We must avenge Hitler's death

We must avenge Hitler's death.

Gas the kikes, also niggers, spics, gooks, etc.

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i dont even think he did something like that.
but the marriage by license was his agenada

Maybe you should try this

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Jew here.

Come get me, faggot.

I will stop by.
Going to buy some chicken first.
Thanks for the invite.

You have an active fantasy life in your parents basement there I see

t. mutt.

lol stay salty jew.
No ones buying ((your)) propaganda anymore.

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Spoil alert: Nationalists don't win.

true story he die in argentina 1975

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I for one am glad you nazi racist fucks are finally coming out of the closet and into the light. Makes it all that much easier to curb stomp your asses again. Hurry.

You've never done any damage to anyone, quit pretending pencil neck

I love the delusions of grandeur that accompanies white nationalism.

I know of several people I went to school with that have since embraced white nationalism. Every single one of them, without exception, is a mediocre shitstain who lives at home with their parents, has absolutely nothing of merit to be proud of, and would lose a fight with a scarecrow. I don't worry about these faggots because their only weapon is a keyboard, and the only time they step out from behind it openly is when they're accompanied by a group of other LARPing faggots who play fun-time fascist make-believe time while the rest of the world laughs at them.

I have done plenty og damage to your mother poochie hole!

oh poochie poochie oh

lol you really dont get it do you dude?
There is nothing "progressive" about you.
You're ideology is old, dead 20th century boomer shit.
No one BELIEVES in equality anymore
No one BELIEVES in the holocaust anymore
No one BELIEVES the propaganda anymore
And you want to know why?
They finally have access to adequate information.
The internet doesn't "radicalize" people, it just gives them the facts that lead to the obvious truths that we need radical solutions to our bullshit post national multi racial cesspool of a system.
When the state gets to indoctrinate the average child for roughly 12 years at minimum and all that can be undone by some assholes on the internet in a couple months
the beliefs the state was pushing for didnt have that strong foundations to begin with!
Equality is a fucking LIE
And a obvious lie
A demonstrable, dumb and disprovable lie
And pretty fucking soon?
All the fanaticism and religious further and social "progress" the left has pushed for in the last 80 years is going to get undone by wave of teenagers questioning their boomer parrents bullshit.
Your Old.
Your Fanatical
Your Boring.
Your times is over leftist cunt.
This century belongs to the right.

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Then you've got nothing to worry about. Come on out. Please..

That's a lot of words just to say "I'm a faggot living a life of zero merit".

a little jerk off material

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Did you wipe the sweat off after typing all that? Or did you just rub one out or something. Get a new fetish

Necrophilia: The official sexual inclination of white nationalism.

lol yeah it was a bit of a sperg but fuck it it was fun to post.

idiot is what your mother is but she still had you....should have flushed you down the toilet like she did your sisters fetus.
gooday mate

Is this what you retards think an insult is? Good grief. How can white nationalists win anything when they're all such monstrous retards?

you need to be exterminated
get on your filthy knees you dog

Like I said, come do it.

That said, will you even be able to find the time? I imagine that it's very time-consuming to take pride in the achievements of great men just because they share some degree of heritage with you, despite having contributed literally nothing to society.

Underage b&


they didn't fight the nazis because they were enlightened, they did it because germany declared war on us after we declared on japan. the most woke thing that generation did was FDR New Deal economics. these days, though most people want more of that, a vocal minority like you are desperate to lick the boots of the hyper rich. many of whom, ARE JOOS!


>We must avenge Hitler's death.
k let's kill hitler

But Hitler lived a nice quiet life in Argentina after the war. There's nothing to avenge.

show us the results of your dna test

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Should watch
>The Man in the High Castle, where he wins

Bro i really dont disagree with you on much of anything.
The point of the post and the meme is NOT that the greatest generation were some terrible pieces of shit.
The point is they got betrayed
they got fucked
My grandfather did not fight for a country so that that country would one day convince his grandaughter to become a whore or murder her child in her whomb but that is exactly what the (((esablishment))) he fought for allowed.
Hell he probably wouldnt be that happy to find out his kids were forced to go to school with negros.
All this shit just shows us we fundimentally went in the WRONG direction.
And we owe it to our ancestors to create a nation for our children worth living in.

