What was her name again?, i forgot

what was her name again?, i forgot

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wanna go bowling?

Attached: seductive look -o.png (640x360, 247K)

Oh, of course NOW you have time.

Try /c

People might actually be interested there.


pretty sure its only for anime, and Jasiri's home is here, its the only place that allows furry porn
not quite right user, but you're getting closer

Attached: sisi my sawa -o.jpg (570x429, 25K)

Why are you asking for a name when you literally just said it in your last reply?

Also try /d then. I doubt you'd get kicked out of there.

oh shit, i dun goofed
and /d/ would not have me either, as i said, only Sup Forums allows her rule34

Attached: jasiri and janja look -o.jpg (935x756, 71K)

If you're not posting porn of her, I don't give a fuck.

i'm not posting her solely for porn, if you want porn you can go on rule34

Attached: sisi ni sawa kion and jasiri -o.jpg (1024x683, 93K)

/b doesn't want you either you autistic faggot. There are hundreds of websites devoted to this shit.

yeah, and Sup Forums is one of them, you're not the one to decide what fits and doesn't fit here, thats up to the mods to decide, and as you can see, mods are faggots.

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This website is not devoted to one soyboy posting the same cartoon shit over and over every day. There are actual themed websites for that, seriously try one of them, you'll get much more positive reaction there.

point out the section of the site that states that

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Why do the lion and hyena love each other so much? I haven't seen the series.

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Would someone be ever so kind as to explain where does this meme of the hyena come from and what does it mean?

Attached: Hyena.jpg (340x216, 22K)

they're friends
the show really hinted at them getting together but nothing came out of it, think its the faggots at disney putting a stop to an interspecies thing

Attached: jasiri and kion dance -o.gif (480x270, 1.99M)

I know it is fiction BUT... how the hell are two sworn enemies such as the lions and the hyenas friends? Have you seen how they treat each other?

I hope the cartoon series explains how is that possible.

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I think it is related with people that like to dress up in animal costumes and cum on each other or something.

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they each got their own territories, i guess its mostly to make amends for the bad name they gave hyenas in the movies

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Do you remember when some legend released chlorine gas at a furry convention? I hadn't laughed that hard in years.

its not a meme, its just something i started and people joined in, we like the hyena, and we post her for various other reasons, sorry but i have to go, catch me up later or tomorrow if i don't come gack

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not really, i'd love a link for when i'm back though

So it's a forced meme then?

Awwww, look how the young lion hugs the young hyena. Isn't that cute?!

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Hmmmm...who thinks...was him..?

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So no one finds it cute, then.

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Pretty sure it's Sisi ni Sawa.

It's African.

It is cute but most people who think that are to lazy to reply


>Last to arrive as per usual.

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The world could with out any of you JasariFags
None of you will ever amount to anything and your sex life will always be whack
Dressing up as animals while so weird oldfag rides your gay asshole until you bleed
All of you should an hero