Yesterday i lost my virginity at a brothel, ask me anything

Yesterday i lost my virginity at a brothel, ask me anything

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what was his name?

Not a faggot

what was "her" name?

fucking hell fpbp

Hey man it's alright, chill.

So we're you pitching or taking?

Why are you so pathetic you had to lose your virginity to a sex worker?

Im not op but Im more the abusive bf type

Was it a typical massage-and-nut deal, or a "girlfriend experience" type of thing?

So would that be like anal with no lube here or something more extreme?

Why are you so poor that you have to commit all your free time just to get laid?

The "τσατσά"(the woman that presents the girls) said the girl's name was Εμμανουέλα, this is probably a fake name of course

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I'd hope he got something better than what $10 at a Thai massage parlour would get you.

how old r u?

How old are you?

Only if she cleans it after im done. I aint want no bitch shit on my cock.

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How does it feel to have AIDS?

How old was she and old are you? Which postions? Did she notice you were a virgin? Did she like you or were she disgusted by you? How long did you last? Give a fucking greentext you pathetic fuck goddammit.

shits greek to me

If a train is running from Paris eastward at 2:30 UTC+1 at a speed of 120km/h and another train leaves Berlin on the same track at 1:45 UTC+2 at a speed of 110km/h, which region will they meet in?

>If a train is running from Paris eastward at 2:30 UTC+1 at a speed of 120km/h and another train leaves Berlin on the same track at 1:45 UTC+2 at a speed of 110km/h, which region will they meet in?

>Why are you so poor that you have to commit all your free time just to get laid?
Kek, you have no Idea, I'm married Sup Forumsro
I commit most of my free time fucking my submissive wife. I'm not poor because I use my money for investments instead of blowing it out for meaningless sex with a stranger.

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Also you did not answer the question prick.

>Became 18 like 2 weeks ago
>She was probably around 20-22
>I don't know if she noticed but i think not,
>She gave me a blowjob, then she rode me and then i fucked her from behind
>Around 15 mins
>Not every costumer that goes to these brothels is young, shaved, clean, and not obese, if you have these 4 you will actually be very good compared to other people who visited her

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>muh marriage meme
Top kek. Prepare to lose half that investment fund when your "submissive" wife gets sick of your shit.

don't you feel any guilt thinking of the prostitute most likely not doing her work voluntarily?

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Why the fuck did you give up so young? Being a virgin at 18 isn't that bad. Ok i lost mine at 15, but im a player if compared to the most neckbeards on this board.

Just because he's Greek doesn't mean he believes in myths.

how old are you ? how much you paid, how old were "she"?

Your answer is too vague and you didn't show your work. I'm giving you a failing grade.

Your question didn't actually say what direction the berlin train was heading in nor the level of specificity you were after

Yeah you can put whatever you like in " but she's wearing my collar and we have a contract to save my ass in case of a bad breakup, I may have married her after only a few month of knowing her but I'm not stupid, like someone who pays for sex. But hey I'm sure your pathetic life is fun too.

Did you kiss her?

How did she act toward you?

>I may have married her after only a few month of knowing her but I'm not stupid
You might want to try reading that back to yourself.

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>I didn't kiss her
>She actually guided me on what to do, like "do you want a blowjob?", "Want me to ride you?"

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Imagine fucking the same woman for the rest of your life, even after she gets fat and ugly.
Do you only eat ramen too?

why didn't you have sex before?

>She actually guided me on what to do, like "do you want a blowjob?", "Want me to ride you?"
Oh yeah, she knew you were a virgin.

Was she cute?

Did she moan at all? If so was it convincing?

Did you spank her?

Was she tight?

Where did you finish?

Did she have any limits that she went over with you?

Or it's her job/advantageous for her to facilitate a satisfying time and every guy likes different things.

Prostitutes usually ask "what position do you want me in?" "how do you like it" when they have an experienced fuck. They only suggest specifics to men who look lost or inexperienced.

I know what I wrote, I don't have to read it again. There's no harm in getting married early, if you have a contract that states that no aliments will be paid and how belongings will be split. A divorce is in that case, just an other pice of paper. We were both aware that this step was quite early, but it was either that or she'd had to go back to america. We love each other, neither of us wanted to be forcefully seperated so shortly after getting together. Now we are married nothing has changed between us and we are as happy as never before.

>but it was either that or she'd had to go back to america
She married you for a green card or your nation's equivalent and you're here posting about how you married for love. Holy shit, this is either the toppest tier of baits or you're the most deluded sad fuck I've ever seen on Sup Forums.