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Hmmmm...who thinks...was him..?

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My children are living just fine in this country. Maybe try and have sex one or two times and you might get your own to worry about

>Bro i really dont disagree with you on much of anything.
uh no, we disagree on everything
>a whore or murder her child in her whomb
that's not what abortion is. abortion is the termination of a non-person. fetuses don't have mental states until around 7 months. before that you can kill it for any reason and it's not even slightly immoral
>Hell he probably wouldnt be that happy to find out his kids were forced to go to school with negros.
well i am glad of that. i want to abolish private and home schooling btw and force all kids to go to integrated public schools

you're a sad creature

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>ok could be a really retarded denier then.
kek bro i fucking doubt you have children
But if you think they are living "fine" in this country you are objectively a shitty parent.
going to school with negros
Listening to oversexualized rap music
Having your daughter dress like a whore or your son watch pornography or both of them ever doing any sort of consciousness alterting drugs for non medical purposes is bullshit
And means you fucking failed as a parent.
>aybe try and have sex one or two times and you might get your own to worry about
"Be degenerate and then you wont care about the degeneracy"
Looks like your parents fucked up to man kek
Just a string of broken people
How american.

>I'm a pissed off virgin who lacks the critical thinking ability to distinguish my personal opinion from objective fact.

Fixed that for you.

> the termination of a non-person.
And yet we get pissy at the nazis for dehumanizing their victims...
>. fetuses don't have mental states until around 7 months.
And in 9 of the 50 US states you can murder a baby up untill the day before is born
Your argument is invalid
> before that you can kill it for any reason and it's not even slightly immoral
By your fucked up subjective morality?
I guess not.
But why the fuck does consciousness give value to life?
Like you clearly dont believe in a god
So in truth it really is just fuck your fucking opinion man
Anything you CLAIM the germans did in the second world war?
Inherently cannot be objectively any better or worse then the current order is morally
>well i am glad of that. i want to abolish private and home schooling btw and force all kids to go to integrated public schools
Oh lol no get that dude.
Shit like you exists.
It isnt a suprise
I just thank got that the fanatic leftist dipshits like you are a dying breed.
The 20th century saw the peak of liberalism in the world and its discrediment wtih the fall of the berlin wall
Since then we've been headed right and if Europe, America and the islamic world are any indications the trend will continue untill we have restored order to our countries through neo fascistic regimes
The future is fucking beautiful.

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>personal opinion from objective fact
I have objective foundation for my beliefs
Unlike you
You dont found it on science or religion so your opintions are just opinions while i at least can justify mine within an objective framework.

Man. You need to back up off the screen. Your syntax indicates a mind reeling. Seriously get help.

>And yet we get pissy at the nazis for dehumanizing their victims...
i didn't say human, i said person. jews are beings with minds. a 5 month fetus is not
>And in 9 of the 50 US states you can murder a baby up untill the day before is born
Your argument is invalid
false. in no state is it legal to abort a child in the third trimester except to save the life of the mother when both would die anyway
>But why the fuck does consciousness give value to life?
Like you clearly dont believe in a god
uh yeah i don't think jellyfish or bacteria have value as individuals. cats have more value than bugs. see it's actually based on some real shit rather than a magic cloud of ghost essence, faggot
>a bunch of whining and desire to be a slave of fascists then Since then we've been headed right
the united states is more liberal than it's ever been lol. bernie sanders is the most popular politician in the country. every single one of his policies enjoy majority support. single payer healthcare is even supported by a majority of republican voters. your sad fantasy keeps getting sadder every post

Come try me, faggot.

Not your personal army dumbass. The retard brought it on himself. This is what happens when you declare war on 2 almost world powers before you're done finishing off the current one you're fighting.
Also maybe he shouldn't have attacked Poland, then nobody would have declared war on him in the first place.

