I'm drunk and alone in a small room with a ceiling light. It's midnight

I'm drunk and alone in a small room with a ceiling light. It's midnight.
What ever shall I do?

Counting on you Sup Forums

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go to sleep.


already did that.

not midnight yet

Stab me ffs.

Do a hero

Sounds like a great idea mate.

>go east
>go east
>look around

Do that peruvian kid kaioken gif.
You tense your entire body trying to show off muscles (on your whole body) until you pass out.
I tried it on the bathroom and it was kinda cool.

Drink more


alllll out of vodka, and nothing else I have to drink.

Hah, that stuff's actually kind of therapeutic.
Feels good.


Looks scary as shit

send me a dickpic

I'm going to do it rn

You find a floppy disk, the label reads "Hardcore Sex for IBM PS/2"

But that would be gay, user.


Don't die :)


I like guys and gals, just fapped to a whole bunch of chicks.. I want to imagine a guy's cock in my mouth.

Fuck my face hurts now.

put on some music and vibe, dog

This may be the funniest neckbeard-related m'lady image I've ever seen. Thank you OP.

Not dead pog

The huge ammount of fat in my body didn't allowed me to tense as much as i wanted so i guess being a fat loser saved me.

yeah I thought it was a good one.
I look nothing like him IRL though
I'm a skeleton
I have a friend who literally makes swords though, he owns 3 katana swords.

Guess I'm just the best.
Snakeeyes always fucked into prison me in monopoly.


Being fat prolly would've saved jesus too :(

also Quads or bust

aaand? Gimme cock. Now.


sure crustman np

Seriously I'll coom if you do.

go outside for a walk till sunlight

Hideo Kojima created me, gave me the name crust doctor becuse I'm that fucking good at making toast.

I refuse. The bed is warm.
The desert air is not.

roll quads and i'll succ coc no kapp

Rooooooollll pleooooxx

god damn.

Quads or Bust

Check them NOW



happy + sad = happad.

Heyy...nice Elon Musky..!

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By the waY the drunk was an accident. I was just going to get buZZED butTt I didn't reaAlised how much vodka I poured intotto mu drink.

Fuckingg faggot


You know I once had a crush on a schoolmate back in highschool. He was asian, fucking adorable. I wanted to sex him. He said no tho

this is what happens when you get addicted to gateway drugs

I don't find most guys attractive.
He was just really really cute.

idc faggot, I just want whatever you're snorting

not very good vodka bought from coles.

Enjoy life, go out walk around, talk to someone, do whatever you would like to do, its your world