Are science/evidence deniers and consipiracy theorists humanity's biggest threat after climate change and anti-vaxxers?

Are science/evidence deniers and consipiracy theorists humanity's biggest threat after climate change and anti-vaxxers?

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Anti vaxxers are a form of science deniers...

I would say the religious are humanities biggest threat

I'd say Social Deconstructionists

but the ones manipulating them...

PURGE the unbelievers. Only the faithful. Peace be apon her

Co2 level are dangerous low compared to earths history. We are approaching the dead zone of low Co2 when all plant life will die. Death cult is taking the co2 plants need, in order to kill the planet so the Aleins can claim it

And the retards in the palm of big oil's hand have been brainwashed to believe anything fox news wants them to

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I also love the taste of an oil company's cock

anti-Vaxxer are right about vaccine quality control, refrigeration and self life are not legally required. You cannot sue it it kill your child, so they don't care a fuck if it does. Money talks and you kids get cheaply made, low quality shots, while smart countries like Nigeria test their vaccines for quality and often have to reject vaccines. the rejected vaccine come the the USA for your kids.

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No, fags who believe every agenda pushed at them as long as it's backed by a "science" nigger are the most dangerous. They have the same drive as the mudslimes, but their holy book is constantly evolving with every lie told.

In 80 years I'll be 130 and still alive. Y2K comet planetary alignment Aztec calendar bullshit salesmen

ITS THE END OF THE WORLD...again. Live long enough and you'll see this same con over and over again.

yeah polio is way better

>anti-Vaxxer are right
HAHAHahAHAHAahAa omfg what a retard

Science is not what you think it is.
Evidence is not conclusive of reality.
Enthropy changes Everything, Always.
Acceptence of ignorance and apathy is the only basic understanding.

when people threaten you with doom if you don't do what they say, that's not science.. it's religion.

They're worse.

But they're all bad.

Objectively true

Wow, gold medal for these mental gymnastics

You have no idea what you're talking about and it's apparent, 5th grader.

Imagine some faggot on Sup Forums trying tell me, a pharmaceutical scientist, that science is not what I think it is.


Politicians are who will get money out of electric cars and taxing the ones who don’t have. It’s simple really.

actually, vaccines are not so good on their own, are quite bad when used excessively, and are downright dangerous when they are made like crap with filthy poisons when pharma companies realize that laws made them immune to lawsuits because the consensus was that vaccines needed to be inflicted on everyone to be efficient

vaccines used against a specific lethal disease are absolutely fine, like rabies if you've been bitten by an infected animal, or ebola if a pandemic arrives at your place, stuff like that, they absolutely save your life

but inflicting 187 different vaccines against every trivial little illness on your kid from birth to 5yo without giving a single fuck if due to the accumulation of poisons they causes deaths, infirmity or autism if plain fucking wrong

pic related

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Can’t read shit

learn, it's easy with some efforts

Basically says vaccines will save you from polio but you might be more susceptable to a cold. Therefore, it's better to just have polio

it confirms what the elites are doing

>vaccines cause autism
You got a source for that claim?

You can be rich and still be retarded when it comes to certain things. Look at Gwyneth Paltrow.


That's not how vaccines work.

besides logical links between datapoints, like "heavy metals cause brain damage" and "heavy metal compounds are used as inflamatory triggers in vaccines", there is no official source for "vaccines cause autism" because it would be illegal to publish such affabulations
you have to be "not an expert in pharmaceutical science" to be able to make this connection, but then you're not a published scientist

Anyone have any good MDMA porn? Girls rolling? Shit is hot

It's a very elaborate post, was impressed by how superficial it was despite how comprehensive it appeared. I say user deliberatily got some of the immune system wrong but was smart enough to use the correct terminology to appear correct.

Would go as far as to say it's the best troll i've ever read. It even nearly convinced me and i've been studying it for years.

we don't have the shills we used to, this derail attempt was pitiful

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Nope, commented on the wrong thread. There's another MDMA thread I meant to post in. Thanks for bringing it to my attention

>deliberatily got some of the immune system wrong
which parts, aren't they just summarised instead of misleading, and do they invalidate his reasoning?

>"propaganda and fake science deniers"
Fixed that for you. Now go get another flu shot and level up that autism of yours.

Isn't this that dumb autistic bitch who refused to fly on an airplane, but accepted a ride on some millionaire's schooner as if that's not as bad and an option for regular people to sail transatlantic for a month?

Climate Change is 100% real. I just don't know exactly how it could be fixed. It would take planting 20 million trees every day in the US alone to counteract our Carbon output. It is unimaginable to the little effect we can do to "Cure" the problem. Which also sometimes has me thinking if we are actually causing the issues or if it is just natural at this point. I think we are causing something. I just don't know the degree. Our planet is fucked either way. Hottest average temperatures and shit has me worried.