>get help.
Yeah man im sure the fucking problem right?
I mean god knows the VAST majority of people in 1950 were all just schitzos who needed to take their meds lol
as well as the people in 1900
and the people in 1850....
And the vast Vast VAST majority of people throoughout history
all of them bat shit insane right?
Cause they had different values then you
blow it out your retard.
>lse. in no state is it legal to abort a child in the third trimester except to save the life of the mother when both would die anyway
Thats not the case in new york or maryland dude
I know that for a fact
google it if you dont believe me
> see it's actually based on some real shit rather than a magic cloud of ghost essence
That still doesnt explain WHY you value consciousness
And theirs a very simple reason you cant explain why to
Its arbitrary.
Even if you were smart enough to say concious beings can suffer more then non conciouss beings (which apparently you werent)
You still fundimentally would not have a reason to value you this
Other then your "feelings"
>the united states is more liberal than it's ever been lol.
More liberal then it was when it elected barack obama?
Your time is over dude.
>bernie sanders is the most popular politician in the country.
No lol
He cant even make out a majority of the dem feild dude
Warren is going to be the nominee and shes going to get raped by trump in the general.
>every single one of his policies enjoy majority support. single payer healthcare is even supported by a majority of republican voters.
That same poll found a majority did NOT support it when they found out they would have to give up their current coverage
your just playing off the ignorance of the general american voter dude
>our sad fantasy keeps getting sadder every post
My "sad" fantasy? lol
The same one that wasnt going to come true in 2016?
or the one that was not going to get salvini elected?
But im sure THIS your gona stop me hu? lolgetoveryourself

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I don't think they're referring to your specific views so much as they're referring to your erratic, paranoid way of communicating. It comes off massively as schitzposting.

Ok incel.

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The DNC was rigged dude, just cause the people with the platform don't like Bernie doesn't mean he's not the most popular amongst the populace.


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I believe gravity exists, but it's objectively true. Wow, what a concept.

poor whites in america are so cucked.

Bro "how i sound" is of no consequence to the nature of the debate.
It doesnt MEAN anything
It basically boils down to "boo what you are saying"
And it should be treated as such.
Bernie has a core following dude, and i think he'd have a better chance of winning a general then most in the field
but socialist jew isnt exactly going to have an easy time of in fly over country (unless of course the economy hits a deep recession)
Yeah faggot.
Beliefs can be based objective realities.
The Purpose of human life is either inherently to serve a god (if a god specifcally created us)
Or to serve their nature
Our nature is to survive long enough to reproduce through evolution meaning that the inherent MEANING of our lives is to pass on our genes.
This would, in very broad strokes, mean that National Socialism is the only legitimate ideology as it is the only one that focuses on our primary purpose as biological organisms and uses that to construct policy from.

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Sure. I bet you just published your latest physics treatise on the creation of gravitational force, Einstein.

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>objective realities
You know you're a turd munching tard, right?

Okay boomer.

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>Thats not the case in new york or maryland dude
>I know that for a fact
>google it if you dont believe me
Q: Does the new New York law allow full-term abortions?

A: The law permits abortions after 24 weeks if a health care professional determines the health or life of the mother is at risk, or the fetus is not viable.

>That still doesnt explain WHY you value consciousness
i'm a conscious social animal and i value myself and others like me. if you want to dig down to literally anything anyone values it's going to come down to their inherent nature

>Even if you were smart enough to say concious beings can suffer more then non conciouss beings (which apparently you werent)
i don't believe they do physically. i think a bug's physical pain is equal to a person's more or less. so i usually don't kill them and if i do i do it as quickly as possible.
>More liberal then it was when it elected barack obama?
Your time is over dude.
yes, more liberal than when center right black man obama was elected

>No lol
He cant even make out a majority of the dem feild dude
Warren is going to be the nominee and shes going to get raped by trump in the general.

she might if the dems steal it from DEMONSTRABLY the most popular politician in the country. she could win against trump if she copies bernie and lose if she copies hillary. bernie would have won

>That same poll found a majority did NOT support it when they found out they would have to give up their current coverage
but when you go further to explain they get to keep their doctor and hospital because medicare for all is just single payer health insurance that pays the doctor for you, they are for it. dishonest framing CAN make people go against their own interests, you're right on that

>My "sad" fantasy? lol
The same one that wasnt going to come true in 2016?
i predicted trump, a standard republican, had a solid chance of winning. fascism is your fantasy

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objective BASIS for beliefs. try not being retarded on purpose, user. Sup Forums has standards for god's sake

Beliefs are by definition subjective, even if the believer claims some basis in "objective reality", whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.
I bet you believe your normal too, dumbfuck.

