This is Jasiri, shes a friendly hyena, please say hello

this is Jasiri, shes a friendly hyena, please say hello

Attached: smile -o.jpg (557x443, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: happy2 -o.png (974x1128, 1.14M)

Hello friend.

Hallo Jasiri, hvordan går det med deg ?

Attached: 89a8884ca5527fe73106b475987ab950.jpg (800x700, 89K)

Hello Jasiri. Can I fuck your hairy asshole please

Attached: E4C1375D-9BF6-4E30-B12F-2F641DEDCAC4.jpg (570x429, 25K)

Ahhh fuck not this thread again

No it's... hhha this thread again... do you understand ?

female hyenas have pseudo dicks

Attached: shepenis.jpg (400x420, 33K)


hey user!
i'm doing good my norwegian friend
it isn't hairy user, and its fur
what's wrong with this thread?
thats really hot

Attached: excited look -o.jpg (358x393, 15K)

Hello friendly hyena. How friendly are you?

from 1 to friendly, i'd say friendly

Attached: Jasiri hugging -o.png (850x942, 417K)


* GISP * Hvordan vet hun at vi er fra Norge, VI ER FORTAPT ! * masse kaos og bråk... AAAAAAARGGH *

Attached: 30955.png (325x300, 73K)

Heeeeelllllooooo... Jasiri... what aaarrrrrrrrrrrre YOOOOOU DOOOOOING... !!! ?

Attached: Image-2 (1).png (310x233, 38K)

not right now Niko, god damnit!

Attached: angry3 -o.jpg (1572x1029, 71K)

no need to fear!, i mean no harm!
replying to this post

Jasiri... i have a question fooor... YOU... !

Attached: maxresdefault (66).jpg (1280x720, 40K)


Attached: thatlook -o.jpg (738x960, 99K)


Attached: xgYV_Dah.jpg (400x225, 12K)

uhh, that's really personal information mickeyposter

Attached: shock -o.jpg (918x846, 318K)

Ooookey... buuut dooo yoooouu like... Janja... as... your... BOOOOOOOOOYYYYYFRIIIIIIIIEEENDEH... !!!!!! ?

Attached: MV5BZDc1NGIwZWUtYmU3Mi00ZTZhLTk0YmUtZjUwODc3NDdlYTRkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjMxNzQ2NTQ@._V1_UY1200_CR285,0, (630x1200, 41K)

mickeyposter!, you don't ask these types of questions, you should know better!

Attached: insisting -o.jpg (320x180, 7K)

Oooookeeey... sorry for asking... but... dooo yooou like... your self... as... your... GIIIIIIRRRRRRRRLFRIIIIIEEEEEENDEH... !!!!! ?

Attached: 444247030caf73e67ebae4228a77339f4508e74e_00.jpg (512x287, 12K)

i guess

Attached: explaining -o.jpg (655x466, 28K)

Imagine samefagging this hard for a joke that is not even funny.

imagine thinking that in this site filled with thousands of people, i'm the only one looking at these threads

Attached: cute yeen -o.jpg (714x776, 248K)

Go and kill yourself, nobody thinks YOU are funny, back reddit hell with you, JERK FAGGOT

>nobody thinks YOU are funny
you're wrong user, why are you so mad, i'm seriously asking, whats so upsetting about this


Attached: 1373310005226.png (639x690, 403K)

summer came early this year

You use same " fagging " i'm not gay, that's why i'm pissed of, like, Oh look at me, i used the word faggot i'm so cool, WRONG !

no such thing like friendly spotted hyena
female hyenas have dicks btw

fucking hell, as if fantasizing over an animated animal child was sad enough, the samefagging takes it to a different level.

oof, i thought you we're directing it to me, thanks for the support user, but you should tone it down a bit

Attached: sexy jasiri -o.png (818x848, 671K)

you need to define friendly, and there is one, Jasiri is friendly
>female hyenas have dicks btw
females don't have a dick, they have a pseudopenis, it looks similar to one, but its 100% clit
know biology much?
i do not commit samefaggotry, we got plenty of supporters and hyenaposters that help, but, you're free to believe what you want, since you probably hate my guts anyway

Attached: cutie jasiri -o.jpg (861x720, 49K)

this entire thread has been reported.

>thinking the mods actually give a shit even if there was a reason to remove it

Attached: sweet yeen girl -o.jpg (837x675, 52K)

iTs NoT a DiCk ItS a PsEuDo DiCk

hopefully OP kills himself once he finishes school and realises how pathetic and pointless his life is.

and its true, you're free to google it
that's really hurtful user, please apologize

Attached: jasiri sitting -o.png (1280x1567, 613K)

What the heck? Hyenas aren't friendly, they would try to kill and eat you!

Attached: Hyena.jpg (340x216, 22K)

not Jasiri, she won't do that

Attached: sweet hyena -o.jpg (950x832, 99K)

A shame she doesn't exist, then. The world needs more friendly hyenas.

Attached: hyena-face.jpg (700x465, 96K)

Quit your bullshit

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Ich wäre traurig wenn ich eines tages auf Sup Forums gehe und jasiri nicht meher sehen würde

Hi. Jasiri, sisi ni sawa my love.

she is, not bullshitting
nice yeen
that's sweet, thanks for the support my german friend
sisi ni sawa!

Attached: looking up -o.jpg (414x488, 74K)

What does she mean with "we are the same"? They are not, they are different animal species.

Attached: [email protected] (620x349, 17K)

shes not talking about species, it goes deeper than that