Why are people obsessed with this little girl who is trying to fix the world?

Why are people obsessed with this little girl who is trying to fix the world?

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I guess because she's annoying

They aren't. That's just the billionaires at the ONE foundation paying for publicity and "viral" marketing.
Once they realize it's not working, they'll pull the plug and she'll vanish overnight.
Just like she did a few years ago when they tried this the first time to considerably less success.

She talked to me in an angry tone : (


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Will somebody get this fucking elk-faced Nordic troll-woman off my Sup Forums?

See!? It was that angry tone : (

Ok Boomer

Because we don't need more shills in this world.

dont know. who is she? she looks gretarded.

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Holy shit, Noah, you can't just use a hard R like that. Fuck!

Far left made her the Messiah of the climate "crisis" meanwhile everyone memed her for her ridiculousness

I had the privilege of interviewing this little demon when I was doing a piece for The Atlantic. I can vouch for the fact that she's annoying and retarded as af and totally fits into the crowd of Sup Forums. See you later Virgins. Normalfag here.

Kek, love you

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One time I was doing a piece of Greta for the Star and I had to give up the interview because of the smell coming from her. She's one of those retards who can't take care of themselves, never bathes or washes her hair, or even knows how to use toilet paper.

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The only place I read about her is on this board. Sup Forums is obsessed with the little tard and the daily threads like this one are really getting annoying.

Yes I too believe in the climate alarmist religion! I too think the world is going to end unless we eat human flesh and consume maggot sasuages! Thank you savior greta! OH HOLY GRETA!!! YOU'RE THE MESSIAH I LOVE YOU!!! PLEASE.

She truly is the prophet.

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Hypocrite motherfucker

it said IF the trend is not reversed by 2000 fucking retard. The bold statement, which is clearly all your dumbass read is not somehow invalidated because you cant see its clearly an edited sentence holy fuck off yourself.

You mean this monster being manipulated by other monsters trying to force their political agenda down everyone's throats?

ok boomer

Will you STFU?

she a tater

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ok boomer

but did something chance by the year of 2000? no? so wheres the end of the world at? there's none even 20years later? humm

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I can't believe we live in a world were a 16 yo is a fucking "little girl". Both the left and the right are like "look at this kid".

When I was 16, 16 year old weren't goddamn "kids". WTF has happened to this retarded world?

I feel like it's more based on how much she actually looks like a kid still, if she looked more mature I guarantee she'd be treated differently. I know that sounds stupid but it's actually a pretty big factor.

And in 2020 it'll be 2021 then 2022. You fucking zoomers haven't heard this climate crisis doomsday shit long enough to know they say the same shit every year. Governments just want more money which means more power. You don't honestly think these people care about you and your well being, right? You're not that stupid, right?

she can start by fixing me a sandwich.

How dare you mention a female stereotype!

How dare you think you're smart. How dare you do nothing while our lives perish!

1. She's not a kid but is using her childlike down syndrome face to manipulate people.

2. Those puffy nips.

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She's 19 and these Ltards think she's some 8 year old envirogenius.

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She's 16 but nice trips, dude

I think maybe, you need to look in the mirror.

I wonder how much hair she has between her legs or if she will turn into one of those non shave type of girls/women

19 and no titties. HOW DARE SHE?!!!!!!LOL


ugly autistic cunt

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fuck this cunt ( img related )

her parents should be ashamed

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Her parents are well enough off to own a nice size sail boat. She flew all fucking over spreading her shit, her and parents support panty-fa, received money from George Sorros. Yeah, she sounds legit.

Gif legitimately creeped me the fuck out

nononono you got it wrong, she's obsessed with everyone else


>because many children in the world are forced to deal with worse conditions in their childhoods, her argument is invalid
Try again retard. Or better yet don’t

she's 18 bro

I'm wondering why there isn't any rule34 of her yet.

Niggers, she is 16, why do people keeplying about this? They just can't fucking wait, kek.

>got here last Thursday
>oooh boobies and stuff!
>get off my b!

Tp is Haram in Finland. There is dung hand and eating hand and that's it. Enjoy the Muslim influence

LoL no. She has a huge Personal following. All she need is Instagram and she can control millions of teens.

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Last year sixteen years olds were kids. And the year before that and so on. Just because mom says you're her big boy doesn't mean you're a man

when ur a stupid 10 year old piece of shit ft user

how old is she holy shit

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Do you know what went into generating that power for just the microphone???!!what a hipocrit little cunt!!! Bet she doesnt even drive a Yaris

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Ye cuz all autistic yards have shaved pussies

>being this fucking"choke me out and improve the entire human race" stupid

bullshit is bullshit

They really need to stop whining about that.

