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No, half of them are fucking weeb games nigger

shit taste AND a PlayStation 4? Wow, so jelly ...


I'm glad I'm not a nigger.

Decent games though.

No, I'm white.

Give those games back, Jamal.

>No, I'm white.
Disgusting Untermensch, fuck off

ill pretend u were joking and move on

how many of these did you steal or "borrow"










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There's like 3 good games in that list lol

>be me
>post ps4 collection on Sup Forums to try and flex
>mfw my purpose in life is to show off my game collection to weebs and incels instead of getting a job

All bullshit, I'd only save Bloodborne and RE4 just for the memes.
Kys niogga

I dunno why the Tomb Raiders get such lukewarm reception they're really chill and comfy

>chill and comfy
Not what you're searching for in a Tomb Raider game


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but they manage to be that anyway. All I'm looking for in any piece of media is that I enjoy it. What?

Games are gay. Get some guns.

That’s all you got? That’s not even 10% of the amount of games I have on my ps4. Had to buy 4TB external hard drive just to hold them and even that’s maxed out already.

let me guess. you are around 12-14 years old?

Consolefag, I have 10 times that many games on steam, enjoy your last gen graphics faggot.

user y would you say such a boring thing?

Most of that shit was free on the PlayStation store

They’re overcompensating for their small dicks.
Don’t get me wrong, I own guns too. But I spend way more on games.

NigNog with a bunch fo stolen games.

Fux your sheets you fucking Neanderthal!

Why did little baby delete the comment? You don't own ant guns either you lying faggot. Maybe your daddy does.

you actually are retarded, aren't you?

it's also funny how you try to boost you peasent console and just ignore the fact that everybody thinks you're retarded for having these shit games and console

normie tries to get validation from Sup Forums; sad old story mate

Looking at these posts, Sup Forums is so wrong. you look at the colour of his skin and not his choice of console. Console peasants. PC MASTER RACE

chill is one of the first things one would look for in an exploration / parkour game that's heavy on story

I swear im not a kiwi...

Nope. Cause my steam library is 8x as large

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I feel so fucking out of touch the only game I still play is Melee

Huh? You say something?

Nah dude. Only half those games are any good. My collection is not only larger, but made of better games.

How many are free to play/shit tier games?


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god I wish I were black...

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neh got over a 1000 on my PC yeeeeeet get rekt


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404 games not found hehe

You guys will enjoy Death Stranding then

but where's dark souls 1-3

I don't have a PS4, so not really