Daily reminder: socialism has never succeeded in any country in the history of mankind. Not once

Daily reminder: socialism has never succeeded in any country in the history of mankind. Not once.

For the intellectually inferior, Canada isn't socialist. Neither are libraries.

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name one thing that has succeeded

Here's an idea - maybe the best system for a modern democratic society is a mix of socialism and capitalism.

Maybe America is way too fucking capitalist at the moment and needs to move to the left a bit.

our system is in the mists of collapsing. pretty sure all systems are gay

Such an accurate replication of her

>"I have idea"
>muh emotions
Definitely a lib.

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nobody except retards actually want socialism, retard. Universal Healthcare can co-exist with private practices.
Universal basic income and free college is just fucking retarded.

Face it. Unregulated capitalism has failed the populace. People can't manage themselves without killing each other bc there's still too much variety in the gene pool for empathy ranges. It was a good run. It's time for old uncle sam to step in for a few issues.

>mocks other ideas as dumb
>presents no better alternatives
Definitely a retard

I eat poop for the taste mostly, although often I need to wash I down with some pee pee most times. And then my stomach gets all achy and uwu I puke up poo poo pee pee poo poo and fart and chm in my pants.
Also is capitalism a success story? Heaven forbid we have another economic collapse. Fucking boot licker how can you believe this trickle down bullshit? Youre being exploited and youre such a scared cuck you cant see beyond your material need for more money. Fuck. Have fun with the rat race

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Everybody thinks they know what's best ITT when they don't know shit about how society works

I just wish we could be a true republic again

Had surgery once when i was 21, Did not get in debt for my entire life, Works pretty well over here.

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

>socialism has never succeeded in any country in the history of mankind. Not once.

Are you sure ?

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There is nothing more beautiful than AMERICAN CAPITALISM , right ?

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Norway is a sad pathetic Country that no one cares about apart from socialist fags

So, Bolivia was going great until the coup. Weird how that keeps happening.

>Norway is a sad pathetic

United States of America is a country where the money is king, every thing is a commodity, and the value of a man is measured by the number of zeros in his account. The president has as much power as the heads of the largest companies allow him. In this jungle of savage capitalism, unimaginably wealthy people look from behind the darkened limousines to the repulsive ghettos of the colorful poor.

You can not count on the care of the state. Every day crowds of parents are afraid to send their children to school. A classmate can, after all, use the legal weapon of his parents and shoot someone even unintentionally. To all this comes a foreign policy, usually one-sided and completely misunderstood - let's look at Iraq or the Kyoto protocol. Overwhelmed by teleevangelical noise, America is undoubtedly receding into the darkness of the Middle Ages.

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>Daily reminder: socialism has never succeeded in any country
Says the kid who went to public schools, paid for by taxes. And who doesn't realize that public social provision, of any kind, is a form of socialism.

Republicans are such degenerate inbred morons, its ridiculous. "Give me shit for free" is the only thing they hear, when people explain to them that the healthcare industry and their billionaire owners are overpricing medicine for profits.

I don’t live in the us fag

You don’t deserve health care

they see a marginalized subset of the population as freeloaders and expect everyone to go neet and exist on that.
talking points amd such

have sex you spamming zilch.

The south succeded and caused the civil war

Everything in your post is bullshit, and you are just an unhappy person that needs to shit on others. Quit being a fucking cunt and start effecting some change, faggot.

>I don’t live in the us

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>Everything in your post is bullshit

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>fat frog

And neither is AOC. The Democratic Left is "socialist" in the Canada, Nordic, libraries-and-public-services sense. Not the USSR sense.

>this thread again
Every. Fucking. Day.

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Capitalism, 2 world wars and counting

The scandanavian/Nordic countries are using socialistic ideas in a high amount, and have a VERY high standard of living. Much higher than the USA, and they aren’t filled with ghettos, war zones, and homeless people, unlike the USA.

