Do you think global warming is real?

Do you think global warming is real?

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AGW theories discount solar radiation and completely ignore magnet induction from solar magnetism, which is at a 1400 year peak right now. We are doom to another ice age if we don't start producing much much more c02

Not in a way that I'm going to pay for.

It’s real. But raising taxes to “fight” it? That’s fucking pointless.

if it's real it sure isn't caused by humans. we can't stop or start global warming nor global cooling.

how can this lil bitch be 16 tho? she def don't look 16...

It is real, stop cutting them trees.
we need more shades of green not grey.


Real? most likely
Man-made? debatable

Ofcourse we can, its extremely simple and basic. the earth system as a whole is just basic thermodynamics, but to describe the exact "microstates" within is whats difficult.

no we can't.

this year they got a swedish migdet lol.
don't worry in 10 yrs its gonna be a disabled nigger midget from sweden .

Attached: le retarded man.png (826x609, 61K)

No, Schlomo, I don't think it's as bad as Greta says(see club of rome) I don't like AOC, I don't think Colin Kaepernick is a hero, I don't like the idea of reperations and I don't think Trump will be pushed out of office. Stop posting these you God damned Jews! Everyone knows your game

The climate warms and cools based on natural patterns.

Do humans have an effect on this, not really

Eh, dude, have you finished 5th grade? Have you learned anything of photosynthesis?

Jeremy Corbyns brother can tell you about it. His website does long range weather forecasts more accurate than the 3 day forecast the tv gives us. Weather action dot com

Look, if it was as bad as Greta and the establishment says, the worst perpetrators would be regulated pretty quick. Shipping caused alot more pollution than cars do for example but nothing is being done. Instead they focus on dumb shit like meat and taxing gas. Like some user said, look up Club of Rome and it's members. I remember that some are connected directly to Greta and her handlers also Soros. Al Gore is a member too

>but muh big oil tho!

>Yeah guyz the government always acts in the best interest of humanity
Imagine being this naive.

They are not debating global warming, global temps have been on a decline last 15 years or so, that’s why they don’t use that term anymore. They changed it to climate change which is a normal phenomenon. Whether its anthropogenic or not is irrelevant and couldn’t be possible to even tell. The weather on this planet is controlled by the sun and water vapor in the atmosphere. CO2 is an inert gas. It only makes up .04% of the gasses in our atmosphere. It’s not doing dick basically. The reason the government wants to use this gas as a cause and affect to tax you is because everything is made from carbon and there is no way to ever get rid of it. Go figure

This is actually true. Need to keep the planet warm or all our food sources die.

The tax increase isn't just a tax increase, dip shit, it's to fund overhauling the countries infrastructure to solar, wind, hydro on top of carbon capture tech and more.
No, humans are having a MASSIVE effect, dipshit. Humans are pumping CO2 and methane (and other chemicals) into the air at rates far higher than what the Earth can take back in all while dumping trash, filth, waste and more into the seas and oceans which are wiping out entire biomes. Even just a cursory read shows that humans are royally fucking up the environment that unless we completely restructure the global economy and industries the Earth will probably be dead within a few lifespans.

>Jerks off to Al Gore
>Writes Greta Fan-Fic

Wrong, climate change has always been in the literature since the early 1900s, global warming is the trend. Saying the earth is "cooling" is not true at all since year after year we're hitting record highs globally.
Solar radiation affects only around 1-2% of temperature change and the sun is actually going into it's "cool cycle" (part of the 11-year long solar cycle), CO2 is inert, yes, but that specific state doesn't matter, CO2 can and does contribute to climate change by acting as a greenhouse gas, capturing and retaining heat.

ITT: Retards (Americans) don't know what greenhouse gases are.

Its great to not be a euro-poor or 3rd world

Developed countries don't have school shootings.

Those are the same thing

They also have land their people can buy, europoor.

>Thinking Europe is a country
Typical American.

You're right, just shootings, suicide bombings, stabbings, :arab noises:, violent riots and people suing delivery trucks as terror weapons. Much better!

>Crime exists in 3rd world countries so it's okay to shoot children

So that's what she means when she says her childhood was stolen...