greeting i know everything ask me anything
Greeting i know everything ask me anything
lotto numbers for my area pls
7-23-28-29-33 5-8
now we both gonna win on friday.
Why couldn't I save her?
Well, if you know everything, then you can tell me what my best move is now. What is it?
When will the bitch let me see my kid again?
she;s a cartoon. you couldnt save the suffragettes cause you weren't alive back then.
E5 to E7
14th of December.
what is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen european swallow?
Answer my question. I didn't ask it, but since you know everything, you should know the question.
no you shouldn't have sex with a trap.
Well, shit!
When and how will I die?
what's her name?
may 2023, od
does magic exist?
Whats the acronym for "Indian detective knowledge"
will he ever come back?
No. And God hates fags.
what is my name
i see what you're trying to do here and it is very stupid.
he will
he was referring to his father, but you are correct God hates homosexuals its a grave sin as well as a mental illness and a public health hazard of the highest magnitude.. all normal people shun them.
Will she ever quit being a hoe and drinking all the time and want a real family?
yes but she won't look as good and her mind will deteriorate.
lol no
How did jews bring up the Power to destroy and occupied an Free World country that Show up they nasty work to nowadays?
(Excuse my english)
And how many did really die at the "Holocaust"
Thanks op prob need to move on. Just want my kid back in my life
do not lie michael.
gentiles are weak for money and often stupid jews exploit those weaknesses, also their relative physical similarity to white people helped them.
I'm sorry but this will be a long and a hard journey. that will start to improve once he turns 18
around 300,000 died in the 'holocaust' no gas chambers were used, most died due to starvation and outbreaks of disease towards the end of the war, minority were shot.
What's my middle name?
nope, nice try though user
don't lie
will it ever happen?
no it won't
Why were you too stupid to not simply post the answers to questions you would have been asked, thus proving your knowledge of everything?
because multiple posters would think the answer is for them.
This cannot be answered. OP is incapable and it shows
i am omnicapable but i don't waste my time or effort on stupidity like that.
Didn't answer the question. At all. Try again?
i did. can you not read?
Because you're unable to answer. We know. Post the questions you'll receive for the rest of the thread and answer them. That'd be impressive
Ye, I asked it. Why are you too stupid? It s a really simple question
Lol. Derailed
Alright, since you know everything you know what I'll mean by my question: Should I go through all that hassle and bullshit to get what I want? Is it really worth it?
I'm not stupid I know everything as ive demonstrated in this thread so far.
i know you are half nigger retard, i can understand you since i know everything, but there is nothing to answer to your nigger babble.
yes it is.
Okay, I'll go to America and fuck his tight boyhole, thanks OP
thats not what you wanted to ask.
Where the fuck do i find a job to get out of my parents house and go live on my own?
Lol derailed and mad. You apparently know nothing about replying to trolls
That was exactly my question. I asked if I should go through all the fucking bullshit of getting the money and going to USA to fuck this cd I met online. And you said it's worth it.
mmmm curry pussy
Derailed and I can absolutely prove it op. Here is my question: if I asked you to suck my dick,would the answer to that question be the same as the answer to this one?
>watch closely children, this either will be ignored, or there will be a comment akin to" I'm too smart to answer this niggery bullshit"
how will i take over the world?
What is the meaning of life?