Whats some easy ways to kill yourself... i have no knife or rope

whats some easy ways to kill yourself... i have no knife or rope

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you have an open forum here, lets talk about your problems, maybe you just need a friend/person to talk to so here it is, we are here for u mate lets chat


>i have no knife
posts pic of knifes
also who the fuck exists without a knife?
tldr dont do it bro

in the uk cant get one

gravity poorfag

since going to the psych ward they took all my sharp objects this is an old photo i wish i had those razors

step in front of a train, bus or large mammal of your choice

Just claim you got evidence on the Clintons, you will be dead before you know it.

lost everything important to me girlfriend of 6 years my job ever since going in the psych ward i cant get a job because its on my record so im stuck at home wasting away no parents my brother literally looks after me and him its just easier if im gone


damn, thats rough bro.
its gon be ok we're here for you

then buy some? even if you don't have money get a loan, not like you're going to have to pay it back retard

Have you tried eating brackets?

Why are you on the internet minging about it? Either put in work to fix your shit, stop being a leech on your family and society or be the spineless bitch you are and jump off a decent sized building.

duh go and take a whole bottle of aspirin

will that kill me

dive off the roof

Throw yourself off a tall building


you'll slowly die of liver failure

Thats a real painful way even if you dont get saved and your stomach pumped you will die from your organs shutting down over time.

Get help user.

There are more girls out there.Go to a ttade school, be a plumber or something.

>get on /soc/
>get cute grill
>get daily head
>get confidence back
>get out the basement

Hey man, been there dude!!
The best advice I was ever given was, "don''t let the thought that needs to die be mistaken for you needing to." Eg: kill those negative thoughts dude and you'll be fine. They're a lot easier to kill and you don't need anything.
It's a good feeling to get your power back, and then you can help others as you've been there and most people don't understand that.

You don't need to be the one with the gun to get the bullets.
Figure out the nearest important person with armed security and see what it takes to get them to shoot you.

Alternatively, take a lovely vacation to NYC and spit on the nearest cop outside of a busy tourist-heavy area.

There are YouTube tutorials on how to make rope from strips of cloth.

you could choke on a dick since you're a faggot and all that


Helium or gun in mouth; to roof; dumdum

Can you remember what's in your cell?

Flip off a cop.

Yo you need to count your lucky stars that your parents let you stay with them for a bit. You're really fucking lucky. Stop making excuses and get a part time job LITERALLY FUCKING ANYWHERE. You can make friends there. You can start to make money again. Holy fuck is it so complicated?????

getting old, but its also pretty slow


Getting old seems to work very reliably

you know, if you want to kill your self, why not come join us in the revoltion and put your life/death towards a cause.

Hey, we all die anyways, im going to kill myself to, my advice would be to over does on heroin like im going to to, Its cheap end easy

and possibly painful

No not really, two grams Will put you out and you’ll die in a happy place

if you say so, you probably know better than me user, but why not just jump off a building

Important question: do you have stomach aches 24/7 caused by the stress of not having a job nor EXPECTATIONS OF A BETTER FUTURE?

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Not OP but tell me more, faggot. No shitty discord server crap, fit everything about this revolution of yours into one post.

Overdose on marijuana.

Don't kill yourself. You'll miss great technologies and game titles that will be created for the next years to come.
Try to go outside. The world is huge but you can find many interesting things on this planet.

If you think od v jumping of a building is better i dont know what to tell you

if you jump from a high enough place headfirst, yes, thats just as good if not better.

fill concrete in your rectum
post pics


Its to hard on your brain, you got basic instincts that would make it harder

Jump off big Ben, that should do it, and you can be the first as far as I'm aware

true about that

Does he live in the uk? If so he could kill himself in the Buckingham, inside, who ever dies in there is going to get a royal funeral and shit, everyone is going to know about it, i read that somewhere

That's true too I guess, hes gotta be armed or have his dick out in front of the queen in order for them to shoot though right? Or are those royal guards really waiting for a reason to kill?

Drink ayauhusca. I no longer have suicidal thoughts after it

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i cant take ayauhusca i have schizophrenia

what best defines a schizo symptom?
i have recently been developing anhedonia, i hope im not going to get schizophrenia

You can, its fine

Hanging and cutting is painful, and you're livid until you die for a while. I'm going to try self-strangling. Tie a loose loop around your neck (necktie, panty hose, strong scarf) and put a stick through it - handle, long wooden spoon - so you can turn it like a tourniquet. Tighten it just so you feel the pressure on either side of your neck, and when you're ready to finally do it - put a plastic bag over your head and then apply the tourniquet. You'll pass out first, painlessly (the loop pressure shouldn't hurt or crush your throat - if it does, you're doing it wrong), and the brain will starve of oxygen in about 5 to 10 minutes time. The bag is there as a safety backup - in case the loop gets loose, bag will make sure you don't get fresh oxygen. Job done. Make sure nobody will find you for at least half an hour.