What makes you happy, Sup Forums?
What makes you happy, Sup Forums?
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Various things. Sometimes. And sometimes not. I wonder, what happiness is.
Do you have a purpose, user?
That is the only thing I have found that brought me long term happiness
>Do you have a purpose, user?
I don't know. Maybe, but I'm not aware of it.
that's a heavy question, man. why haven't i killed myself, yet? i'm betting on the whole thing getting better.
Do you have something that you wanna achieve? Something higher than yourself?
I personally want to have a family one day and causa major political and technological change, it sounds ambitions but it's what keeps me going everyday, it's my reason to get out of bed
Here, perhaps this will help you
Basically, find something you like, that you're good at, and you can make money of
Dubs, Trips, Quads, Quints And drawing frogs
>Do you have something that you wanna achieve?
Indeed. But it is mostly like pic related.
>Something higher than yourself?
I'm not sure whether I understand concept in this question.
>Basically, find something you like, that you're good at, and you can make money of
Money is not everything, although it is good thing indeed.
Diarrhea that doesnt hurt when it comes out. Shit’s so satisfying man
Shit’s so satisfying man
true, best shits ever.
>I'm not sure whether I understand concept in this question.
I mean, something you want to do that isn't fully for you
Foe example, I want to cause major political change, and I know this process will take well over a lifetime, but even so, I still want to contribute to a better world, a world where my children will not havw to suffer the way that I did, I'm planting seeds that I'm aware I might not live to eat from its fruits, I'm doing it for the sake of future generations
Absolutely nothing I guess?
I'm spending all of my time trying to get through uni, but it just feels like where I used to be ahead I keep falling behind. This shit eats up so much of my time I dont even know who I am anymore or what I enjoy. This all just seems pointless lately.
>a world where my children will not havw to suffer the way that I did
i sure hope you suffered a great deal, if not i hereby curse your children to die in war.
I hope your diherra burns like molten dorrittos young man. I hope when you go diarreha its so painful you transende into shambala where it will be written in stone that it hurt that bad and that the people will know and teach their children about lake potty wok and theyll take feild trips to mount peepee ka ka.
This ^^
Shitposting on Sup Forums
Being old and mostly home bound, the thing that really makes me happy is my daughter. Both living vicariously through her, seeing her do better then I did, and especially when she visits.
Although I have a couple friends and relatives still alive (I'm the patriarch), they more just help to pass the time then really make me happy.
Make other IRL people/posters on 4nog suffer. Especially those Sup Forumsniggers. They deserve the worst.
Thats nice user
What is it like to have a daughter? I want to have a daughter and a son one day, anything you wish you knew before becoming a father?
>What is it like to have a daughter?
For me it was the most wonderful experience. It feels like everything is new again. You pick up her wonder at movies you forgot about. Forgot how magical places like Disneyworld can be? She'll help you remember.
Both sons and daughters involve a lot of stress, time, and money. Daughters are less likely to run wild and get in trouble. But more stress, as much more can go wrong for a girl.
>anything you wish you knew
Not really, I was ready for it. Watching friends/relatives I pretty much knew what I was in for (you never fully understand until you experience). My advice is do as I did, wait until you're in your 30s. The wild was out of my system, I was better off financially (with more to spend on her), and more mature.
Thanks for the advice man, I've been reading about parenting and observing others do it as well, your input was certainly valuable
What about the wife? Anything worth mentioning about getting a girl/getting married?