Dahmer actually could have been a chad if he wasn't such a faggot autist

dahmer actually could have been a chad if he wasn't such a faggot autist

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what was up with the sheer number of serial killers in america in the 70s

same for me but whadda ya gonna do

watch My Friend Dahmer

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the 80s had more but thats when most of them started to be black and the media doesnt care about a nigga serial killer

Is there any reason to be interested in serial killers beside being a fucking twat?


Say what you will about Gary Ridgeway but he did kill a ton of whores


mass murderers shaped the world history, while trannies dilated.

That's the thing with many men, you can build charisma, confidence, and other social skills to be Chad. Chad is a mindset. But you all have shitty wardrobes so just keep being depressed anyway.

This. They don't include drive by shootings and gang crime in the statistics they use to boohoo about mass shooters because if they did it'd be another 13/50 situation.

>lived in a massive house on his own cause his parents fucked off
>worked out every day
>talked his way into the oval office as a kid on a school trip
>liked neil diamond
>was in the army
>got laid basically every night he wanted to

Dahmer was a chad

drive by's and gang shootings are premeditated in a completely different way though. that would be like saying why not lump in every single premeditated murder ever with serial killers

Serial killings are those which are described as having the perpetrator intentionally kill 3 or more people and return to his normal life in-between them

>sleep with women
>kill them so nobody else can have them

Absolute chad

Mk ultra

like i said, there's different intentions. personally i don't think gang members ever try to put up a front as "normal" or "clean" members of society though. technically, that may be true. just from a syntax perspective. officially, there is a psychological aspect that must be met in order to be called a “serial killer”. gangs generally have a purpose, from taking down competition to enhancing their reputation. serial killers have no rationale, at least no sane rationale


he was a full blown homosexual and fucked and killed only boys. don't project your own fantasies

>Dripping acid onto near dead victims exposed brain to see what happens.


Wasn't he also mostly an oil driller?

Dahmer's cannibalistic murder spree of faggots paled in comparison to AIDS.

this. a lot of the worst serial killers were gay.

>read about the ice truck killer and his family
>his daughter came late one night and he killed her dog as punishment

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Sorry bro not obsessed with killers like you are

What makes people like this? Is it neurological problems or what?

it's pretty common knowledge. there was also an entire movie about this. sorry bro i'm not obsessed with killing women like you are


I heard a theory that they were a generation brought up by traumatized war veteran fathers who either beat them or just neglected them emotionally.

It's something to collect, like top trumps. You get all the funny killers with their kill counts, their special methods and their media nickname etc. It's a very nice subculture.

aside from being a fag and killing people I am literally dahmer. my friend dahmer was like watching my biopic

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>has all the movies marked on his calendar
>drools over the data and documents
>I'm not obsessed I swear!

seek help

The comic was way better

>schizo telling others to seek help
>goes on an autistic fanfiction-tier rant because everyone calls you retarded for thinking dahmer was straight
take your meds

I think it's nurture mostly. But there's probably a lot more at play too. I'm sure he had a shitty childhood as well. In fact I know he did i just can't recall.

to be the only white person living in an apartment block in the ghetto and have everyone scared of you is pretty Chad

anyone else just fascinated of what it would feel like to see someone's life vanish by your hand? must be thrilling

If your a woman

As the population blooms more of you assholes come into existence.

Not really.

every man has an inbuilt mechanism to enjoy killing. you're either lying or have never come into contact with your shadow

ed gein coulda been a slayer if he wasn't some autistic farmer.

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I get that we are quote capable of murder on the instinct, I would say it's even important as survival mechanism, but it's different than weird, sexual or semi sexual shit some serial killers do.

Ed Gein was probably a sick fuck who missed his mother and wanted to be her as well.

There's tons of stuff in that, that the creator couldn't have any knowledge of. Stuff where Dahmer was completely alone etc. Its really quite fictious.

you don't need to invoke jung to explain that you're interested in killing.

he was a chad, watch that movie with Zac Efron

There was a theory, not proven, just correlation, that the fumes from combusted leaded fuel were responsible for a steep inclince of (gang) violence and agression. Probably just correlation.

Drugs. Drugs made them crazy so they went off killing in the 70s. Couldn't get them anymore in the 80s so they snapped and killed more people.

What drugs would cause that?

Psychopath = nature
Sociopath = nurture
It's all a spectrum so you see variables but some numbers are more often observed in one group than the other.

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Drugs of Nixon propaganda.

Almost all serial killers were brought up by a single parent (mother). Just like almost every mass shooter was on, or withdrawing from anti-depressants.