So you have no data based sources. What you have is an opinion based upon your observations of raw data based on zero experimental data. Oh, and go ahead and cite me the law that says it would be illegal to publish a study demonstrating a link between vaccines and autism.

>guise elements in their pure form have the same reactivity when in a molecule, kek

>"heavy metal compounds are used as inflamatory triggers in vaccines"
What are you even taking about?

I used to be happy that all the boomers will soon die and the new generation with an up to date education would take neccessary action. Then I come on to Sup Forums and realise how manipulated people are by oil corporations and pseudoscientists and i realise there's actually no hope because theres retards in every generation.

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not him, and I don't think such publication is illegal, but it's career suicide to try to write such an article, the domain is under tight dogmatic control
sauce; a friend works with researchers and when they thought about studying some stuff about inflammation that might be related to indicating that some reactions caused by vaccines may be unsafe, the director of their institute forbade them from looking into it and told them to research some bacteria instead
with the amount of studies being not made, we don't even know if metal toxicity is caused by the pure form or by a compound made with the metal by the organism itself, we don't know into which other compounds or pure elements some of the compounds used may be transformed, and we don't know if some of the compounds used don't mimic or antagonise natural functions despite not being toxic for individual cells in a petri dish

Are [stupid people] the biggest threat?
And yes, yes they are.

>realise there's actually no hope because theres retards in every generation.
All of the actual problems lie right here

Earth's climate has always changed. It has been a giant snowball and it has been a ball of lava.

The West continues to lower emissions while China and India ramp up.

Go complain on WeChat and try to avoid the internment camp.

Sure, going after vaccines is a dangerous game, but that doesn't make it impossible. If you could conclusively prove vaccines are a major cause of autism, with an ethical abd repeatable study ,prepare to collect your Nobel prize.

Nay mate, I am the biggest threat! I bare knuckle brawl niggers in armor just to warm-up. I eat thunder, crap recycled lightning and share my hot delicious piss with Bear Grylls. Anyone wanna have a go?

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>In the study, researchers analyzed data collected from all children born in Denmark to Danish-born mothers between 1999 and 2010.

>Among the 657,461 children included in the analysis, 6,517 were diagnosed with autism over the next decade. But there was no overall increased risk for the developmental disorder among those who received the MMR vaccine when compared with those who had not gotten the vaccine, the researchers found.

Contrary to what most think, the scientific community actually encourage others to try disprove theories, data, and research. The more solid the evidence, the better. It's just that contesting the" vaccines don't cause autism" proposal is like climbing mt. Everest without oxygen masks given the overwhelming evidence that it doesn't cause autism.

Lol what you take a bunch of your mom's drugs and fancy yourself a scientist? Lol keep experimenting lil feller, you'll get there someday maybe. Or not


Do you have one that isnt a blurry thumbnail dipshit?

guess who would finance the grant for this study?
nobody, that's who
because otherwise they'd have the life expectancy of a holistic doctor who begins to publish on the internet

I have 1.65T of OP's mom rolling hard while sucking shit out of my ass. If interested?

You're right, science isn't what i thought it was. Dunno what i was thinking, doi. Thank god I have anti-vaxxers to show me the light.

I'm no antivaxxer, polio sucks. I am however anti dipshit and that was the point of my post. Dipshit.

>given the overwhelming evidence that THIS SPECIFIC VACCINE WHEN CONSIDERED IN ISOLATION doesn't cause autism.
the data might be even harder to prove than that, layman logic applied to reading the litterature would tend to suggest that it's the accumulation of different vaccines that might be damaging
>Contrary to what most think, the scientific community actually encourage others to try disprove theories, data, and research
now that's a lie
studies like what you cited are encouraged, but some avenues of research, those that might threaten the cash-flow, are close to forbidden,

>pol vaccines.png (761 KB, 1681x3194)

fox news knows better than some stupid scientists faggots

>calling others dipshits
Holy fuck how much of a newfag retard can one user be? We can all read it just fine. Figure it out you moron, it's not rocket science.

That's my point. Scientists want new data to be released, they want to see old theories revised or disproven. The reason attacking vaccines is so hard is that damn near 100% of the data is against you. That isn't a conspiracy, it means your theory is wrong.
Lots of very wealthy very stupid celebrities. But you believe every time somebody dies of anything big pharma did it, so why would I expect logic.


In fact many of them typically spend several of the following years after a published research article trying to disprove their own theories.

>many of them
100% of them, because that's how science works.
It's literally impossible to prove theories right. All you can ever do is prove them wrong or fail to prove them wrong.

I think everyone needs to hear this and probably the best person to hear it from is Feynman.

This was fantastic, thanks for sharing.