If you want to know something about troll territories, ask me

If you want to know something about troll territories, ask me

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go role play in /x/ faggot

Do you talk to you self again, go and role play " tough " somewhere else, DUMBASS

wait a second. Is that you, norway-fag?

Yes it is, retarded ameri-fag, do you get your daily autism by this again or something ?

you can tell its a bjorn by his poor sentence structure and confusing insults

Imagine being this pathetic, God how emberassing

Ja, det er jo derfor jeg snakker norsk her, fordi engelsk er helt jævli, dumme amerikane, må dere ALTID starte krangler, FAENS JÆVLA AMERIKANERE

>autistic screeching in a dead language

Do you need help, WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM, you are getting COMPLETELY retarded by this, if you hate this SO much, why do you have to visit this thread JUST for making a fight, SERIOUSLY... WHY... !!!


role play




No, answer the question, i'm only posting this very often, just tell me to stop, i will stop posting this everyday, if you please... could ask me, or tell me what's wrong

Keep posting this

85 to 90 percent of Sup Forums still loves this content

Yeah... i know but, i don't want to fight with this guy everyday, and that's why i want to know why he is doing this when i posting this

Like the other user said. This is role playing and it belongs in /x/ go post it there as it will be welcomed

Ok, if i do that, can we stop fighting then, please... ? Because i don't want to be like this you know

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Why not... ?

i mustn't say

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Ok, but... is it something i have done... ? so just tell me, i'm listening

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This image explains my position.

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I totally get it now
I understand

Do you want to tell me what you are interested in... ?

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go with gott

i collect rare and precious dad jokes

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Im more intressted in what made you a troll expert?

Good, do you want to tell some dad jokes... ?


just fuck each other already

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I am interested in the history of troll territories

Thanks user

I'm studying trolls, because i think it's very few Animalistic trolls in Norway, and i want to know and learn more about the trolls from Troll Hunter

Do they have an origin story ?

No, i said i don't want it to be like this, i feeling bad EVERYTIME i have been mean or something to other peoples, i want it to work, but maybe... i just are mean and respectless, but i said i don't want really be like that

its the jews up to their tricks! you should know them they are a sub-species of troll

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No problem my friend, so, there is 2 kind of troll territories, mountains and forests, the trolls that live inside mountains is, Dovregubbe trolls and Jotne trolls, and the trolls that live inside forests is, Tusseladd and Raglefant trolls, Dovregubber live in abondoned mines, caves, and in mountains, the Jotne trolls live only in big mountains, Tusseladd trolls can live in the forest and on the mountains, the Raglefant trolls live in forests and under bridges, more... ?

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Are you happy my friend : )

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I have moved to Television and Film if you want to find me, alright : )

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I go on that also...

Just too many Miranda Cosgrove threads....full of degeracy

Sorry, i gotta sleep, BUT... ! you can find me on Television & Film, i see you tomorrow, good night : )

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Good, i see you tomorrow, good night bro : )

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