Why does this bother white guys so much??
Why does this bother white guys so much??
hmmmm i wonder??? could it be because we all have 4 inch dicks maybe???
It doesn't at all. The better question is why does THIS bother niggers so much?
>Pic related.
That’s a strange looking poo. I would be bothered if that came out my bum
Because some faggot is cluttering my image board with yet another thread about how much they love black cock.
How would you feel if it came in your bum?
It’s poo how does it “cum”???
Post your face lol, let's see those insectoid squinty eyes
It bothers all men, racist guys just take advantage of this and meme it on to black guys to both make people with small dicks feel bad AND hate on niggers
(not racist myself)
Its a pain point for most men, and its a scapegoat to attach racism to.
Anything below 7 inches is to small to please a woman regarless of race, black dicks are only slightly bigger on average, asian dicks are only slightly smaller.
7+ are somewhat outliers but for sexualy active men they are common to small.
i wonder how he can ride a stolen bike..
Are you going to just post a huge dick like a faggot or post it w/ a hot woman getting fucked? That is my question you piece of shit. If your going to post a dick either make it a gay thread or post hot ass women getting fucked. That is all I'm asking for
Black men fucking White women isnt really that common. They're mostly busy killing other black men and accuse whites of being racist. In truth the niggers are the niggers own worst enemy.
Whites can't fight.
Because it's fake...
Thats not a fight, thats a prank! Niggers are cowards in general, suckerpunching and ganging up on people.
Don't know what he thought was gonna happen.
Nicee one Elon Musky...Nice one..!
Because it’s not in my mouth
Or I dunno maybe it's because it's one fucking tranny insectoid spamming the same thread every single fucking day every day for like 3 years now. I dunno might be that.
Because of the jews.
Tell that to the entire black race.
You been finna do nuffin.
>(not racist myself)
I just love that you felt that you needed to include this. Total fucking insecurity. Go on humiliate and cuck yourself a little bit more so we can all laugh.
Not gonna bit man. Not even niggers speak like this anymore.
i mean being a white guy, this just turns me on
wut? How am I a cuck?
The faggot cucks making this thread can kthems i just gave the reason they do it.
Ha ha ha ha ha yeah whites can't fight... Good one.
Who colonized Africa?
Also, sucks punch and having a group of monkeys attack you is not fighting
Fuckin faggot
Lol "i'm so not bothered by big black cock that i'll make a point of responding and then show two lynched dead black men to further prove my point that i'm not affected in any way by BIG BLACK COCK" .. ok bbc addict. We know u project racism to try and cover the fact you cum harder to BBC than anything else. Cope
I don't care about it being black I just like big dicks