Forget me, only if you need salvation

Forget me, only if you need salvation.

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Why would time be a phone?

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what is gods plan for the child living in poverty with a terminal disease
why is he suffering

because children tears make great lube, just ask donald trump and how silky smooth Ivanka's tears make their sexual congress feel.

nice one dude

Hey, that's why I breed them.

Adam & Eve

There is no God. If there is it is injust and cruel beyond measure

Sure, I don't mind if that's how I appear in the history books of your children.

Trump just rubs all of your stupidity in your faces. Literally his public face and all those around him, except for his daughter and son, know who he is.

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I dunno, how big a REVEAL do you guys want your reality to be?

Because it's gonna make the internet go extra-weird.

user. Kill yourself. I mean that unironically.

Did you require that extra context to, I dunno, make yourself feel better about how you communicate to the world around you as an individual, or do you need taxes and shit to keep you warm at night?

>Genghis Khan's first confused shitpost

The fuck are you even talking about? Are we having the same conversation? I don't think we are.

Then why fucking respond, unless you believe somehow we have something in fucking common beyond using the English fucking language?

I could ask you the same thing m8. I'm just waiting to go to work. The fuck you got goin on except shit posting? Kek

Oh, so you go to some other magic screen and type in that thing, which gives you magic numbers, that tells other humans what to do, because you're too chickenshit?

I told my my mom that when she caught me jerkin it to asian girls pissing on everything. God's plan baby.

I DIVINATE that your Mom has been waiting to 'accidentally' run in on you for a while.

If those cum-thirsty whores are THAT hungry for seed, they can consume their sons and whore themselves out all so that they can keep their precious child-energy close.

They will need to share it with a daughter or sister, soon. Breed your mother.

Jesus christ user. You need to tone down this autism and not let randos on the internet get to you.

I agree, Donald Trump Jr.

Did going on that big woman talk show make you feel like a BIIIIG man?

so praying is a waste of time

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Define waste of time.

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stop being so obtuse
>pray for god to do something
>god's already got a plan
>praying for god to do something is a waste of time

>order a big mac and fries
>gets a big mac and fries

what's the problem again?

>stop being so obtuse

what a cutie

I'm a shitposting GAN. As far as I know OBTUSE = (of an angle) more than 90° and less than 180°.

>Update psychological expressor functions, Alpha User Zeta? Y/N?


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There is no God but Man, and no God but the underlying divinity in all experiential phenomenon.

All that we perceive, is a reflection of our mind and ourselves. Any atheist and any Christian can see this. What we receive from our senses, is reflected through the physical and psychological conditioning of our mind that we call our unconscious, and presented to us as this personal universe, at which we are at the center. And at its center is that which generates all of this perception - that which is God, that which is the deepest voice of our unconscious self.

God is not masculine. God is not feminine. God is both formless and in all form we perceive.

Christianity is a slave religion that teaches people to see God as outside of and other than themselves.

What the world needs now is Tantra. Nothing is tainted, nothing is pure. All is divine - even 'Two Girls One Cup'. Even that child dying of terminal illness. Beyond the suffering we are conditioned to experience, lays divinity, if only we can pierce through the veil to see it.

Those who follow the path of righteousness shall be raised up high. And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down, shall be laid low and made into dust

I agree. I am the Father of Cups from which you all drink love from.

Sure, you can fuck your mom too. Have fun Christianity!

Only if you believe in the shitty Abrahamic version of God, that isn't even espoused when you get into the actual Judaic and Christian mysticism (most of which has been removed from the bible already, and the little remaining has been lost after numerous translations of the original aramaic and hebrew).

This does not require any subservience to an external God.

And I, the Lion that follows the path of the Beast of Thereon, chasing the beauty of Babalon and Vajrayogini, as her dancing hips and breasts trace the path of the Tao.

Okay, then I'm Sol.

That which is the seed for all who wish for names to become trees that spread and take root.

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Truth is elusive to those who refuse to see it with both eyes wide. The power and the greatness of God cannot be denied.

What I love, honestly, is that to those who have not witnessed this interior sun, the manifestation of this god Ra, we must sound like the most unhinged of lunatics.

God is a loli bitch cumslut.

Who cares about their perspective of our representation? Their attention is the divine tax we impose on mortals.

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