I once met some bitch on Omegle that was scandanavian of some sort and was renting a 2 bedroom house entirely by herself, with a built in sauna and sun room. Beautiful home. I almost couldn’t believe it when I learned she she worked some unskilled job doing stuff with theater. I am struggling to pay for a studio apartment with hard wood floors with my STEM degree

It's easier to adopt the Nordic model when you really don't have a military. The entire region relies on protection from other nations which saves them a ton

Bruh the whole world protects the whole world. Globalization, increases in trade, internet, etc. means were a more connected world than ever before. You can’t start shit with any other country without stepping on the feet of half the world and fucking your citizens over in terms of imports
Despite what fox tells you we are at anall time low of war in the history of the world. Billion dollar defense budget are retarded, even if you are the USA and want to play works police

Except for the fact that you are wrong. Why does socialism scare you?

how cum their suicide rate is so high? 60% tax and the sun never fucking shines there. The bitches are hot as fuck when young but they hit the wall around 40. At least that's 10 longer than when the russian cunts do.

What? Finland is the the only scandanavian country with a higher suicide rate than the USA, and it’s literally by 0.1 percent.
Every other Nordic country has a pretty low rate.

Everything else in your post is literal gibberish not pertaining to my post, or this thread.

your idea is dumb

>c'mon guys cannibalism have ya ever really tried it tho?


no socialism not the tip not just a bit

Better idea how about Nationalsocialisim that seemed to be need

You're missing the point. Bad ideas don't need to be mocked. Reject them, sure. Mocking them serves no positive purpose

I have an idea. Move to sweden go enjoy socialism and communism there.

Yeah yeah i know they keep claiming they arent completely socialist but if they can claim all americans are fat then we can claim all swedes are communist/socialist

English! Motherfucker! Do you speak it?

>VERY high standard of living. Much higher than the USA, and they aren’t filled with ghettos, war zones, and homeless people, unlike the USA
I lived in Sweden for a few years, dude it sucks. I live in the US in a big house on a golf course, I have never heard a gun shot and have not seen a fight since high school. I go weeks at a time without seeing a black person. Life is so much better in the US than any Scandinavian country. I lived there but you haven't lived here. You think you know but you don't.

>Bad ideas don't need to be mocked.

bad ideas should absolutely be mocked relentlessly and with fervency. The purpose it serves is to ostracize the idiots and makes others around them realize some ideas are like a cancer and only lead to death and plague.

There is not one single successful example of socialism in action. It a system which is designed to fail. When people talk about a jewish plot to take over the world, they're talking about "socialism" and "communism". Jewish people are used as a biological weapon against civilized society. There is no other purpose to the "jewish people" than for them to be used as a biological weapon against civilized human beings. If a person is educated in the areas of philosophy, religion, politics, psychology, sociology, so on, then there is not a single honest conclusion they are able to reach that does not conclude with "jews' being used as a biological weapon against all civilized society. Organised jewry is the most purely and legitimately evil thing that ever existed

>United States of America is a country where the money is king, every thing is a commodity, and the value of a man is measured by the number of zeros in his account.
This is absolutely true but if you think anything can be done to change it you're delusional. The trajectory could've been changed with the rise of mass consumerism in the early/mid-20th century but we're too far in today's technological age

>here's an idea
>hegelian dialectic
>expects all of humanity to be a mouth breathing retard like it is
No thanks, Shlomo

>The purpose it serves is to ostracize the idiots and makes others around them realize
This attitude will only make them hold their beliefs more devoutly. Do you really think that mocking people will make them listen to you?

well shit nigga i got nothing but zeros in my account so i'm the best

Can we get whatever Canada is then? Thanks!

>This attitude will only make them hold their beliefs more devoutly.

their beliefs are retarded and i don't have a reason to change them. They can believe whatever they want as long as they don't hurt anyone.

>Do you really think that mocking people will make them listen to you?

i don't care if they listen to me. I care that stupid people will listen to them and spread the stupid like a disease.

respond to the original post, not my response nigger

why not move there?

Except that doesn't work and you know it. Ostracizing the stupid just keeps them stupid. They seek out other stupid people and form a group of stupid people who parrot thier stupid ideas back and forth at each other. Which gives rise to stupid people voting en masse for stupid politicians and pushing stupid agendas. If instead ofostracizing a person who is stupid, you educate them, you have one less stupid person in the world, and thus the group.