>or the fetus is not viable.
Good to know where still good with exterminating retards if its in their mothers womb lmao
>i'm a conscious social animal and i value myself and others like me. if you want to dig down to literally anything anyone values it's going to come down to their inherent nature
This is true.
And are nature is evolutionary animals
This is why virtually ever culture throughout the world was/is patriachail, anti-homsexual and xenophobic.
Its in our evolutionary interest.
> i think a bug's physical pain is equal to a person's more or less.
But a fetus?
Nah nigga
they dont feel sheeeeeeeeeeeeitttttttttttttt
fucking retard.
>yes, more liberal than when center right black man obama was elected
Thats just fucking dumb dude.
Half the country has accepted being labeled as "fascists" and is mainstreaming ethno nationalism
>she could win against trump if she copies bernie and lose if she copies hillary.
Shes not as charimsatic as bernie either dude
Odds are id say she gets cucked out of it either way.
>dishonest framing CAN make people go against their own interests
"Dishonest framing"
Explain to them what the tax raises and minum wage rises will do to the US economy and their fucking jobs when the dems inevitably repeal trumps tarrifs and se if their still liberal then
If the standard is "dishonest framing" lol
> fascism is your fantasy
Fascisms just the way the worlds going man.
Love it or hated that is cleary what the century is shooting towards.
You can se it here in america as well as in europe and the middle east to.
People are sick of socially liberal degenercy and its probably going to end in blood

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yep, you're still retarded. objective reality is the universe outside of a conscious mind, nigger. if you want to mentally masturbate then by all means, spout solipsism like it's a valid line of thinking

Your gesture is pointless. Through techno-wizardry, I shall travel back through time and kill the one who took out Hitler before he gets the chance, changing the present.

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yeah, it's going to die. you want to let fetuses die in women so they aren't killed?

>This is why virtually ever culture throughout the world was/is patriachail, anti-homsexual and xenophobic.

most cultures were patriarchal, not 'virtually all", because of land inheritance. men had to be sure their offspring was actually their own so they kept women on a tight leash. we have dna tests now. anti-homosexuality is really more of an abrahamic tradition, you jew nigger. xenophobia, no. they were cautious around new and strange things and people. not all of humanity was nazis since time immemorial

>But a fetus?
Nah nigga
they dont feel sheeeeeeeeeeeeitttttttttttttt
fucking retard.

fetuses don't have a perception of pain like a bug does, just a reaction to stimuli like a jellyfish. it's more immoral to squash a bug than to abort a fetus

>Explain to them what the tax raises and minum wage rises will do to the US economy and their fucking jobs when the dems inevitably repeal trumps tarrifs and se if their still liberal then
If the standard is "dishonest framing" lol

raising taxes and minimum wages will raise the standard of living to the level of a first world country. keep pretending this hasn't been done successfully in the countries with the highest standard of living, cuck. the koch brothers are getting you on the cheap lol. and yeah actual liberals (not center right democrats) are down with tariffs when done competently, which trump isn't capable of

>Fascisms just the way the worlds going man.
Love it or hated that is cleary what the century is shooting towards.
yeah in latin america where american billionaires are funding death squads lol. not in the united states. the united states is becoming more liberal thanks partially to bernard sanders popularizing his very moderate policies

>People are sick of socially liberal degenercy
lol retard learn english. but seriously, that's wrong

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I love these, post more.

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>objective reality is the universe outside of a conscious mind
You just admitted your beliefs are based on things outside of conscious thought, brainstem. Way to refute yourself.

>but socialist jew isnt exactly going to have an easy time of in fly over country
actually he does really good there. bernie is BETTER for getting support from rural working people than any other dem because he's focused on empowering american workers and not on his own color or genitals

>You just admitted your beliefs are based on things outside of conscious thought
yeah lol they have an objective basis. jesus christ how do you remember to breathe?

