To buy one, or not to buy one, that is the question.
>inb4 hurr durr you don't have $60k blah blah...
To buy one, or not to buy one, that is the question.
>inb4 hurr durr you don't have $60k blah blah...
Other urls found in this thread:
Plastic. Engine noise piped in through the stereo.
My personal rule for car buying is to spend AT MOST 10% of your gross pay on a car. So if you make 100k, your limit is 10k.
Plastic is not a issue. The engine sound isn't an issue either. I would probably go full catless as soon as someone has a good kit.
That sounds smart. I'm not that smart though. Currently have no income but $150k+ in the bank and kinda feel like making a bad decision. Honestly its probably a new vette or drugs and hookers... maybe both now that I think about it.
Just buy 2 or 3 rental homes and live off the proceeds. Way better than a car, honestly.
Not sure where you live but I might get one decent place or three shit holes to fix up for 150k
Corvette turned their classic muscle car into a shit tier supercar.
Meanwhile Ford is turning the Mustang into an electric SUV.
What the fuck are you guys doing over there?
>buying American cars
Corvette has never been considered a muscle car. Shit tier, affordable tier, whatever. Fuck ford I don't give a fiddlers fuck what they are up to.
American line should be white lol you know all the coke and meth and pills
buy a place you can rent out, could even go shit tier, pick up a few trailers in good shape, refurbish a bit if necessary, rent em out, steady monthly profit and reliable source of income for when that 150k runs dry
Seems like a nice car
Catless is a meme and the stock system is variable
>Catless is a meme
I want a flamethrower though
>the stock system is variable
Are you referring to the cutouts?
If you spend so much money on a car that looks like a disney character, everybody will know you're just compensation for a tiny dick.
Cunt hair shy of 6 inches... well shit lets just say 5 3/4. I suppose I could use some compensation.
They're cool. I personally like trucks. More utility.
I have a 94 ram. It's a 1/4 million mile beater but she can still turn the tires.
this guy thinks 60k is a lot of money
I do? What gave you that impression?
Consider buying an RV or at least a mini van. If you aren't financially responsible and aren't working, you may honestly need a vehicle like that to live out of.
Sadly, I'm being quite serious.
You can also always do a job or go to the beach in one.
Lol Dude I own a house and land and have a fairly diverse investment portfolio. What the hell do people think 150k just feel in my lap?
your inb4, you actually thought nobody would believe you.
If you save up for it?
Also already have a car and a truck.
Nice quads.
Actually, yes, your posts have been giving that impression, that you're young and skill-less and you got lucky with grandma's inheritance.
I expected people would doubt that I have the means to buy the car. I mean 60k is a lot to me but not a lot for a new car.
I always post like that on 4chin. Makes things more interesting. I am young though, 31. Hardly skill-less and to my knowledge no one in my family has even come close to having six figures in savings alone.
Not that it's important to be clear on this site, but in other places, you do need to be. So you may need to work on your communication style.
It does kinda look like The Bat Mobile.
Corvette is a sport/supersport dumbass
I'd rather buy an Aston Martin DB11
>So you may need to work on your communication style.
Dude this is Sup Forums... I don't come here much anymore but damn the average age of the users on this site must be getting higher. I asked, basically, should I buy a 2020 Corvette or not. Half of the responses are people worried about everything but the Corvette. You remind me of my parents in that you are not focused on the question at hand but other things that YOU think are more important. I would not buy a luxury item, let alone a car, without having my parents and my own living arrangements and what not taken care of first. I was trying to come off a little foolish to get some fun foolish responses but instead I'm getting financial and living advice lmao!
clean your room
K, mom...
If I was gonna get an Aston I would want a toro red 2002 Vanquish.
Could be that the userbase is getting older. But I think there's also a lot more anxiety because of "the current factors in the US", so people are definitely more mindful of what they spend, how they're doing, etc. They are looking down the road time-wise, and not liking what they see
I'm sorry we wet-blanketed your thread.
I'm going to trade in my 2006 corvette for one, really good looking product
splurge on a navistar defense vehicle or something similar
No worries. I suppose you are right about the current affairs in the US and people being worried. Just didn't expect this from Sup Forums.
I had a 2002 Corvette. I loved kicking the clutch and feeling the drift around a corner.
Forget all these neckbeards. These are real drivers cars.
The answer is no unless this is a play vehicle and not a daily driver.
If it is a play vehicle, then go for it. YOLO
If you have $60k to blow on a status symbol to show off how small your penis is, just buy a used Russian T-72 and then park wherever the fuck you want.
I blame SJWs
Sup Forums changes like everything else. And just personally I'm seeing a big shift towards political chat and "doom" stuff like offgrid, financial independence, SHTF, climate change, etc.
Since this is "random" it will be always quite vulnerable to bleedover from the zeitgeist of the era.
You should buy $60K of weed and sell it for $100K, then you can buy one AND a car that's not terrible.
What is it OP?
this guy owns a rolex, but doesn't know what time it is.
buy a tesla. sends a statement that you care about the planet and shit.
Yes, but buying one is much worse for the environment than a used 2000's gas guzzler.
we're all dead in 12 years anyway.
do it faget
Do it user it’s 60k and it’s mid engine is a fucking bargain
why would you post this on Sup Forums you dipshit. do you genuinely expect real responses?
wait till the ZO6 or ZR1 versions come out.
its ugly as is that for a car?
dude TOTALLY fuckin got em bro haha TOP KEK
>To buy one, or not to buy one, that is the question
get a mint split window instead of that faggotry