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Who said, that I'm not allowed to dominate or fuck other women? You vanilla guys are funny. I'll make sure she won't get fat, she likes having rules, one of them is she has to ask for permission to eat/drink sweet stuff.

user, I'm saying this as a favour. If you think she's going to put up with this shit for the rest of her life, you're deluded. And national law overrides contract law. If she sues you for alimony she's going to win. You're going to lose everything, you deluded cuck.

I get how you come to this conclusion, but actually it wasn't like this, I had to convice her to marry me, we had talked beforehand about the possibility and she declined. But the longer we knew each other the more we fell for the SO. I had to convice her to stay here, I just couldn't let this Jill escape, not only has she an awesome personality she's the exact match for my kinks. I'm sadist, shes maso, I like to tie girls up she likes to be tied, I like to take the lead, she likes to be told what to do or not to do. I like to lock my property into a chastity belt and she likes to be locked up.
Say what you want, I could never have this opportuinity let slip though my fingers.
If she really endures all this, lets face it, physical abuse, just for a green card, well then she pretty mich deserves it... Kek
But honestly if you knew of the things we do together you wouldn't doubt her intentions

Why didn't you just get a girlfriend?

Are you going to get tested for STIs?

Maybe, or that she thought i have never been at a brothel before so would know how the procedure worked, anyway it doesn't really matter
>Surprisingly she was very cute
>She did not too loud thought, it sounded pretty convincing to me however i know she is a professional at faking it anyway
>I didn't spank her
>Surprisingly she was tight, they also said that she was new to the job
>In her mouth
>She sucked me again at the end even though she said that normally it is only for once
Requires too much time and i am too busy with studying in the last year of high school to get at a good university
Nope, it is a government licensed brothel so there is no threat, it was also built just across the police station

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How much did it cost you ?

30 Euro

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Lol what a pathetic loser

ridiculous. she's cleaner than some hungry thot off the street, plus condoms.

>says the virgin

post more of the girls faggot

That's really cheap , for this price i would go every week

She's smart.

that is a good price. will you see her again? or different girl.

btw, having this option will make you look much less thirsty to non-professional girls.

Not for a high school student, maybe i need to find a job for the Christmas break
It is actually forbidden to take pics of the girls that work there, it is a punishable offense and the police station was right across the street, i was lucky i took these 2, we went in the morning so that there wouldn't be many people around, we saw 6 girls in total (each at their own building), 2 of them were super hot like the girl that i went with (the one in the pic) the other was a brunette, the other 2 were averagely attractive (the girl next door type, not so tall, not huge boobs) the other one had short hair which i didn't like and the last one was some fat whore who used lines like "Who of you is man enough to fuck me?", the fatty let me touch her boobs for free

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Ideally i would want to fuck different girls each time so that i also don't develop feelings for any of those, however i would want to visit her again at least once when i will be more experienced

Yeah i have thought of that too, how do you think it will affect me?


30 euros for double service
fuckin' 'ell

Yeah i think it is because we decided to visit in the morning when not many people where around so they didn't have a reason to rush us, just for context in the next building the girls where drinking tea with the cops from the station from the other side of the road, when we left we even saw a delivery guy delivering pizza to the cops

Enjoy your aids faggot. 30 euro for such trash. Did you smell her pussy ?

Φίλης αδερφουλη;;
Με 20€ Γαμας εkεί..

It was government licenced faggot
Πού εkεί;

Στη φίλης.
Εkεί δε πηγές ή studiaki??

Λιμάνι Θεσσαλονίkης

Τόσο βαρειά δεν έχω ανεβεί. Καλή σταδιοδρομία στον πορνοστοιβο φίλος.
Τώρα που μπήkες θες δε θες θα τρέξεις.


nice humblebrag faggot

Σοφά τα λόγια σου γέροντα


>X to doubt

How much did you pay?

Not OP, but you're massively play up the liklihood of catching an STI from a professional sex worker. I'm 30, lost my virginity to a callgirl when I was 18, have slept with 44 women (only five of which weren't prostitutes), and I've never had anything . . . not even a coldsore or chlamydia. You're more likely to catch something banging a drunken skank at a bar than you are a professional - a sex worker's livelihood is reliant on safe sex and maintaining good sexual health.

This. You'd have to be a real moron to get married these days.

Pretty funny seeing this since the first post you made was about wasting money/freetime when that's all you do through your own admission. Go cuck, give tour wife extra time before you get home so her bull can leave without seeing the sad paste boy who lives there.

If he's in Europe, pre-nups don't mean shit either. Not worth the paper it's written on.

30 Euro

Saw this same thread couple days ago. How many times can you lose your virginity?

It was yesterday, and the title was "today i ....." I just did it twice

Created the thread i mean