Goodbye, Sup Forums.
Goodbye, Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
oh my gosh this imagine is the most disguting and offensive thing I have ever seen.
Kill yourself.
There is everything wrong with this
I hope I die now because I cannot recover from such filth.
What was that post?
thats actually the most fucked up thing I've seen on here, I've had enough for tonight
What was it?
You are lucky to not know.
You absolute degenerate nigger.
Didn't they create TOR for people like you?
Why shit up this board any further? Just because the mods will take 10 mins to delete it?
Fuck you man
I'm assuming it was CP?
We need a genocide for pedos.
Fuck me that was fucked
Lol goodbye, enjoy prison
thanks now my butt hurts
what the fuck did this guy post?
We can't discuss it becaause its against the rules
So CP.
It fucking astounds me people with this type of content are legally allowed on the internet.
Probably one of those pics that says reply like it's nasty shit and they delete it
Compared to this
Hitler doesn't seem so bad
Again? Really?
reply like it was fucked up, I'll delete this post, watch the newfags blah blah blah
You can't delete OP images without deleting the entire thread
the absolut madlad
Goddamn son
What astounds me is that this type of bait still exists.
Dude, he just posted something, deleted it and then is replying to himself a bunch of times to make it seem like something interesting happened.
not a oldfag but have never seen anything liek that
20 posters 33 replies seems like you may be correct
What the actual fuck! How is this shit not deleted?! MODS?!
Oh. I reload the thread and the image is gone. Auto filtered maybe?
Whatever. That was several shades of fucked up.
Nice digits Sup Forumsro
the image was a bucket of chicken.
get over it fellas
nummy nummy
Yes and it looked delicious. One does not simply buy a bucket of chicken in Denmark ffs
Everything's a tradeoff.
You got free healthcare? We got buckets of chicken.
Plus, we'll let you in no questions asked... as long as you're not wh*te. (Free open-border-for-PoC policy has been suspended until end of January, 2025.)
You are an ass ~ hole.
Anyone could have done that. Hell, I did it.
But you didn't see me shitting this up and spoonfeeding it to all the reactionaries.
You're not just a boomer. You're the worst kind of boomer.
You're a young boomer.
You’re a sick fuck. I hope your mother catches you with that on your computer.
That’s not the original image I saw. You’re just trying to cover your tracks OP. You’re going to jail for having that image.
Poor attempt at saving it desu
Way to hit the wrong target, Melvin.
nice one op