hey /b im in a lot of debt atm and have been thinking about committing robberies . I don't know how to do it do i rob a corner shop or do i point a knife at a stranger and demand money?? if anyone here has experience please help/
Hey /b im in a lot of debt atm and have been thinking about committing robberies...
panhandle u lazy faggot
Just go rob a cop, try to get his gun cause they sell for a lot
Im from England we don't have guns here...
sell drugs, you'll at least have a smaller chance of not getting popped for pocket change from a corner store
This doesn’t work anymore bro, nobody carries cash and stores only generally have a maximum of $400 in cash on a good day.
Everyone uses card now, this does not work.
>sell drugs, you'll at least have a smaller chance of not getting popped for pocket change from a corner store
See the logic here? No victim, much less chance of getting nailed for it. So think about VICTIMLESS offenses. Shoplifting, pulling tricks, selling drugs...
yeh thought about that but you need cash to get the drugs to sell
Catfish people online and get their credit card info. Horny losers will pay anything for the chance of female contact.
I don't care if there is a victim to be honest, I only care if theres money
Rob a drug dealer...lol...no seriously. What's he going to do call the cops? Then take his business once you've got the supply. Ever here of a nigga named Omar Little?
>I don't care if there is a victim to be honest,
Well shit why don't you just cut to the chase and go punch a cop in the teeth.
cause a cop don't have £4000 for me
Probably the best suggestion here actually
take that knife and point it at yourself first and see how it feels fucking wanker
Get a taser and taze someone and run their shit while incapacitated
just tried it, feels like theres a knife pointed at me. conclusive results...
How much debt and what are the monthy payments / interest rate? You may not be as bad of a shape as you think
You aren't going to mug somebody for 4,000 pounds, that's like five grand. No one is carrying five grand around in their wallet. You would have to put in like a full time fort hour week robbing people for that kind of cash. Sort of defeats the purpose, if you ask me.
>g-give me your w-wallet
>b-but I have a kn-kn-knife
>Spaghetti falls out of pockets
Sup Forums attempts a mugging
>do i point a knife at a stranger and demand money?? if anyone here has experience please help/
I was working a night shift in a convenience store and someone tried that. I threw the trashbag I was carrying under his fett causing him to stumble enough for me to get a couple steps ahead, I ran into the store and grabbed the metal bar on the door and put my feet on either side of the door jam and at the same time a customer was pulling into the store. If he had a gun I would NOT have pulled that shit. No way.
it don't matter at this point im not in a position to pay it when it is required that's why I need quick money