People are so sensitive. If you say you're fine with oral, don't complain to me when I stop blowing you and slip my dick into your ass.

its all natural !

Sodomy is sodomy

Part of me wants to say shaved. If she’s got a fire crotch it’s 100% keep


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Because what she wants will result in profit loss for millionaires, therefore she must be vilified.

what exactly are you doing

I'm so old I remember the coming Ice Age

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she always makes me think of this kid. She has a fat boy's face.

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Same here man.. Ice age, then die in fire, then global warming.. etc etc.

Every 8-10 years they start this over and over.

Now I will agree global warming is true but it may be completely natural. our planet has gone through it before. If you want to talk pollution like carbon issues, or plastics for sure lets talk. The problem is China/India but yet no one seems to protest them. So I do agree I think its a religion at this point.

Ok boomer

1974 is 45 years ago, not 30.

Anyways, as much as right wing extremists like to refer to the minor belief in global cooling during the 1970s, even DURING THAT DECADE, the majority of scientific research into climate change believed in global warming.

So digging that up now, after decades of science showing climate change will be overwhelmingly warming, is just trying to avoid facts.

Reminder it's only Americans who are dumb enough to believe oil corporations wouldn't lie to them to protect their profits.

>inb4 irrefutable climate change evidence is wrong
grow up

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You're objectively wrong friend. She's 18, the wait is over.

>not full of steamed hams
you have to go back

I'm quite happy to limit non-natural crap like CFCs, but CO2 is just bullshit, an excuse to tax people for existing.

She was born January 3, 2003. She's 16, you still have the wait, retardo.

Have you never heard of timezones? She's not from the us.

in our timezone, she's 18

No one here is, just the dumb faggots who keep posting that mongoloid. Like they're really expecting to hear anything different than what they've been hearing these past few months. No one gives a shit kill ur R self.

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Legal age in Sweden is 15, so if you have sex with here there you're safe.

Well, as long as it is consensual of course, otherwise it's still rape.

The fact that evidence-deniers exist makes it hilarious. Think about it, there are grown men who think man made climate change isn't real. I'm taking any oppertunity to laugh at these oil corporation loving cucks

Kek, 2 year timezones. Somebody get Jared Fogle's lawyer on the phone.

Billie Eillish is turning 18, maybe that's what you idiots are thinking of

Yes but Billie has a stinky butt hole

I'd pay any amount of money ever to bet that she smells better than Greta, Greta looks like she smells like old cans of Spaghettios

Because she has something that you don't have -- COURAGE and determination -- and the optimistic attitude that she can rally enough people to turn the world around and change its fate. She's a dreamer with a dream that can come true--IF she can get enough people to care as much as she does.

And you're an idiot.

Sure, there are a lot of people hanging onto her coat tail, riding in her wake; but her dreams of saving the planet are sincere. All of the hanger-oners will eventually fall to the wayside. Her dreams will endure for as long as there is hope.

She's a sperg whose been trained to get a cookie when she yells at grown-ups. A job even most of /b could handle.

fucking exactly, not enough people are vocal with this 100% logical argument

YOU are the interloper, not her. YOU are the troll, not her. The women who have influenced history the most have not been raving beauties--and some weren't even pretty at all; but they had dreams and goals, and the courage and determination to see them through.

So you just mosey on off of this thread and take your judgmental attitude with you. Trying to make her look small and insignificant is only making YOU look small and insignificant--and inadequate.

I'm calling "bullshit!" I think you're a liar. I don't think you've ever written for the Star. You may have written TO the Star, but I don't believe you've ever written for them, and I don't think you've ever met Greta Thunberg before. She clearly is not that kind of person. Asbergers doesn't make a person stupid or unable to care for themselves.

Everybody knows that Europeans don't know how to use toilet paper. People in Europe use a bidet, so little pieces of shit that are stuck to their skin are going to stay there and make them stink, unless they shower every day; and yes, they do have showers in Europe--even in Sweden.

Your entire story smells like bullshit.

She’s awesome and right. However, she needs to distance herself from the Antifa Socialist shitheads to get anywhere. It’s perfectly possible to have environmentally friendly capitalism (provided it’s not accompanied by massive population growth) It might even provide a much needed stimulus as most western yields on stocks are shit and have been for years. UNITE behind the science, and it IS science now

She's not a prophet, just an idealistic girl who, like every teenager, thinks that she can change the world. She just doesn't realize that the actual prophets have foretold climate change, and they have also prophesied that it will only get worse, not better, that not enough people care about saving the planet. Average people have the delusion that we'll all just go to mars when the environment has passed the point of no return. That won't happen.

You do know she is not from finland right?

You really need to get out more, and to use your phone or computer for something besides watching porn.

Get a life. Watch the news now and then, and shut up about things that you know nothing about.