Should I ask out my crush at work? I think she likes me but I don't want to make things weird if it doesn't work out

Should I ask out my crush at work? I think she likes me but I don't want to make things weird if it doesn't work out.

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Jump in user. Life is for mistakes. Carpe diem

Weird, WTF is normal anymore. Grab her by the pussy and spit in her face.

Go for it user, I believe in you. Worst case scenario you just ignore each other.

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definitely do it user, how do you plan to ask her out?

We talk mainly on social media but at a recent work party we chatted a lot and I started to feel like she was actually interested. We spoke mainly about movies so I was going to message her and see if she wanted to see one this weekend.

Honestly, these sort of responses really make me smile. Nice to see some positivity and solidarity. And I agree user, take the chance. Even if she's not interested, I'm sure she'll be flattered and you'll remain on good terms.

(A) She turns you down and you become a figure of ridicule at work. Every time you see her, she reminds you of your failure.
(B) She becomes your gf, and your private life becomes the main topic of work gossip, including your inevitable messy breakup because you see too much of each other.

Which of these futures do you like best, user?

awww that shit is cute, go for it user do it before anyone else does

Someone turning you down isn't a failure. Neither should OP care at all about work gossip. As long as their good at their job, and stay out of the gossip themselves they've got nothing to worry about. You miss all the chances you don't take, friend and while it mightn't all work out, that doesn't mean it was all for nothing either.

Go fap to hyena porn faggot

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Yes it's a failure. Faggot

which one happened to you?

you never
date a coworker

don't listen to these troglodytes.

Don't shit where you eat

Don't shit where you eat. Every time you go in to earn your meals, it will stink like shit.


I slept with a colleague last year and thankfully it all worked out and was pretty normal, but so much could have gone wrong. I don't think I'd do it again so frivolously now that I've worked there longer.

I wouldn't say definitely not to, but just make sure you're invested and can handle it maturely if it doesn't work out. Also make sure she's not a lunatic or anything

I saw it happen to others, and swore off the whole idea.

Don't listen to this dolt. Your job will become literaly unbearable when it all goes sour. Either you or she will have to leave.

Is this the only way it will go, or just the most likely one?

Maybe I'm just being overly sentimental but don't we owe it to ourselves to take these chances? What if she's the one for OP? Unlikely, sure. But still not impossible. Workplace uncomfortably is a very real possibility but it's a low risk for the chance to find someone you really care about, surely?

Put it this way, if they start dating they're going to see an awful lot of each other. They'd better be hyper-compatible or the cracks will soon start to show. And all their workmates will witness that.

You know how utterly indiscreet women are when they gossip? OP's gf will come under pressure to spill everything about the relationship. And if it breaks up, she will do so willingly ... and maybe add a few malicious lies into the bargain. Meanwhile, the guys will be throwing in dirty jokes and innuendoes of their own. Seriously, who needs it?

OP has to be aware that he's gambling with his career here, and not just his personal life.

What's the worst that could happen? She says no and it's a bit awkward for a week? So what. Best case scenario she goes out with you and dates you. Go get her user, I believe in you.