Jew here

Jew here.

If you killed me off today, your life would still be an empty pile of shit tomorrow. Sorry I can't be the answer to your problems, but you fucked up your own life, not the Jews.

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ugh, stop jewing for a minute, okay?

Nahhh. I don't owe you that.

Well said Op. Non jew here. I agree

So what you're saying is all the Jews need to be killed then? Message received, thank you

Come on, time to pass the victim torch, it's been sucked dry. How about you give it to the Palestinians?

By all means, give it a try. You won't though, because you're waiting for somebody else to do it for you, just like everything else in your life.

I'm not a victim by any stretch of the imagination, nor are the faggots who think they're victimized by my existence.

Notice how Eskimos, aboriginals, Chileans, Ethiopians, Pacific Islanders, Mongolians, ect feel no need to make such threads.
Only the Jews.
Really makes you think.....

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The circumcision shit is pretty bad though. Get your shit together.

Eskimos, aboriginals, chileans, ethiopians, pacific islanders and mongolians aren't the subject of a vast conspiracy theory perpetuated by unremarkable retards who blame them for every ill in their lives and in society and believe that forced extermination will somehow make their lives better.

Yes, yes, kike, we get it, all evidence of your people being parasitic vermin are (((conspiracy theories))), you've said it incessantly the past century.

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Gas yourself kike

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How about you come do it for me? Can't lean on others to do the work for you your whole life, you know.

>expelled from hundreds of nations through the millennia
>somehow it is never your own fault
Yid logic, everybody.

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your wrong the jews are responsible for injuring me makin me miss my wedding, jwish fault. the jews make shitty drugs that give u the flu, jewish fault FUCK YOU OP and your bird flu blaack

>lgbt history

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GaYz iS bAd, gUiSe! J00z toO!

sheeeit, you some kind of magician?

shut up jew

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Challenge accepted schmoolie

Awwww, poor shill, it doesn't know what to do when you come armed with facts.

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but i don't hate kikes, you self absorbed retard

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Lol everywhere Jews arent.
>being this victim

LOL. Equating teaching history with indoctrination. I had to learn Chinese and history and the history of economics as courses in high school. Learning anything isn't indoctrination. Learning something is being able to think critically about it. But this is Sup Forums so carry on with the stupidity

Like you're ever going to do shit about anything in your life.

Well of course it will take more than one day reverse the damage of the jew.
Jews own the media, hollywood, and the banking system.
Once we replace them with people who are less greedy the change should be amazing
(One important example)
The US gives jews more than $20 Billion a year to fight a war with sandpeople and other bullshit i dont care about. That money can be used to fix all of the things your kind has started.
LGBT movement, partisan hatred in politics, the super cucking of the lower class.
Realistically, if all jews disappeared the war between israel and palestine would be over and there would be no more extremists moving into the US and Europe raping women and trying to instill Sharia law.
Regardless if you were a jew or not if a whole race of jews disappeared thanos style then all that wealth would be opened up to the US and the rest of the world. We can finally have our humor back and people willl be more willing to stand against everything you were trying to push.
The drop in the world population would be a plus

Sometimes I wish the Holocaust actually happened.

Just kidding. I have no feelings whatsoever because I have no exposure ti them

>not even denying that kikes push gay agenda degeneracy down everybody's throats

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Im from a small town in Iceland, only seen kike 1 time, we took his little hat and spit on him never saw juden again

Let's say that Jews cease to exist tomorrow. Do you really think that the people who take their place will be any less greedy?

I get why you make these threads, but do you honestly think there's a shred of decency and humility in internet nazis where they'd admit to themselves that this is true?

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I love how you ignore that post where he talked about JEWS being expelled from hundred of nations throughout history. Now is everybody throughout history of all cultures but the jews wrong?

Yes. So long as they're white. White people have objectively been proven to be the most altruistic race in earth.

Of course not, it's just funny.

Lol like making a stupid Jew reply three times to troll comments?

Doesn't mean that individuals won't be greedy assholes. It's not just Jewish billionaires who rape the world for their own profits.

Yeah, I'd say that's pretty much the extent of your potential. At least when I make these threads, I know it's just fucking around. I'm not under some retarded delusion that I'm fighting the good fight or doing anything worth a damn by anonymously crying about teh J00z on an internet forum.

It depends on who and why the new people take on power. When people see what happens without their jewish overlords trying to dictate their life and free speech they will never allow for this to happen again. I cant forget the mention the Jewish billionaires everywhere whose wealth can be taken in to help with accommodating public services like rebuilding infrastructure or training the replacements of all those jobs in media, entertainment, and banking

Four times. Excuse me.

I pull strings. You dance. Got it?

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I can think of a few million Palestinians who would disagree with you completely.

You're delusional. The endless thirst for wealth and power isn't somehow unique to Jews. It's no different in white oligarchs, chinese oligarchs, African warlords who act as oligarchs. The second there's a vacancy in the seat of power, hundreds of thousands of psychopaths from all walks of life will be stepping on each other's necks trying to fill that void. You can't just ball up all the worst qualities of human nature and assign them to Jews, and then act like without Jews those things wouldn't exist. It's HUMAN nature, and humans will deliver as they always have, with or without the presence of Jewish people.

