Yep you can sue for. Lost wages and junk for as long as it takes to fuck the gye and a hand full of other shit
Did he say how naked she had to be?
>He said 250 bucks, but not a specific number of pics
Did he specify the view, size, resolution?
a couple of low res pic of a couple square inches of skin while she happens to be nude would qualify
Maybe for pics without face. Get him hooked, then just make it a regular thing. Hell, you could probably pimp out her mouth for raises and promotions.
he could just send him images the size of 1px and be done with it
if he has prrof of this go to HR and tell them about the blackmail or if no HR then go to Police
its not that complicated
It's not about the photos, he wants to fuck her, but he doesn't know how to tell me
It’s not blackmail idiots. He didn’t say show me pics of your gf or I fire you! He has a choice not to share them with him in exchange for money.
Your story is bullshit. You’re just a cuck living in a fantasy just wanting to make a fake plot and masturbate in your face
This is your boss, post more
Honestly despite the facetious response earlier - yeah. Evidence gather, then report him, then go one rung up the ladder.
It's pretty clearly prima facie sexual harrassment/misconduct to request sexual images of a subordinate's partner/spouse.
Until they fire you two weeks later for "Insubordination"
It’s not if OP want to do it and by the looks of it this thread has already shared pics of her. So I’m keeping this thread as proof if he ever sie his boss for harassment. Kek
tell him you agree only if he let you fuck her gf/wife
i cannot stress enough how this is just fair if it's mutually beneficial for both of your dicks
also you can do foursomes
Then you present the evidence fucker. Are all Americans that stupid ?
This. Op hit a goldmine and everyone says to sue. Typical American living inside a box
Regardless of whether OP is into it or not, it still is misconduct and a firing offence in most of the civilised world.
OP being into it might mean he doesn't report it, but that's a different matter.
(I'm ignoring the likelihood this is a cuck larp because that makes things more boring)
Gunna need to see nudes.
>cuck larp
Welcome to Sup Forums
Ps, OP - postits
>not asking for a promotion and pay raise first.
What a retard fantasy you have here. Go make shit up and post it to tumblr or pinterest where they care.
Just tell him to ask her out and. Your will put a good work in for him what is it with people wanting pictures of people man up. Ask some one out on a date and fuck and shit y is the world fill with so many pussy's dam son
fuckin do it girl, BUT make the offer higher. Make it worth something.
Might as well make money off of her
You'll probably end up posting them anyways for free when you guys eventually split up
you are right but i suppose a boss who wants to take advantage of his employee's gf is a shitty boss, so he will probably more open to let a stranger fuck her wife rather than give more dollars to someone he consider just a slave
she's cute, I'd nut in her pussy and cuddle afterwards
Record the conversation. Get him fired. Take his job. Profit.
>1. Get evidence of him asking
>2. Sue his ass
>3. Profit
Is his wife hot?
hold up, is it sexual harassment just for making an honest offer of money for nude photos of someone else?? As long as it isn't coercive, I don't see the problem...
Send him nudes of yourself to establish dominance.
Hahaha op here, good one
just get some random images on the internet and tell him it's her
She has tattoos