NO YOU respond to my original question on the other anons response to the response on the other response of the original anons question to the user that answer the OP's question!

This sounds like a strawman lie, but regardless, if your want to avoid guns, violence, and black people, the USA would only be a good choice if you lived on a fucking golf course

How many niggers and spics live in Norway you dipshit.

the problem is you want things to be your way and only your way. You'll preach listening and understanding until someone says something you disagree with. Theres countless stories, information and historical evidence that shows socialism and communism lead to a dictatorship, mass murder and starvation.

Not a single Scandinavian country is socialist.

all Scandinavian nations are socialist.

Hey north korea is doing pretty good under communism... no wait

When was that said? I don’t see a single post saying they are strictly socialist

>I don't like current thing
>here is suggestion of something worse with a worse track record
>presents false dichotomy
>at least it's something, don't you care?
Liberals in a nutshell.

In a nutshell!?

are you making a joke about brown people being white on the inside!?


>Universal Healthcare can co-exist with private practices.

erm, no. Private practice will take all the halthy people for cheap and let the public system pay for the sick ones. Eventually, you will have a 2 tiered system where only the rich would be able to pay for quality and fast care.

Fucking right-wingers would then point to that and say universal healthcare doesnt work. Universal health can can only work if everyone is in it together.

Hey now, sane assessments of reality aren't welcome here.

>Universal health can can only work if everyone is in it together.

Did you mean "Universal health can only work if its the only option"

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capitalism was a casualty of world War two.
I'm not sure what you would call whatever it is that is currently wearing it's skin

I too think we should entertain an ideology thats lead to the deaths of over 100,000,000 people

So if people want socialism then why don't they just move to sweden? get some of that monthly UBI.

>Norway GDP - 434.75 Billion USD
>USA GDP - 20,490 billion USD


but bernie says that sweden and the US are equal even that sweden is better!. Why would he do that?

Except here's the real problem; you assume I support socialism and communism. The problem is yours; you assume I disagree with your views on everything just because I believe it's bad to mock conflicting views. I never said I support any of that stuff. All I said was that it was a bad idea to mock ideas we deem as stupid. Your argument becomes invalid once you start making stuff up.

95% of that controlled by the top 1% of people.
While the middle class and poor struggle to survive in a failing economy

I don't want to move. I want to just complain on shitty message boards instead of canvassing and educating people about the kind of change that could bring prosperity and peace of mind to Americans.

Did you just pull that out of your ass?
>Current-dollar GDPincreased3.5percent, or $185.6billion, in the thirdquarter to a level of $21.53trillion. In the secondquarter, GDP increased4.7percent, or$241.4billion(tables1 and 3).

I'm doing quite well, thanks

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yea, one payment option. The level of care has nothing to do with the payment avenue. You ultimately decide which doc u wanna give ur business to by going to them for care.

Pretty sure allowance for conflicting views is the definition of democracy, not communism or socialism. Just sayin'.

>it was a bad idea to mock ideas we deem as stupid
Why? It's better than giving a seat at the table and the notion that they're legitimate.

Exactly. We need to get rid of it once and for all. Starting with the abolition of social security altogether. Boomers are the wealthiest generation of all time, being supported by the govenment on top of that is blasphemy.

actually I used google's auto select which was using 2018 stats, so you're saying american GDP is now closer to 50 times more

no no no heres the REAL problem.

your problem is with the system as it currently stands and you want it to be what you want it to be. Then you get mad when other people refuse to adopt your ideology and eventually you shoot up a school

and in norway i guess 100% is owned by the bottom 100% real life being a disney movie and all

'Better' how?

Costs nothing to be polite.

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yep knowing i'm your only option i'd be a pretty lackadaisical doctor

Better at not giving destructive ideology a foothold and brushing it off forthright.


we'll still never accept socialism/communism tho

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They don't have niggers and spics, an outlier

Assumption again. Unless you have proof of me shooting up a school because I got mad. I'll wait.

Aren't they mostly thriving off large oil industry like a middle eastern country? What happens to all that money when oil dies off?