Ryan Dawson proved Mossad did 9/11

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Since you're replying to my thread, isn't it you who's dancing? You're the one taking the time out of your day to indulge my bullshit.

Lol, implying Jews are human

Hey man, i still want that yarmulka back! Don't think i forgot about those 3 kippahs you still owe me.

The only direct damage Ive had from jews was having to pay way too much for a diamond. It is a fair question to ask though, Why have they been hated throughout history?

If not human, then what?

HA, Got'em

A bunch of reasons. Some valid, many less valid, and none of which apply to me as an individual living an ordinary life.

Actually what I'm doing is making troll comments that discredit or give doubt to what you're saying. You're the one who's butthurt trying to justify yourself and make Jews the victim by implying I'm smashing f5 for your whiny replies schmoolie. I'm off today and I have a Sup Forums pass, this is entertaining to me. Get madder, put a draedle in your ass

>b-b-but it's just honest criticism ;_;

If you become a Muslim are you still Jewish?

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spoken like a true jew cock sucker

Keep fighting the good fight, little guy.

Technically, yes, at least according to Jewish law. Doesn't really mean anything, but the Jewish community would still consider you Jewish.

>nobody has ever used mean words to criticize anybody but Jews
You're a race of fucking crybabies.
What's the saying?
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Keep replying schlomo, you're winning for an entire sub-species. Meanwhile, no one still likes Jews kiddo

I think I will. You're entertaining.

I love how white nationalists will shit all over Jews for whining while simultaneously whining incessantly about how bad the Jews are and how your society would be a literal utopia if not for their influence.

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The rapid rate at which hitler and the nazi party restored the german economy after kicking you rats out begs to differ.

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>wanting to see your community prosper is "whining"
The Jew's own words, everyone.

If you want to see your community prosper, get off your ass and do something to contribute to that. LARPing on Sup Forums won't accomplish shit.

what about systematic racism?

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No thanks, Mr. FBI agent, I seek political solutions only. Why don't you go spray paint some backwards swastikas on your local synagogue.

What about it?

>valid point which can't be disproved

Oh Schlomo! Clean up on aisle jew!

So let me get this straight... I tell you to do something with your life to achieve your goals, and that makes me an FBI Agent?

I didn't say "Go out and start killing people" I said, "get off your ass and do something to contribute". That includes political agendas.

Fuck off you dirty fuck.
You and your kind stink.
You are the problem.
You murderer.

Sorry pal, I haven't murdered anybody. Have you?

No one cares about you. You're not important.

No such thing as a jew. You are a white person. Nothing special about you at all.
Fuck off faggot.

just saying, sounds like you're pretending to be white again and you can't even realize it

>No one cares about you.
>Literally hundreds of threads a day crying about how awful the big bad joos are.

i can hit refresh and read 5 replies of people falling for each others bait you guys are beyond degenerates

Who's pretending? I am white. I was always white and always saw myself as white until I came across White Nationalists who insist that I'm not.

Your mother killed your father for being a pest. Like you are doing right now. Pests need exterminating.
Bye Bye

I'm pretty sure you're just butthurt that there IS a vast Jewish conspiracy theory, and yet (((they))) still don't want you to be a part of it.

Wait. You'll be the Jew rep when trying to point out false reasons why we hate Jews,but you won't even acknowledge the lives your sub race has taken/ruined? You're living in denial and should be ashamed

That's weird, I'm quite certain that both of my parents are still alive.

If I'm complicit in the taking of lives, then so are you and everybody else in the world.

Jews arent white

My invitation to the secret conspiracy meetings must have been lost in the mail.

Right, that's what you believe, I understand that. Let me know when that proclamation means anything. My upbringing was pretty standard of a white American kid.

>just kidding

you are weird for responding to weird
seek attention elsewhere before i hack your ip

Interesting, just skin color?
What about mizrahi and sephardi? not a Jew actually white (English/Irish)
3. Neither myself or anyone I've ever know has taken a life

Lol what Jew so mad about mang?

And where on Earth do Jews hail from schlomo?

Hack my IP, by all means. Find where I live, come do something about it.

And newsflash: Sup Forums is anonymous. If I was seeking attention, I'd probably do it in a place where I can actually get the credit. All I'm doing is engaging retards for fun.

Sure my life would still suck but I would be a little bit happier knowing there is one less kike out there.

Probably less so, but the vast majority of Jews are Ashkenazi, and when nearly everybody talks about "The jews", they're talking about Ashkenazi, who are white.

Neither I nor anybody I know has taken a life either. If your point was about group responsibility, then you're responsible for the lives taken by ANY English/Irish person in history.

Shut up, you're just being stupid with shit like that

12 East Orlando Court Chula Vista CA come at me leet hackin' man

Oh wait. You're a dipshit and can't. My bad

Originally? The story says Israel, but I find it more likely that I probably descend from someone who converted hundreds or even over a thousand years ago.

in that sense, I'm from Eastern Europe, though I personally was born and raised in the USA.

Except I'm American and not a Jew sowwy puppet

I'm an American too. Probably not by your arbitrary standards, but nobody cares about your standards.