> you want to let fetuses die in women so they aren't killed?
Id just let them live as long as they could
>not all of humanity was nazis since time immemorial
Fair enough user
But most people had alot more common with the nazis since time immemorial then they do with "modern" people
>fetuses don't have a perception of pain like a bug does, just a reaction to stimuli like a jellyfish. it's more immoral to squash a bug than to abort a fetus
Nurocortex and pain censors exist very early on in the life span of the fetus
>raising taxes and minimum wages will raise the standard of living to the level of a first world country.
if they were done right
But god fucking knows them dems are corperatist shills who will do away with trumps tarrifss for "muh free trade" and all the jobs will go right back to fucking china
>yeah in latin america where american billionaires are funding death squads lol. not in the united states. the united states is becoming more liberal thanks partially to bernard sanders popularizing his very moderate policies
We'll se user
But i got a feeling im gona come out on top of this one
the 20s will be a time of massive rightwing cultural revoluion
>but seriously, that's wrong
You se user between the empire state building and los angeles theres this place....

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They have an objective basis outside consciousness? Th'fuk is that even supposed to mean dimwatt?

Stop projecting

>men had to be sure their offspring was actually their own so they kept women on a tight leash
Uhh, according to my friend, Dr. Christopher Ryan, in our early days, this is how he explained it to me, everyone fucked around and the kids were all of the tribe. Essentially. It makes sense to me. By the way have you smoked DMT?

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yeah i'm talking about after agriculture. hunter gatherers had men mostly hunting and women mostly gathering but it wasn't like women were seen as property of men. that's really a land inheritance thing. fathers trading daughters to their husbands and shit

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reality directly effects your consciousness because you live in it. your perception is a filter, that doesn't mean you have zero access to reality

Hm. Isn't that dishonest though? You're ignoring hundreds of thousands of years of evolution to make the case for a small timeframe to fit into your argument? What's that Jamie? Jesus look at that chimp. If that thing gets a hold of you it's a wrap son.

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Joe could skull fuck Hitler.
And I’d cum cum to it

>You're ignoring hundreds of thousands of years of evolution to make the case for a small timeframe to fit into your argument?
i'm directly referring to our hundreds of thousands of years of hunting and gathering retard

Glad you're so sure. Scientists and philosophers disagree. What you experience consciously as "reality" is a construct created by your brain from limited sensory input. The universe as depicted by our sad human brains is akin to a stick figure drawing compared to the entire human race.

>i want to abolish private and home schooling btw and force all kids to go to integrated public schools
and you're calling him a sad creature

They fought to preserve their countries, but unfortunately in preventing the rise of a German superpower, they also paved the way for American and Soviet superpowers, both largely controlled by international jews. Never forget untold millions have lived and died before us, and of those the great majority would be considered right wing extremists by today's standards. But I do not believe the ethnoglobe is the answer; the ashkenazim are the only ones whose behavior has been consistently horrendous. They've been just as awful to the rest of the world too, there's no need to make an enemy of the whole world when our true enemies only make up a tiny fraction of it, and have you seen the IDF? It's clear to me - the fighting will be the easy part.

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>What you experience consciously as "reality" is a construct created by your brain from limited sensory input
i just said that. so apparently scientists agree with me.

Doing my part commiting sudoku this month.
Heil cobra

>>i want to abolish private and home schooling btw and force all kids to go to integrated public schools
>and you're calling him a sad creature
yes, i want to make it illegal for the rich to funnel money out of the education system and brainwash their kids into being sociopathic oligarchs, and i want to make it illegal for cultists to brainwash their kids into believing the earth is 6000 years old or that the earth goddess can cure cancer with honey and blueberries. public schools exist for a reason and both of these things heavily undermine them

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So you think the societies at dawn were egalitarian? I am not really following your discussion with the other guy.

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>The international jews control us, but also can be easily defeated

well men and women generally had different jobs unless a rare tranny was born but one wasn't seen as superior to the other


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Do you have any interesting sources that made you make this conclusion? Do you think it was a privilege for a woman to go with a group of hunters, tend to the campfire and to them when they got back from the hunt?

>implying the national socialists workers party were pro unregulated capitalism

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