Can someone please fucking tell me the fucking name of this little fucking spastic Nazi cunt

Can someone please fucking tell me the fucking name of this little fucking spastic Nazi cunt.

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Please don't use that N-word for blue eyed people, we've been thru enough my brother

The anti-German taint of this post is very racist OP

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Hey ASSHOLE got tolerance? #NotAllNazi

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>the liberals are the real racists
kys boomoid

WARS OVER, OPs GOT EXTRA NAZI HATE LEFTOVER SINCE 1945. Get your left over war propaganda from the 1940's

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OP is all smiles and goodies because hating the German race is never racist.

the only little fucking spastic nazi cunt here is you, asshole.

why you hate on the German children OP? You not like the young kids of 2019? War over long time ago. Stop using the N-word for Germans for anyone you hate.

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Hey thats not nice calling people sordid names like that. Now apologize unreservedly and make a commitment to never utter those offending words again, nothing but a full retraction will suffice.


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You know using young pig tailed blonde girls in propaganda is Nazism 101, right?

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She is fucking Swedish you moron.

I am not full of hate I am actually a very loving gentle individual who has respect and tolerance, especially Nazi`s

Cunty McSnotberg

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It's so funny how Trumpers are always claiming how Trump's doing 4-D chess...

But can't see the trick in this. Most people accept man made climate change is a thing. She's bringing attention to herself. By complaining and moaning about her, the deniers are bringing themselves out to light, and it's not a good light....

Making fun of a child? Really? That's what y'all are gonna do? You guys are seen as crazy as is. The best thing you can do rn is just ignore her. But your Asperger's won't let you avoid making a fool of yourselves

That's because you have been brainwashed into believing nonsense that you repeat with authority and righteous indignation like you are some kind of superhero/paragon of virtue, instead of one of the most energy intensive generations of people, chauffeured around in fleets of air conditioned SUVs to air conditioned rooms set to your egomaniacal demands. For you to say,
>b-but the climate is changing
makes about as much alarmist sense as saying
>the sun is shining it is.

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I can't help but wonder how many more times I'll see this thread before I die...

>the only little fucking spastic nazi cunt here is you, asshole.
The pedo thought to himself, furitively, while sniffing the slightly extended index finger he had just, a moment ago, been itching his loose and unwashed anus with...

Ok boomer

We're just getting good at it. A lot I would guess...

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Her name is Adobe Photoshop. She's a walking talking trademark infringement.

Autistica Fishcunt

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And a walking talking buzzword incarnate. She is what a meme looks like when it climbs off the internet and starts fucking with us in real life. An astroturfed guilt trip in 4K.

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Nicee one Elon Musky...Nice one..!

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Yeah that's fucking stupid and it shows the mind set of you average asshole on the left. I was treasurer in college for a club called Students Concerned About the Environment. I work in a nursery growing plants. I actively pull carbon out of the air, have never owned a car and live by a simple philosophy of reduce reuse, and recycle. And you, however, who I am relatively certain are just one great big huge fucking carbon footprint right in mother natures verdant cunt, you get on down with your bad narcissistic self.

I just made a bet with my fiance buy me lunch you predictable twit...

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